• CodeWarrior V6.3在windows7 64位系统下的安装

      由于需要用到飞思卡尔的MC9S08DZ60芯片,需要安装开发环境CW_MCU_V6.3,PC操作系统为windows7 64位,同学的笔记本64位的系统也是安装不了该软件,我决定在官网上看看,有没有解决办法;毕竟64位系统用了比较久的时间,各种软件也安装上去了,再换系统比较麻烦;

      在NXP官网看到一篇文档《How to install and run Classic CodeWarrior products on 64-bit
    Windows 7 PC》,使用windows7 的virtual XP mode进行安装,感觉靠谱,赶紧到微软官网下载了几个插件包,装上了这货,CW 6.3软件拷贝到虚拟机XP C盘进行安装,还是可用的,接着安装USBDM驱动,插上设备之后指示灯正常,但通过CW6.3调试软件就是检测不到设备,各种驱动重装之后无效,放弃,考虑虚拟机是微软官方提供对的,兼容性和性能应该还好呀,但是就搞不定。


      搞了两天,没效果,打算使用vmware虚拟机方式实验一下;就在这个时候,在NXP官网晃荡又发现了一个话题讨论《Install CodeWarrior 6.3 Windows 7 & 10 x64 directly (Classic version)》,看了一下貌似有效,没其他办法,先体验一下吧,下面给出官方链接:


    Main Installation steps (Windows 7/10 64-bit):
    1. Download Special Edition: CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers here: CW_MCU_V6_3_SE.exe which is for most RS08, S08, ColdFire V1。{下载CW安装程序}

    2. Install 7Zip, with it extract CW_MCU_V6_3_SE.exe (instead of running the exe; right click it and extract) to a folder。{下载提取软件,提取安装包}

    3. Download and extract RemoveOSCheck.vbs.zip (attached below or mirror) and move it your extracted folder. {下载安装包系统版本检测移除工具,这个需要翻下墙}

    4. Drag and drop CW_MCUs_V6_3.msi onto RemoveOSCheck.vbs giving a series of messages like "Launch Conditions Removed"{拖拽使用该文件去除CW 6.3软件系统版本检查}。

    5. Run the setup.exe file located in the extracted folder, skipping updates for now.
    {运行setup.exe文件安装CW 6.3,注意去掉更新选项}

    Note: If the setup file try running setup.exe again as administrator (via right click menu).
    Note: For Windows 8/10 you may need to do a custom install and uncheck the ICEbase and Softec debugger driver

    6. Install the updates listed below (most are not offered by the updater).

    7. If you have/need a license file, install it by copying your license.dat into C:Program Files (x86)FreescaleCodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.3
    Note: for <=64KB code use this free one from Freescale open to ANY hostid (great for cloning machines in labs)

    8. Run the software as administrator (using right click menu) at least once.

    跟着上面的步骤CW 6.3软件在我的windows 7 64位系统上安装成功。


    如果出现安装 BDM 软件后,进入仿真时,无法弹出电压配置菜单(下图配置菜单)需要将对应GDI文件拷贝到 CW 6.3安装目录下:


    这里对应的CW 6.3安装路径是在如下的路径:




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