1. 概述

    1. 工具的熟练程度, 会决定工作效率

      1. 总共也就 140 条左右吧
    2. 需要讲解吗?

    2. ref

    1. idea 自带的 ReferenceCard.pdf

    3. keymap

    1. 文件移动

    Ctrl + N Go to class
    Ctrl + Shift + N Go to fle
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N Go to symbol
    Ctrl + E Recent fles popup
    Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right Navigate back / forward
    Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Navigate to last edit location

    2. tab 移动

    Alt + Right/Left Go to next / previous editor tab

    3. tool 移动

    F12 Go back to previous tool window
    Esc Go to editor (from tool window)
    Shift + Esc Hide active or last active window
    Ctrl + Shift + F4 Close active run / messages / fnd / ... tab

    4. 文件内移动(也可能会跨越文件)

    Ctrl + G Go to line
    Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right Navigate back / forward
    Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Navigate to last edit location
    Alt + Up/Down Go to previous / next method
    Ctrl + ]/[ Move to code block end/start
    Ctrl + F12 File structure popup

    5. 文件定位

    Alt + F1 Select current fle or symbol in any view

    6. 移动(没想好叫啥, 偏重于 面向对象里方法关联 的移动)

    Ctrl + B , Ctrl + Click Go to declaration
    Ctrl + Alt + B Go to implementation(s)
    Ctrl + Shift + I Open quick defnition lookup
    Ctrl + Shift + B Go to type declaration
    Ctrl + U Go to super-method / super-class

    7. 层级移动

    Ctrl + H Type hierarchy
    Ctrl + Shift + H Method hierarchy
    Ctrl + Alt + H Call hierarchy
    F2 / Shift + F2 Next/previous highlighted error

    8. bookmark

    F11 Toggle bookmark
    Ctrl + F11 Toggle bookmark with mnemonic
    Ctrl + #[0-9] Go to numbered bookmark
    Shift + F11 Show bookmarks

    9. 其他理解不能

    F4 / Ctrl + Enter Edit source / View source
    Alt + Home Show navigation bar

    尽量尝试解释清楚; 自己校对能力有限, 如果有错误欢迎指出
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xy14/p/11414560.html
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