本人在公司的平台部门工作,我们部门写出的代码都是编译成.a文件,定期发布版本到各个产品,现在老大要求我负责每周向公司的某个产品发布lib。发布lib的步骤大概就是自动化的兄弟给我提供一个归档的版本号、lib的标签号(对应我们平台的代码)和产品适配的标签号(对应产品代码,我们的.a文件会定期提交到这个svn下),然后我根据这个信息,操作svn,定期把适配中指定标签下的指定的两个文件夹导出到归档目录下,然后在归档路径下创建记录这次发布信息(lib、适配各包含哪些标签、版本信息)的文档,还有就是创建一个release notes,要大家填写依赖。为了方便记录我还在另一个目录下记录着每次发布的信息。大概就是这样比较机械的操作,作为程序员当然不能甘于每周重复一次这样无趣的操作,于是乎利用今天调休的时间,用python写了个脚本代替这个工作。
import pysvn import os import time import shutil #发布lib时对应的适配代码路径 code_path = "F:/xyp_work"; #lib的归档路径 dest_path = "F:/AR_lib发布"; #自己的备份信息 myself_save_path = "F:/save/备份.txt"; #填写依赖的路径 dependence_path = "F:/依赖"; #维护一个专门记录lib和br标签号的文档用于读取上一次发lib时的标签号 old_num_path = "F:/save/old_num.txt"; #svn 路径 lib_svn = "lib的svn路径" br_svn = "br的svn路径" #版本号和标签号 #verson = "esap v2R2C00B100"; #lib_num = 2; #br_num = 7; ###读取上一次的标签号和用户输入的本次lib的标签号和版本号### print("输入版本号"); verson = input(); print("输入lib的标签号"); lib_num = int(input()); print("输入适配的标签号"); br_num = int(input()); fp = open(old_num_path,"r"); last_lib_num = fp.readline(); last_br_num = fp.readline(); fp.close(); print("last lib num is "+str(last_lib_num)); print("last br num is "+str(last_br_num)); print("current verson is "+str(verson)+" "); print("current lib num is "+str(lib_num)+" "); print("current br num is "+str(br_num)+" "); print("please confirm : y/n"); res=input(); if "y"== res: print("now start"); else: exit(); ###################创建文件夹和文件###################### vasp = dest_path+'/'+"vasp"; vaspadp = dest_path + '/' + "vaspadp"; svn_txt = dest_path + '/'+"svn.txt"; isExists=os.path.exists(dest_path); if not isExists: os.makedirs(dest_path); else: print("AR_lib发布文件夹已存在,看看是否搞错了"); exit(); isExists=os.path.exists(vasp) if not isExists: os.makedirs(vasp); isExists=os.path.exists(vaspadp) if not isExists: os.makedirs(vaspadp); #svn.txt fp = open(svn_txt,"a"); fp.write(verson+" "); fp.write((lib_svn+" "+ str(lib_num) +" ")); fp.write((br_svn+" "+ str(br_num) +" ")); fp.close(); #自己的备份记录 fp = open(myself_save_path,"a"); fp.write(" "); fp.write(" "); fp.write(" "); fp.write(time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") + " "); fp.write(verson+" "); fp.write((lib_svn+" "+ str(lib_num) +" ")); fp.write((br_svn+" "+ str(br_num) +" ")); fp.close(); #依赖文件 复制release notes.xlsx,然后重命名,否则直接创建出来不是共享的 shutil.copyfile(dependence_path+"/release notes.xlsx",dependence_path + "/" + verson+" release notes.xlsx"); #维护一个专门记录lib和br标签号的文档用于读取上一次发lib时的标签号 fp = open(old_num_path,"w"); fp.truncate(); #清除文件内容 fp.write(str(lib_num)+" "); fp.write(str(br_num)+" "); fp.close(); ############################################## pysvn_current_br_num = pysvn.Revision( pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number, br_num); pysvn_log_start = pysvn.Revision( pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number, last_lib_num); pysvn_log_end = pysvn.Revision( pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number, lib_num); """ retcode - boolean, False if no username and password are available. True if subversion is to use the username and password. username - string, the username to uses password - string, the password to use save - boolean, return True if you want subversion to remember the username and password in the configuration directory. return False to prevent saving the username and password. """ #def get_login( realm, username, may_save ): # return retcode, username, password, save client = pysvn.Client() #client.callback_get_login = get_login client.revert(code_path,True); client.update(code_path,True,pysvn_current_br_num,False); client.export(code_path+"/vasp",vasp,True,pysvn_current_br_num,None,False); client.export(code_path+"/product/ar/vaspadp",vaspadp,True,pysvn_current_br_num,None,False); """ log returns a list of log entries; each log entry is a dictionary. The dictionary contains: author - string - the name of the author who committed the revision date - float time - the date of the commit message - string - the text of the log message for the commit revision - pysvn.Revision - the revision of the commit changed_paths - list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains: path - string - the path in the repository action - string copyfrom_path - string - if copied, the original path, else None copyfrom_revision - pysvn.Revision - if copied, the revision of the original, else None """ logmessege=client.log(code_path,pysvn_log_start,pysvn_log_end,False,False); log_file = dest_path + '/'+"log.txt"; fp = open(log_file,"a"); for log_one in logmessege: fp.write(log_one.author +" "+ log_one.message + " "); fp.close();