• 关于fix shake以及compute命令的应用问题

    我最近写了一个关于超临界水的in文件,里面用到了fix shake命令,但运行的时候一直报错ERROR: Invalid fix style,我对照manuel检查了命令格式,没有发现问题,禁了fix shake后运行又出现ERROR: Invalid compute style,都没查出问题在哪里,请各位大侠不吝赐教,小女子先谢过了
    units real
    dimension 3
    boundary p p p
    atom_style full
    pair_style lj/charmm/coul/charmm 7.5 8.0 8.0 10.0
    bond_style harmonic
    angle_style harmonic 
    read_data data.Mol 
    angle_coeff 1  55.0000   104.5200 
    bond_coeff  1  450.0000   0.9572 
    pair_coeff 1 1 0.1521 3.1507
    pair_coeff 1 2 0.0836 1.7753
    pair_coeff 2 2 0.0460 0.4000
    region 1 block INF INF INF INF INF INF 
    velocity all create 640 100 
    velocity all scale 640 
    #group water type 1 2
    fix 1 all shake 0.0001 20 0 b 1 a 1
    fix 2 all npt temp 640 760 1000 iso 236.92 236.92 1000 drag 1
    timestep 0.01
    compute 1 all ke
    compute 2 all pe
    compute 3 all temp 
    compute 4 all dilatation/atom
    compute 5 all displace/atom
    thermo 500
    thermo_style custom temp press density vol pe ke etotal enthalpy
    run 1000

    LAMMPS data file from msi2lmp v3.8 for Mol

          6 atoms
          4 bonds
          2 angles
          0 dihedrals
          0 impropers

       2 atom types
       1 bond types
       1 angle types

        -0.854007846     3.056692154 xlo xhi
        -0.764937233     3.145762767 ylo yhi
        -1.347689527     2.563010473 zlo zhi


       1  15.999400
       2   1.007970


          1      1   1 -0.798200     0.121798883     0.387575451     0.043193656   0   1   0
          2      1   2  0.399100     0.308427222     1.054689176    -0.656528781   0   1   0
          3      1   2  0.399100     0.163119246    -0.433256524    -0.481969457   0   1   0
          4      2   1 -0.798200     1.973583684     2.001768480     1.988670964   0  -1   0
          5      2   2  0.399100     2.453643042     1.441265665     1.343893247   0  -1   0
          6      2   2  0.399100     1.587480847     2.690434354     1.408703210   0  -1   0


         1   1      1      2
         2   1      1      3
         3   1      4      5
         4   1      4      6


         1   1      2      1      3
         2   1      5      4      6

     fix shake 所需要的rigid panckage 出问题了

    在MS里面进行建模,然后再lammps里面运行,建模的有机分子是BMIM-,我们的烷基侧链是丁烷的 文献中提示里面的C-H 采用fix shake 进行constrained,但是一直报错 fix shake

    我们的fix shake命令式这样的:

    fix             mobile0 mobile  shake 0.0001 20 10 b 4 6 7 9 11 13  #对bond 4 6 7 9 11 13 进行constrained

    fix             mobile0 mobile  shake 0.0001 20 10 b 4 6 7 9 11 13
    ERROR: Shake cluster of more than 4 atoms (../fix_shake.cpp:901)
    求大神指点指点的啊    下图是建模基本分子的BMIMPF6
    lammps里面的fix  shake 命令求助

    lammps中fix shake只能限制小基团的键长键角,比如水分子,CH3 ,CH2这样比较小的基团,你的碳链太长,应该是这个问题,手册中有详细的介绍, In LAMMPS, only small clusters of atoms can be constrained. This is so the constraint calculation for a cluster can be performed by a single processor, to enable good parallel performance. A cluster is defined as a central atom connected to others in the cluster by constrained bonds. LAMMPS allows for the following kinds of clusters to be constrained: one central atom bonded to 1 or 2 or 3 atoms, or one central atom bonded to 2 others and the angle between the 3 atoms also constrained. This means water molecules or CH2 or CH3 groups may be constrained, but not all the C-C backbone bonds of a long polymer chain,


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Simulation-Campus/p/8733715.html
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