• solid原则

    Tuo让我这周总结solid原则。在学校的时候主要学面向对象语言的时候会接触到solid之中的一些原则。但是到公司参加工作两个月以来用的开发语言主要用的是javascript(typed languege?functional languege?),对于solid原则感觉需求或者说是应用感觉是无从下手。

    S - Single responsibility principle  /  evrey object or module..etc. should have one ,and only one reason to change

    一开始理解这个原则的时候可能觉得一个类有越少的功能越好,但是查阅一些博客后找到了更准确的理解。这个原则的重点就是one reason to change。

    In ohter words, Gather together the things that change for the same reasons. Seperate those things that changes for different reasons. I think the purpose of the principle is limiting the impact of changes.  Instead of being a one-way street to minimally sized classes,the SRP is actually proposing a balance point between aggregation and division.

    O - Open closed priciple  /  open for extension close for modification

    L - Liskov substitution principle  /  derived obj or types must be substitutable for their base

    I - Interface segregation principle  /  make fine grained interfaces that are client specific

    D - Dependency inversion principle  /  Detail must relay on abstractions


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ybleeho/p/9785421.html
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