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    Benchmark Stats 

    scale规模[skeɪl] factor因子[ˈfæktər]  benchmark基准[ˈbentʃmɑːrk]

    TPC-H Tools Download

    TPC Tools are available free of charge, however all users must agree to the licensing terms and register prior to use.

    Please download and read the TPC-Tools License Agreement prior to registering for the download.

    * First Name   jason
    * Last Name   Lee
    * Company / Affiliation
    * Occupation   Architect of  Data Warehouse
    * Country
    * Email
    * Terms        I have read and agree to the TPC-H License Agreement.
    ( * Required )

    Note: You will receive an E-mail at the address that you entered above with a link to the files to download
    The TPC will not share your E-mail with anybody. - (see TPC's Privacy Policy)
    Submitting an invalid E-mail address will result in not being able to download the software.

    Note 2: When pressing 'Download' button above, the download file(s) you requested will be copied to a temporary location. This might take up to a few minutes (TPCx-V ~ 1.8 GB). Please be patient. Once the copy is finished, you will be re-directed to a 'Thank You' page, which contains further information.


    TPCTC Charter

    The Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) is a non-profit organization established in August 1988. Over the past two decades, the TPC has had a significant impact on the computing industry’s use of industry-standard benchmarks.Vendors use TPC benchmarks to illustrate performance competitiveness for their existing products, and to improve and monitor the performance of their products under development.Many buyers use TPC benchmark results as points of comparison when purchasing new computing systems.

    Charter 章程[ˈtʃɑːrtər]  Council委员会[ˈkaʊnsl]  established成立[ɪˈstæblɪʃt] decades十年[dɛˈkeɪdz] 

    significant重要的[sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt] impact影响[ɪmˈpækt]  computing industry计算行业[kəmˈpjuːtɪŋ ˈɪndəstri]   industry-standard行业标准[ˈɪndəstri ˈstændərd]

    Vendors供应商[ˈvɛndərz]  illustrate表明[ˈɪləstreɪt]  competitivenes竞争能力[kəmˈpetətɪvnəs]

    as points of 做为[pɔɪnts] comparison比较点 [kəmˈpærɪsn]  purchasing采购购买[ˈpɜːrtʃəsɪŋ] 

    The information technology landscape is evolving at a rapid pace, challenging industry experts and researchers to develop innovative techniques for evaluation, measurement and characterization of complex systems.The TPC remains committed to developing new benchmark standards to keep pace, and one vehicle for achieving this objective is the sponsorship of the Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking (TPCTC). With this conference series, the TPC encourages researchers and industry experts to present and debate novel ideas and methodologies in performance evaluation and benchmarking.

    Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking(TPCTC)性能评估和标准管理技术大会


    (1)Contact us

    781 Beach Street, Suite 302
    San Francisco, CA 94109-1245
    Voice: 415-561-6272
    Fax: 415-561-6120
    Email: info@tpc.org

    Beach Street海滩街[biːtʃ striːt]   Suite套房[swiːt]  San Francisco旧金山[sæn fræn'sɪskoʊ]   State of California加利福尼亚州[steɪt əv ˌkæləˈfɔrnjə] 

    Office Hours
    Monday-Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific

    Pacific 太平洋地区[pəˈsɪfɪk] 

    Observed Holidays
    New Year Day
    Martin Luther King Day
    Presidents Day 
    Memorial Day 
    Independence Day 
    Labor Day 
    Christmas Day

    Observed Holidays 法定节假日[əbˈzɜːrvd][ˈhɑːlədeɪz] 

    Martin Luther King Day 马丁路德金日[ˈmɑrtən ˈluθər kɪŋ]   Memorial Day 阵亡将士纪念日[məˈmɔːriəl]   Thanksgiving 感恩节[ˌθæŋksˈɡɪvɪŋ] 

    How to order TPC materials:
    All of our materials are now posted free of charge on our web site. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office directly or by email: info@tpc.org


    (2)Stay Connected

    Captcha Error验证码错误[ˈkæptʃə][ˈerər]  Mailinglist Signup Error邮件列表注册错误[ˈmeɪlɪŋ lɪst] [saɪn ʌp]

    HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized
    You are not authorized to view this page due to invalid authentication headers.

    Unauthorized未授权[ʌnˈɔːθəraɪzd]  invalid authentication无效的身份验证[ɪnˈvælɪd] [ɔːˌθentɪˈkeɪʃn]

    The TPC offers the option to sign up for E-mail notification when new benchmark results are published or the primary metric of a published benchmark has changed. 

    sign up签约[saɪn ʌp] notification通知[ˌnoʊtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]  metric度量 [ˈmetrɪk]

     (3)Join the TPC

    TPC Membership Applications

    Membership Applications会员申请[ˈmembərʃɪp] [ˌæpləˈkeɪʃənz] 

    Full Membership
    Full Members of the TPC participate in all aspects of the TPC's work, including development of benchmark standards and setting strategic direction. Full Membership costs $15,000 per calendar year. Click here for the Full Membership Application.

