• 小程序--wepy省市区三级联动选择

    产品老哥对项目再一次进行关爱, 新增页面, 新增需求, 很完美........

    不多说, 记录一下新增东西中的省市区联动选择, (这里全国地区信息是在本地, 但不建议这么做, 因为js文件太大.. 建议使用插件, 或者后台将地区信息返回前台)


    全国地区信息js文件(链接打开另存为即可)  https://files.cnblogs.com/files/yk95/data.js ; 

    page页面 (页面中-- margin-t, bgc-f, ...等等是项目中公共样式,  这里写在页面样式中了 )

      1 <template>
      2     <view id="AddressAction">
      3         <view class="addressBox margin-t">
      4             <view class="name addressItem bgc-f border-b display-flex">
      5                 <view class="left c-333 ">收货人</view>
      6                 <input type="text" placeholder-class="placeholder" placeholder="请填写收货人姓名"></input>
      7             </view>
      8             <view class="phone addressItem bgc-f border-b display-flex">
      9                 <view class="left c-333">手机号</view>
     10                 <input type="text" maxlength="11" placeholder="请填写11位手机号"></input>
     11             </view>
     12             <view class="address addressItem bgc-f border-b display-flex" @tap.stop="selecteHandle">
     13                 <view class="left c-333">省市区</view>
     14                 <view class="right">
     15                     <text>{{areaInfo}}</text>
     16                     <text class="iconfont icon-arrow-right c-gray-time font-s26"></text>
     17                 </view>
     18             </view>
     19             <view class="address_detail addressItem bgc-f border-b display-flex">
     20                 <view class="left c-333">详细地址</view>
     21                 <input class="flex-1" type="text" placeholder="街道、楼牌号等"></input>
     22             </view>
     23         </view>
            <!-- 这里使用组件 组件传值以及组件通信--> 24 <selectedAddressView :isShow.sync="isShow" :provinces.sync="provinces" :citys.sync="citys" :areas.sync="areas" :value.sync="value" 25 @cancel.user="cancelHandle" @sure.user="sureHandle"></selectedAddressView> 26 <view></view> 27 </view> 28 </template> 29 <script> 30 import wepy from 'wepy'; 31 import address from '@/utils/data'; //引入全国地区信息js文件 32 import selectedAddressView from '@/components/selectedAddress'; //引入三级联动组件 33 export default class sAddressAction extends wepy.page{ 34 config = { 35 navigationBarTitleText: "" 36 } 37 components = { 38 selectedAddressView //声名组件 39 } 40 data = { 41 isShow: false, // 三级联动组件是否可见 ,组件传值 42 value: [0, 0, 0], // 对应 picker-view中change()事件中的e.detail.value, 用来做判断; 组件传值 43 provinces: [], //所有省份 provinces; 组件传值 44 citys: [], // 选择省对应的所有市; 组件传值 45 areas: [], // 选择市对应的所有区; 组件传值 46 areaInfo: '', //点击确定是选择的地址信息 47 } 48 init() { //初始化三级联动信息 49 let that = this; 50 let id = address.provinces[0].id; //默认联动显示北京 51 that.provinces = address.provinces; 52 that.citys = address.citys[id]; 53 that.areas = address.areas[address.citys[id][0].id]; 54 } 55 onLoad() { 56 this.init(); 57 } 58 methods = { 59 selecteHandle() { 60 this.isShow = true; 61 this.$apply(); 62 }, 63 cancelHandle() { 64 this.isShow = false; 65 this.$apply(); 66 }, 67 sureHandle(areaInfo) { 68 this.isShow = false; 69 this.areaInfo = areaInfo; 70 this.$apply(); 71 } 72 73 } 74 } 75 </script> 76 <style lang="less"> 77 .addressItem{ 78 padding: 0 54rpx 0 48rpx; 79 .left{ 80 126rpx; 81 height: 100rpx; 82 line-height: 100rpx; 83 margin-right: 20rpx; 84 } 85 .right{ 86 100%; 87 height: 100rpx; 88 line-height: 100rpx; 89 text-align: right; 90 } 91 input{ 92 text-align: right; 93 100%; 94 height: 100rpx; 95 line-height: 100rpx; 96 font-size: 32rpx; 97 } 98 } 99 .margin-t{ margin-top: 20rpx; } 100 .bgc-f { background-color: #ffffff } 101 .border-b { border-bottom: 1px solid #999999; } 102 .display-flex{ display: flex; } 103 .flex-1{ flex: 1; } 104 .c-333 { color: #333333; } 105 .c-gray-time { color: #999999; } 106 .font-s26 { font-size: 26rpx; } 107 </style>


