• Power Cycling Test -----Test enviroment setup


    Before starting the power cycling test,we need to complete the whole system configuration:Hardware  & Software . 

    We must need to considerate all of the tests include reboot&DC&AC stress when we built the system,so in this part i will descript what the system is .

    Now ,let's see the below system architecture

    There are 4 phycial machines in this system, but only AC stress will use the Baytech ,DC and reboot stress just need the other 3 machine.

    AC Hareware requirement :SUT (it means 'system under test'), Baytech ,Switch ,Console with ITAS tool.

    DC Hareware requirement :SUT (it means 'system under test'),Switch ,Console with ITAS tool. 

                                          Sometime we don'n need to use the switch via PNP connection,eg:SUT----Console .But when we test many SUT, we have to make use of the switch.

    Reboot Hareware requirement :SUT (it means 'system under test'),Switch ,Console with ITAS tool.                                       

                                          Sometime we don'n need to use the switch via PNP connection,eg:SUT----Console .But when we test many SUT, we have to make use of the switch.


    ITAS is an intel Internal tool for the server test,it means Intel Test Application Suite.

    We need to intall the ITAS tool to manage the system, and most of our test is base on the console with ITAS tool.

    The installing steps can be refer to the ITAS userguide, but we need to pay attention to some confusions

    ITAS Software requirements:

    Windows based OS installation (Windows 7 x86)

    TCL/TK installed version 8.5 with threading support

    After install the above two features,it's very important to use adminstractor account to login the OS,

    found the ITAS shotcut on the desktop ,right click the application file  > Open

    1. In the popup that appears, choose “Select a program from a list of installed programs” then click ok
    2. In the next popup window, choose “Browse button (bottom right of screen)”
    3. Browse to “C:TCLin” directory and select the “wish85” .exe > click “Open” then “Ok”

    ITAS Configuration:

    Note : all of machine must set into the same tree directory.

    1. Adding Servers:

    The server object is your device under test; you will enter the address of one or more of the server’s baseboard management controllers (BMC) addresses.

    In the user and password fields you will enter the login name and password used to access the BMC via IPMI

    You can have multiple entries for each interface (Channel) An example would be:

    SERVER      MyServer-Channel-1     root       root
    SERVER      MyServer-Channel-3     administrator       password


    2.Adding RPC Controllers:

    ITAS currently supports the BayTech RPC controllers to do AC power cycling.

    These are SNMP enabled controllers and allow ITAS to control them via Ethernet. The serial controlled versions of the BayTech devices are not supported. There are no plans to add serial control to the existing framework.

    Additional devices will be added on a need basis.

    Adding a PRC device is the same process as the Server device only you will enter the read community in the USER/RCOM/ID field and the write community in the PASS/WCOM/ID field.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yongdaiblog-201409/p/6681126.html
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