    Full Membership正式会员[fʊl]  participate参与 [pɑːrˈtɪsɪpeɪt]  aspects方面[ˈæˌspɛkts] strategic direction战略方向[strəˈtiːdʒɪk]  calendar日历[ˈkælɪndər] 

    Associate Membership
    Certain organizations may joing the TPC as Associate Members. Associate Members may attend TPC meetings, but are not eligible to vote or hold office. Associate Membership costs $1500 per calendar year and is only available to the following types of organizations: non-profit, educational institutions, market researchers, publishers, consultants, governments, businesses who do not create, market or sell computer products or services. Click here for the Associate Membership Application.

    Associate Membership合作会员[əˈsoʊsiət]  Certain organizations某些组织[ˈsɜːrtn][ˌɔrgənəˈzeɪʃənz]  eligible资格[ˈelɪdʒəbl]  vote or hold office 选票或任职[voʊt] [hoʊld ˈɑːfɪs]

    non-profit非盈利组织[ˌnɑːn ˈprɑːfɪt] educational institutions教育机构[ˌɪnstɪˈtuʃənz]  market researchers市场研究员[ˈrisərtʃərz]  publishers出版商[ˈpʌblɪʃərz]   


    TPC Invitation to Join
    Reasons For Becoming A TPC Member
    Before you consider becoming a TPC member, you should know who the TPC members are and what are the costs and responsibilities of membership.

    Invitation邀请[ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃn]  responsibilities责任[riˌspɑnsəˈbɪlətiz]

    Who are the TPC members?
    While the majority of TPC members are computer system companies, the TPC also has several software (database and operating system) company members. In addition, the TPC membership also includes system integrators and market research firms. There are over 25 members worldwide.

    Two Different Types of TPC Members
    The TPC offers a full membership for a yearly fee of $15,000 and an associate membership for a yearly fee of $1,500. The associate memberships are reserved for non-profit organizations as well as market research and press organizations.

    Responsibilities of TPC Members
    Besides following the TPC policies, there are few clear responsibilities or obligations that come with being a TPC member. Your company can participate actively or not, depending on your resources and goals. Since the TPC is basically run by TPC member volunteers, the TPC naturally encourages member companies to participate actively by sending representatives to our General Council meetings (we meet 5 times a year in various locations) and by attending periodic teleconferences.

    The Reasons for Joining the TPC--For Commercial Organizations
    Influence in the TPC benchmarking development process. Given the TPC's tremendous influence on the competitive arena, it's just common sense that your company should have an active voice in deciding which benchmarks the TPC should develop and how the current set of benchmarks should evolve. TPC member participation also provides your company with detailed, advanced knowledge of upcoming changes to the TPC benchmarking process. Again, these changes can have a profound impact on how the market perceives your product and its performance. Your company can't afford to plan its future product designs without some knowledge about how these products will be measured.

    Timely access to ongoing proceedings. The TPC's membership is a who's who of commercial computing. With a TPC membership, you have access to the TPC's internal Web site, which contain all day-to-day rulings along with ongoing discussions and proposals of the TPC organization, which could affect how you run and market your TPC results. If you want to stay ahead of your competition, you better know what the TPC is planning and what your competitors' positions are..

    Product Improvement. An often overlooked benefit to participation in the TPC process is how TPC benchmarks help companies improve their products. TPC benchmarks model the basic types of operations that a typical transaction processing system might use, and thus have a wide-range of applicability to your customer's environments. In addition, TPC benchmarks are designed to put systems under maximum stress. An analogy can be drawn between computer and software companies and car companies here. Companies participate in TPC benchmarking for the same reasons car companies participate in Formula 1 racing. Many of the new components and technologies applied to producing the fastest Formula 1 car are incorporated into consumer car design. Over and over again TPC members have reported that this TPC testing process has enabled them to produce more robust, higher performing products.

    The Reasons for Joining the TPC--For Market Research Firms and End-User Organizations
    If you're a frequent consumer of TPC benchmarking data, you should consider joining the TPC as an associate member (cost is $1500 per year). The associate membership is specifically designed for organizations interested in understanding and making recommendations on various competing TPC performance claims. As an associate member, you have full access to all TPC data and internal communications, and therefore you will be in a much better position to help your clients understand the significance of TPC-related marketing claims.

    Academic and Government Institutions:
    Are you interested in finding out more about the TPC benchmarks? You are invited to join us at our bimonthly meetings, where most of the discussions on current and future evolutions of the benchmarks take place. For details please contact admin@tpc.org


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