在 IDS 的晚期版本中,优化器将对吻合搜索条件的复合索引举行全方位扫描,大约,假定主要列都过错劲条件,则实行接连扫描。
比方,以下表为例,其中的 col1 和 col2 列具有年夜量反复,col3 选择性较好,而这三个列(col1、col2、col3)之上定义了一个复合索引(idx1):
清单 15. 表
CREATE TABLE tab1 ( col1 int, col2 int, col3 int); CREATE INDEX idx1 ON tab1(col1,col2,col3);
清单 16. 盘考
SELECT * FROM TAB1 WHERE col1 >= 1 AND col1 <= 2 AND col2 >= 2 AND col2 <= 4 AND col3 >= 40 AND col3 <= 50;
首先,将对主要列 col1 和 col2(高度反复)实行索引扫描,以获得专注组合。然后关于获得的专注组合,运用过滤器 (col1 = col1, col2 = col2, col3 >= 40, col3 <= 50) 实行索引扫描。可以将这种方法视作运用相同索引实行两次索引扫描。
图 1. 运用索引自连接扫描的地域
清单 17. 运用自索引连接设置盘考解释
QUERY: ------ SELECT * FROM TAB1 WHERE col1 >= 1 AND col1 <= 2 AND col2 >= 2 AND col2 <= 4 AND col3 >= 40 AND col3 <= 50 Estimated Cost: 37 Estimated # of Rows Returned: 66 1) informix.tab1: INDEX PATH (1) Index Keys: col1 col2 col3 (Key-Only) (Serial, fragments: ALL) Index Self Join Keys (col1 col2 ) Lower bound: informix.tab1.col1 >= 1 AND (informix.tab1.col2 >= 2 ) Upper bound: informix.tab1.col1 <= 2 AND (informix.tab1.col2 <= 4 ) Lower Index Filter: (informix.tab1.col1 = informix.tab1.col1 AND informix.tab1.col2 = informix.tab1.col2 ) AND informix.tab1.col3 >= 40 Upper Index Filter: informix.tab1.col3 <= 50 Index Key Filters: (informix.tab1.col2 <= 4 ) AND (informix.tab1.col2 >= 2 ) Query statistics: ----------------- Table map : ---------------------------- Internal name Table name ---------------------------- t1 tab1 type table rows_prod est_rows rows_scan time est_cost ------------------------------------------------------------------- scan t1 66 66 66 00:00:00 37
图 2. 未运用索引自连接的扫描地域
清单 18. 不运用自索引连接设置盘考解释
QUERY: ------ SELECT { AVOID_INDEX_SJ(TAB1 IDX1)} * FROM TAB1 WHERE col1 >= 1 AND col1 <= 2 AND col2 >= 2 AND col2 <= 4 AND col3 >= 40 AND col3 <= 50 DIRECTIVES FOLLOWED: AVOID_INDEX_SJ ( tab1 idx1 ) DIRECTIVES NOT FOLLOWED: Estimated Cost: 208144 Estimated # of Rows Returned: 66 1) informix.tab1: INDEX PATH (1) Index Keys: col1 col2 col3 (Key-Only) (Serial, fragments: ALL) Lower Index Filter: informix.tab1.col1 >= 1 AND (informix.tab1.col2 >= 2 ) AND (informix.tab1.col3 >= 40 ) Upper Index Filter: informix.tab1.col1 <= 2 AND (informix.tab1.col3 <= 50 ) AND (informix.tab1.col2 <= 4 ) Index Key Filters: (informix.tab1.col3 <= 50 ) AND (informix.tab1.col2 <= 4 ) AND (informix.tab1.col2 >= 2 ) AND (informix.tab1.col3 >= 40 ) Query statistics: ----------------- Table map : ---------------------------- Internal name Table name ---------------------------- t1 tab1 type table rows_prod est_rows rows_scan time est_cost ------------------------------------------------------------------- scan t1 66 66 3500011 00:00:13 208144
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