• Codeforces1144B(B题)Parity Alternated Deletions

    B. Parity Alternated Deletions

    Polycarp has an array aa consisting of nn integers.

    He wants to play a game with this array. The game consists of several moves. On the first move he chooses any element and deletes it (after the first move the array contains n1n−1 elements). For each of the next moves he chooses any element with the only restriction: its parity should differ from the parity of the element deleted on the previous move. In other words, he alternates parities (even-odd-even-odd-... or odd-even-odd-even-...) of the removed elements. Polycarp stops if he can't make a move.


    • If it is the first move, he chooses any element and deletes it;
    • If it is the second or any next move:
      • if the last deleted element was odd, Polycarp chooses any even element and deletes it;
      • if the last deleted element was even, Polycarp chooses any odd element and deletes it.
    • If after some move Polycarp cannot make a move, the game ends.

    Polycarp's goal is to minimize the sum of non-deleted elements of the array after end of the game. If Polycarp can delete the whole array, then the sum of non-deleted elements is zero.

    Help Polycarp find this value.


    The first line of the input contains one integer nn (1n20001≤n≤2000) — the number of elements of aa.

    The second line of the input contains nn integers a1,a2,,ana1,a2,…,an (0ai1060≤ai≤106), where aiai is the ii-th element of aa.


    Print one integer — the minimum possible sum of non-deleted elements of the array after end of the game.


     1 #include<iostream>
     2 #include<algorithm>
     3 #include<cstring>
     4 using namespace std;
     5 int main() {
     6     int n,ji=0,ou=0,sum=0;
     7     cin>>n;
     8     int a[n+1],jisz[n],ousz[n];
     9     for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    10         cin>>a[i];
    11         if(a[i]%2==0) {
    12             ousz[ou++]=a[i];
    13         } else {
    14             jisz[ji++]=a[i];
    15         }
    16     }
    17     sort(ousz,ousz+ou);
    18     sort(jisz,jisz+ji);
    19     if(ji-ou<=1&&ji-ou>=-1) {
    20         cout<<0;
    21         return 0;
    22     } else {
    23         if(ou>ji+1) {
    24             for(int i=0; i<(ou-ji-1); i++) {
    25                 sum+=ousz[i];
    26             }
    27         } else if(ji>ou+1) {
    28             for(int i=0; i<(ji-ou-1); i++) {
    29                 sum+=jisz[i];
    30             }
    31         }
    32     }
    33     cout<<sum;
    34 }



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