WinsockFix – Repair/Reset Winsock and TCP/IP on XP
WinsockFix is a great utility to reset and repair Winsock. It’s probably the best and quickest fix for all connection problems, but I wouldn’t use it on Windows 7. How could I trust an applicaton that is not able to detect my system and says I’m running a 32-bit Windows? WinsockFix was written for Windows 95, ME, XP, 2000, so I wouldn’t use it on Vista on Windows 7, but if you are still on Windows XP, I would recommend the tool.
Fix Winsock Manually on Windows 7
1. Open up the command line utility and enter:
netsh winsock reset catalog (resets winsock entries)
netsh int ip reset reset.log hit (resets TCP/IP stack)
2. Reboot your PC