• leetcode14 Longest Common Prefix

     1 """
     2 Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.
     3 If there is no common prefix, return an empty string "".
     4 Example 1:
     5 Input: ["flower","flow","flight"]
     6 Output: "fl"
     7 Example 2:
     8 Input: ["dog","racecar","car"]
     9 Output: ""
    10 Explanation: There is no common prefix among the input strings.
    11 """
    12 """
    13 本题 提供三种解法,参考资料:https://www.cnblogs.com/davidlidvd/p/12263861.html
    14 """
    15 """
    16 第一种思路是先找到列表中最短字符串的长度,
    17 按照这个长度去遍历字符串中的字符,
    18 加入到一个不包含重复值的set中,
    19 如果set的数目>1,则返回结果,
    20 否则就将第一个字符累加返回
    21 """
    22 class Solution1(object):
    23     def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs):
    24         if not strs:
    25             return ''
    26         min_len = len(min(strs))
    27         i = 0
    28         res = ''
    29         while i < min_len:
    30             if len(set(map(lambda x:x[i], strs))) > 1: #!!! 基础扎实才能写出
    31                 return res      #map()函数接收两个参数,一个是函数,一个是序列
    32             else:
    33                 res += strs[0][i]
    34                 i += 1
    35         return res
    36 """
    37 第二种解法:利用python的zip函数,
    38 把str看成list然后把输入看成二维数组,
    39 左对齐纵向压缩,然后把每项利用集合去重,
    40 之后遍历list中找到元素长度大于1之前的就是公共前缀
    41 """
    42 class Solution2(object):
    43     def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs):
    44         if not strs:
    45             return ""
    46         ss = list(map(set, zip(*strs))) #!!!打包为元组的列表
    47         # !!! a = 'flower' b = 'flight'
    48         # zipped = zip(a,b)
    49         # [('f', 'f'), ('l', 'l'), ('o', 'i'), ('w', 'g'), ('e', 'h'), ('r', 't')]
    50         # t = map(set, zipped)
    51         # {'f'}, {'l'}, {'o', 'i'}, {'w', 'g'}, {'e', 'h'}, {'r', 't'},
    52         #list(t)
    53         #[{'f'}, {'l'}, {'o', 'i'}, {'w', 'g'}, {'e', 'h'}, {'r', 't'}]
    54         res = ""
    55         for i, x in enumerate(ss):
    56             x = list(x)         #把map转成list
    57             if len(x) > 1:
    58                 break
    59             res = res + x[0]
    60         return res
    61 """
    62 利用python的max()和min(),
    63 在Python里字符串是可以比较的,按照ASCII值排列,
    64 举例abb, aba,abac,最大为abb,最小为aba。
    65 所以只需要比较最大最小的公共前缀就是整个数组的公共前缀
    66 """
    67 class Solution3(object):
    68     def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs):
    69         if not strs:
    70             return ""
    71         s1 = min(strs)
    72         s2 = max(strs)
    73         for i,x in enumerate(s1):
    74             if x != s2[i]:
    75                 return s2[:i]
    76         return s1
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yawenw/p/12266848.html
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