      1 <template>
      2     <view class="selectedAddress" wx:if="{{isShow}}">
      3         <view class="btnBox">
      4             <text @tap.stop="btnCancelHandle">取消</text>
      5             <text style="folat: right" @tap.stop="btnSureHandle">确定</text>
      6         </view>
      7         <!-- picker-view 的change事件 -->
      8         <picker-view class="pickerBox" value="{{value}}" bindchange="selectedAddressHandle">
      9             <!-- 省 -->
     10             <picker-view-column>
     11                 <repeat for="{{provinces}}">
     12                     <view class="picker-item">{{item.name}}</view>
     13                 </repeat>
     14             </picker-view-column>
     15             <!-- 市 -->
     16             <picker-view-column>
     17                 <repeat for="{{citys}}">
     18                     <view class="picker-item">{{item.name}}</view>
     19                 </repeat>
     20             </picker-view-column>
     21             <!-- 区 -->
     22             <picker-view-column>
     23                 <repeat for="{{areas}}">
     24                     <view class="picker-item">{{item.name}}</view>
     25                 </repeat>
     26             </picker-view-column>
     27         </picker-view>
     28         <view></view>
     29     </view>
     30 </template>
     31 <script>
     32 import wepy from 'wepy';
     33 import address from '@/utils/data';  //引入全国地区信息
     34 export default class selectedAddress extends wepy.component {
     35     //    props 接收父组件传递过来的值
     36     props = {
     37            provinces: {  //省数据
     38                type: Array,
     39                default: [],
     40            },
     41            citys: {   //市数据
     42                type: Array,
     43                default: [],
     44            },
     45            areas: {  //区数据
     46                type: Array,
     47                default: [],
     48            },
     49            value: {
     50                type: Array,
     51                default: [0, 0, 0],
     52            },
     53         isShow: { 
     54             type: Boolean,
     55             default: false
     56         }
     57     }
     59     components = {}
     61     data = {
     63     }
     64     onLoad() {}
     65     computed = {}
     66     methods = {
     67         btnCancelHandle() {  //点击取消, $emit通知父组件page页面, 
     68             this.$emit('cancel');
     69         },
     70         btnSureHandle() {    //点击确定, $emit通知父组件page页面, 并将选择的省市区发送给父组件
     71             let value = this.value;
     72             let areaInfo = this.provinces[value[0]].name + '·' + this.citys[value[1]].name + '·' + this.areas[value[2]].name;
     73             this.$emit('sure', areaInfo);
     75         },
     76         selectedAddressHandle(e) {  //picker-view的 change事件  处理三级联动
     77             let that = this;
     78             let e_value = e.detail.value;
     79             let provinceNum = e_value[0];
     80             let cityNum = e_value[1];
     81             let areaNum = e_value[2];
     82             console.log("组件",e_value);
     83             console.log('数组', provinceNum + '--' + cityNum + '--' + areaNum);
     84             if (that.value[0] != provinceNum){   //第一列滚动处理
     85                 let id = that.provinces[provinceNum].id;
     86                 that.value = [provinceNum, 0, 0];
     87                 that.citys = address.citys[id];
     88                 that.areas = address.areas[address.citys[id][0].id];
     89                 that.$apply();  //that.$apply() 更新数据 和原生小程序的this.setData({})作用一样
     91             } else if (that.value[1] != cityNum) { //第二列滚动处理
     92                 let id = that.citys[cityNum].id;
     93                 that.value = [provinceNum, cityNum, 0];
     94                 that.areas = address.areas[id];
     95                 that.$apply(); 
     96             } else if (that.value[2] != areaNum) { //第三列处理
     97                 that.value = [provinceNum, cityNum, areaNum];
     98                 that.$apply();
     99             }
    100         }
    101     }
    102     event = {}
    103 }
    104 </script>
    105 <style lang="less">
    106     .selectedAddress{
    107          100%;
    108         display: flex;
    109         z-index: 99;
    110         background-color: #ffffff;
    111         background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);
    112         flex-direction: column;
    113         justify-content: center;
    114         align-items: center;
    115         position: fixed;
    116         bottom: 0;
    117         left: 0;
    118         height: 40vh;
    119     }
    120     .btnBox{
    121          100%;
    122         height: 90rpx;
    123         padding: 0 24rpx;
    124         box-sizing: border-box;
    125         line-height: 90rpx;
    126         text-align: center;
    127         display: flex;
    128         background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .8);
    129         justify-content: space-between;
    130     }
    131     .pickerBox{
    132          100%;
    133         height: 389rpx;
    134         .picker-item{
    135             line-height: 70rpx;
    136             margin-left: 5rpx;
    137             margin-right: 5rpx;
    138             text-align: center;
    139         }
    140     }
    141 </style>

    结语: 这是在小程序wepy框架中使用的, 如果要在原生小程序中使用, 可以作为参考,自己进行修改; 

        由于本人踏入前端时间不长(半年的时间), 如果文章写得有错误的地方,实在抱歉,也请您留言指出错误,我会第一时间修改.

        努力努力再努力, 加油!!

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yk95/p/9932151.html
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