• July 02nd 2017 Week 27th Sunday

    No safe wading in an unknown water.


    Is this the theory that has been the guideline for the China's reformation:

    Crossing the river by feeling for the stones.

    There is surely no solid answer about whether it is safe when wading in an unknown field.

    But we can move steadily, step by step, or use some tools, like a stick, to see if the next step would be safe or not.

    By doing these trials and keeping cautious when taking every step, we can avoid considerable amouts of risks. Besides, when wading in an unknown field, it is not safe to stay at the same location for too long.

    Recently I always feel depressed, maybe such feelings have prevailed my brain for a long time, I must do something to get rid of such feelings.

    Hard work may not always result in success, but it will never result in regret.

    And sometimes it is only after we have lost everything that we are free to do anything.

    To find something, anything, a great truth, or a lost pair of glasses, we must first believe there must be some advantage in finding it.

    The best way to predict the future is to invent it.


    From Alan Kay.

    No matter what had happened yesterday, no matter what will happen tomorrow, we still have today.

    And today is the most important, for the best preparation for tomorrow and the best way to commemorate yesterday is doing our best today.

    Some may dispute that the future is uncertain, there are too many factors wanting to exert their influences on the appearance of the future. 

    Sometimes even if you think you are sure to have a bright future, some uninvited events may come and mess up all the things.

    When it happens, your reaction would decide whether you are really strong or not.

    What about your choice? To bow your neck to the fate, or to stand up again and launch a new round of attack aginst the fate?

    The great men were not born great, they grow great. 

    If you want to be great, or just to be extraordinary, how about trying again to invent your future, maybe you can see your days later.

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