Migrating from SVN to Git
首先我们需要在Stach或者GitHub上新建一个Repository, 拿到它的URL。 接下来参照如下步骤 :
At first we should create a new git repository at Stash and get the repository URL, and then follow below steps:
1. 切换到本地git工作目录
change to the git working directory :
$cd c:/git
2. 将svn目录格式转换为git形式, 可选为标准格式或Trunk格式
--import the contents (svn repository) into the new Git repository:
this command transform the trunk, branches, and tags in SVN repostory into a new repository.
Depending on different structure of SVN layout, we need different parameter for this command.
[1] $git svn clone [svn repository url] -s
-s : standard layout, there should be trunk,branches, and tags for SVN repository.
[2] $git svn clone [svn repository url] -t Trunk
-t Trunk : only for trunk
3. 连接同步本地库和远程库
$git remote add origin [git repository url]
this command is used to add a remote which is just a shotcut for the git repository url.
Now we use the command to add a remote "origin" for our new git repository
4. 推送本地代码到远程分支
$git push origin --all
this command push all the local repository to bitbucket repository.
If you just need to push specific branch, such as "master" , use this command :
$git push origin master
After these , Bitbucket repository is now a clone of local repository, we can check the history at the Stash.