• 单链表


    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    // 线性表:顺序表和链表共同的抽象类
    template<typename elemType>
    class list{
        virtual void clear() = 0;                            // 删除线性表中的所有数据元素
        virtual int length() const = 0;                      // 求线性表的长度
        virtual void insert(int i, const elemType & x) = 0;  // 在第i个位置插入一个元素
        virtual void remove(int i) = 0;                      // 删除第i个位置的元素
        virtual int search(const elemType & x) const = 0;    // 搜索某个元素x在线性表中是否出现
        virtual elemType visit(int i) const = 0;             // 返回线性表中第i个数据元素的值
        virtual void traverse() const = 0;                   // 按序访问线性表的每一数据元素
        virtual ~list(){};


    // 单链表
    template<typename elemType>
    class sLinkList:public list<elemType>{
    private: struct node{ // 单链表中的节点类 elemType data; node* next; node(const elemType & x, node* n = NULL) {data = x; next = n;} node():next(NULL){} ~node(){} }; node* head; // 头指针 int currentLength; // 表长 node* move(int i) const; // 返回指向第i个结点的指针 class NoSuchNodeError{}; // 按索引的结点不存在导致的错误 public: sLinkList(); ~sLinkList(){clear(); delete head;} void clear(); int length() const{return currentLength;} void insert(int i, const elemType & x); void remove(int i); int search(const elemType & x) const; elemType visit(int i) const; void traverse() const; };


    template<typename elemType>
    typename sLinkList<elemType>::node* sLinkList<elemType>::move(int i) const{
        node* p = head;
        while (i-- >= 0) p = p->next;
        return p;
    template<typename elemType>
        head = new node;                                     // 哨兵结点
        currentLength = 0;
    template<typename elemType>
    void sLinkList<elemType>::clear(){
        node* p = head->next;
        node* q;
        head->next = NULL;
        while(p != NULL){
            q = p->next;
            delete p;
            p = q;
        currentLength = 0;
    template<typename elemType>
    void sLinkList<elemType>::insert(int i, const elemType & x){
        if(i > currentLength || i < 0) throw NoSuchNodeError();
        node* pos = move(i - 1);
        pos->next = new node(x, pos->next);
        ++ currentLength;
    template<typename elemType>
    void sLinkList<elemType>::remove(int i){
        if(i >= currentLength || i < 0) throw NoSuchNodeError();
        node* pos = move(i - 1);
        node* delp = pos->next;
        pos->next = delp->next;
        delete delp;
    template<typename elemType>
    int sLinkList<elemType>::search(const elemType & x) const{
        node* p = head->next;
        int i = 0;
        while(p!= NULL && p->data != x){p = p->next; ++i;}
        if(p == NULL) return -1; else return i;
    template<typename elemType>
    elemType sLinkList<elemType>::visit(int i) const{
        if(i >= currentLength || i < 0) throw NoSuchNodeError();
        return move(i)->data;
    template<typename elemType>
    void sLinkList<elemType>::traverse() const{
        node* p = head->next;
        while(p != NULL){
            cout << p->data << " ";
            p = p->next;
        cout << endl;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/LC32/p/13435364.html
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