• Kotlin语言编程技巧集


    Kotlin 语言中的空语句有

    • {}
    • Unit
    when (x) {
        1 -> ...
        2 -> ...
        else -> {}
        // else -> Unit

    When 表达式

    使用不带判断条件的 when 表达式来改写多路分支

    val v = if (x < y) 1 else if (x == y) 2 else 3
    val v = when {
        x < y -> 1
        x == y -> 2
        else -> 3

    使用带判断条件的 when 表达式来模拟模式匹配

    val v = if (x == 1) 1 else if (x == 2) 3 else 5
    val v = when (x) {
        1 -> 1
        2 -> 3
        else -> 5

    ?. 与 ?:

    // n的值为a,b,c,4当中第一个不是null的数
    val n = a ?: b ?: c ?: 4
    a b c n
    1 / / 1
    null 2 / 2
    null null 3 3
    null null null 4
    // n的值为a.b.c,条件是a,a.b,a.b.c都不是null。否则n的值为4。
    val n = a?.b?.c ?: 4
    a a.b a.b.c n
    null / / 4
    != null null / 4
    != null != null null 4
    != null != null 3 3


    var (a, b) = listOf(1, 2) // a == 1, b == 2
    var (a, b) = Pair(1, 2) // a == 1, b == 2
    var (a, b) = 1 to 2 // a == 1, b == 2


    the tldr; on Kotlin’s let, apply, also, with and run functions

    // Calls the specified function [block] with `this` value as its argument and returns its result.
    public inline fun <T, R> T.let(block: (T) -> R): R = block(this)

    调用代码块,代码块中调用方 this 为参数 it,返回代码块的结果。

    // using 'let' to convert from one type to another
    val answerToUniverse = strBuilder.let {
        it.append("Douglas Adams was right after all")
        it.append("Life, the Universe and Everything")
    // using 'let' to only print when str is not null
    str?.let { print(it) }


    // Calls the specified function [block] with `this` value as its receiver and returns `this` value.
    public inline fun <T> T.apply(block: T.() -> Unit): T { block(); return this }

    调用代码块,代码块中调用方 this 为隐式调用方 receiver,返回调用方 this。

    // old way of building an object
    val andre = Person()
    andre.name = "andre"
    andre.company = "Viacom"
    andre.hobby = "losing in ping pong"
    // after applying 'apply' (pun very much intended)
    val andre = Person().apply {
        name = "Andre"
        company = "Viacom"
        hobby = "losing in ping pong"


    // Calls the specified function [block] with `this` value as its argument and returns `this` value.
    public inline fun <T> T.also(block: (T) -> Unit): T { block(this); return this }

    调用代码块,代码块中调用方 this 为参数 it,返回调用方 this 。

    // transforming data from api with intermediary variable
    val rawData = api.getData()
    rawData.map {  /** other stuff */  }
    // use 'also' to stay in the method chains
        .also { Log.debug(it) }
        .map { /** other stuff */ }


    // Calls the specified function [block] with the given [receiver] as its receiver and returns its result.
    public inline fun <T, R> with(receiver: T, block: T.() -> R): R = receiver.block()

    调用代码块,代码块中指定参数为隐式调用方 receiver,返回代码块的结果。

    // Every Android Developer ever after Wednesday May 17th 2017
        messageBoard.post("Kotlin’s a way of life bro")
    // using 'with' to avoid repetitive references to identifier
    with(messageBoard) {
        post(“Kotlin’s a way of life bro")


    // Calls the specified function [block] with `this` value as its receiver and returns its result.
    public inline fun <T, R> T.run(block: T.() -> R): R = block()

    调用代码块,代码块中调用方 this 为隐式调用方 receiver,返回代码块的结果。

    // GoT developers after season 7
    aegonTargaryen = jonSnow.run {
        realIdentityRevealed(“Aegon Targaryen”)

    let, apply, also, with & run

    代码块/函数 let apply also with run
    参数或调用方 this 为隐式调用方 receiver
    调用方 this 为参数 it
    返回调用方 this

    takeIf / takeUnless

    difference between kotlin also, apply, let, use, takeIf and takeUnless in Kotlin

    // Returns this value if it satisfies the given predicate or null, if it doesn't.
    inline fun <T> T.takeIf(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? = if (predicate(this)) this else null
    // Returns this value if it does not satisfy the given predicate or null, if it does.
    inline fun <T> T.takeUnless(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? = if (!predicate(this)) this else null

    takeIf:调用方 this 如果符合某个条件则返回调用方 this,否则返回 null。
    takeUnless:调用方 this 如果不符合某个条件则返回调用方 this,否则返回 null。

    println(myVar.takeIf { it is Person } ?: "Not a person!")
    println(myVar.takeUnless { it is Person } ?: "It's a person!")
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zwvista/p/8452388.html
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