• stata如何建立交互项

    1. 建立新变量

    gen z=x*y

    2. addition to typing variable names from your data, you can type factor variables, which might look like


      Operator  Description

    i. unary operator to specify indicators
    c. unary operator to treat as continuous
    # binary operator to specify interactions
    ## binary operator to specify factorial interactions

    3. Here are some examples of use of the operators:

             specification     Result
             i.group           indicators for levels of group

             i.group#i.sex     indicators for each combination of levels of group and sex, a two-way interaction

             group#sex         same as i.group#i.sex

             group#sex#arm     indicators for each combination of levels of group, sex, and arm, a three-way interaction

             group##sex        same as i.group i.sex group#sex

             group##sex##arm   same as i.group i.sex i.arm group#sex group#arm sex#arm group#sex#arm

             sex#c.age         two variables -- age for males and 0 elsewhere, and age for females and 0 elsewhere; if age
                                 is also in the model, one of the two virtual variables will be treated as a base

             sex##c.age        same as i.sex age sex#c.age

             c.age             same as age

             c.age#c.age       age squared

             c.age#c.age#c.age age cubed

    Base levels

        You can specify the base level of a factor variable by using the ib. operator.  The syntax is

               operator(*)    Description
               ib#.           use # as base, #=value of variable
               ib(##).        use the #th ordered value as base (**)
               ib(first).     use smallest value as base (the default)
               ib(last).      use largest value as base
               ib(freq).      use most frequent value as base
               ibn.           no base level
                (*) The i may be omitted.  For instance, you may type ib2.group or b2.group.
               (**) For example, ib(#2). means to use the second value as the base.

        If you want to use group==3 as the base in a regression, you can type,

            . regress y  i.sex ib3.group

        You can also permanently set the base levels of categorical variables by using the fvset command.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/celine227/p/14975739.html
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