import numpy as np from collections import Counter import itertools import matplotlib.pyplot as plt docs = [ "it is a good day, I like to stay here", "I am happy to be here", "I am bob", "it is sunny today", "I have a party today", "it is a dog and that is a cat", "there are dog and cat on the tree", "I study hard this morning", "today is a good day", "tomorrow will be a good day", "I like coffee, I like book and I like apple", "I do not like it", "I am kitty, I like bob", "I do not care who like bob, but I like kitty", "It is coffee time, bring your cup", ] docs_words=[d.replace(",","").split(" ") for d in docs] #itertools.chain(*iterables) 参数可以传入任意的序列,个数不限 #set()函数创建一个无序不重复元素集 #获取所有文档中的单词,并且不重复 vocab=set(itertools.chain(*docs_words)) #enumerate() 函数用于将一个可遍历的数据对象(如列表、元组或字符串)组合为一个索引序列,同时列出数据和数据下标 v2i={v:i for i,v in enumerate(vocab)} #:items() 方法把字典中每对 key 和 value 组成一个元组,并把这些元组放在列表中返回。 i2v={i:v for v,i in v2i.items()} def safe_log(x): mask=x!=0 x[mask]=np.log(x[mask]) return x # lambda 函数是匿名的: # 所谓匿名函数,通俗地说就是没有名字的函数。lambda函数没有名字。 # lambda 函数有输入和输出: # 输入是传入到参数列表argument_list的值,输出是根据表达式expression计算得到的值。 # lambda 函数拥有自己的命名空间: # 不能访问自己参数列表之外或全局命名空间里的参数,只能完成非常简单的功能。 # lambda x, y: x*y # 函数输入是x和y,输出是它们的积x*y # (axis=1)与(axis=0)区别 # 使用0值表示沿着每一列或行标签索引值向下执行方法 # 使用1值表示沿着每一行或者列标签模向执行对应的方法 # 按行相加,并且(keepdims)保持其二维特性 #print(np.sum(a, axis=1, keepdims=True)) tf_methods={ "log": lambda x: np.log(1+x), "augmented": lambda x: 0.5 + 0.5 * x / np.max(x, axis=1, keepdims=True), "boolean": lambda x: np.minimum(x, 1), "log_avg": lambda x: (1 + safe_log(x)) / (1 + safe_log(np.mean(x, axis=1, keepdims=True))), } idf_methods = { "log": lambda x: 1 + np.log(len(docs) / (x+1)), "prob": lambda x: np.maximum(0, np.log((len(docs) - x) / (x+1))), "len_norm": lambda x: x / (np.sum(np.square(x))+1), } # word_counts = Counter(words) # # 出现频率最高的3个单词 # top_three = word_counts.most_common(3) # print(top_three) # [('eyes', 8), ('the', 5), ('look', 4)] def get_tf(method="log"): # term frequency: how frequent a word appears in a doc _tf = np.zeros((len(vocab), len(docs)), dtype=np.float64) # [n_vocab, n_doc] for i, d in enumerate(docs_words): counter = Counter(d) for v in counter.keys(): _tf[v2i[v], i] = counter[v] / counter.most_common(1)[0][1] weighted_tf = tf_methods.get(method, None) if weighted_tf is None: raise ValueError return weighted_tf(_tf) def get_idf(method="log"): # inverse document frequency: low idf for a word appears in more docs, mean less important df = np.zeros((len(i2v), 1)) for i in range(len(i2v)): d_count = 0 for d in docs_words: d_count += 1 if i2v[i] in d else 0 df[i, 0] = d_count idf_fn = idf_methods.get(method, None) if idf_fn is None: raise ValueError #如果包含词条t的文档越少, IDF越大,则说明词条具有很好的类别区分能力 return idf_fn(df) def cosine_similarity(q, _tf_idf): unit_q = q / np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(q), axis=0, keepdims=True)) unit_ds = _tf_idf / np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(_tf_idf), axis=0, keepdims=True)) similarity = return similarity def docs_score(q, len_norm=False): q_words = q.replace(",", "").split(" ") # add unknown words unknown_v = 0 for v in set(q_words): if v not in v2i: v2i[v] = len(v2i) i2v[len(v2i)-1] = v unknown_v += 1 if unknown_v > 0: _idf = np.concatenate((idf, np.zeros((unknown_v, 1), dtype=np.float)), axis=0) _tf_idf = np.concatenate((tf_idf, np.zeros((unknown_v, tf_idf.shape[1]), dtype=np.float)), axis=0) else: _idf, _tf_idf = idf, tf_idf counter = Counter(q_words) q_tf = np.zeros((len(_idf), 1), dtype=np.float) # [n_vocab, 1] for v in counter.keys(): q_tf[v2i[v], 0] = counter[v] q_vec = q_tf * _idf # [n_vocab, 1] print(q_vec.shape) print(_tf_idf.shape) q_scores = cosine_similarity(q_vec, _tf_idf) if len_norm: len_docs = [len(d) for d in docs_words] q_scores = q_scores / np.array(len_docs) print(q_scores.shape) return q_scores def get_keywords(n=2): for c in range(3): col = tf_idf[:, c] idx = np.argsort(col)[-n:] print("doc{}, top{} keywords {}".format(c, n, [i2v[i] for i in idx])) tf = get_tf() # [n_vocab, n_doc] idf = get_idf() # [n_vocab, 1] tf_idf = tf * idf # [n_vocab, n_doc] # print("tf shape(vecb in each docs): ", tf.shape) # print(" tf samples: ", tf[:2]) # print(" idf shape(vecb in all docs): ", idf.shape) # print(" idf samples: ", idf[:2]) # print(" tf_idf shape: ", tf_idf.shape) # print(" tf_idf sample: ", tf_idf[:2]) # test get_keywords() q = "I get a coffee cup" scores = docs_score(q) print(scores) #argsort将数组x中的元素从小到大排序 d_ids = scores.argsort()[-3:][::-1] print(" top 3 docs for '{}': {}".format(q, [docs[i] for i in d_ids]))