• matplotlib bar函数重新封装

    参考:  https://blog.csdn.net/jenyzhang/article/details/52047557






     1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
     2 import numpy as np
     3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     5 class Bar(object):
     6     r'''
     7     请使用with打开绘图
     8     '''
     9     def __init__(self):
    10         self.colors=[
    11             "#0ed4e8",
    12             "#318bae",
    13             "#6b914c",
    14             "#8492c3",
    15             "#495aa2",
    16             "#6841ac",
    17             "#aa6547",
    18             "#aaa350",
    19         ]
    21     def __call__(self,quants=None,labels=None,**kwargs):
    22         self.draw(quants,labels,**kwargs)
    23     def __enter__(self):
    24         plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
    25         return self
    26     def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
    27         plt.show()
    28         plt.close()
    29     def draw(self,quants=None,labels=None,**kwargs):
    30         if not quants:
    31             print('数据为空')
    32             return
    33         if type(quants[0]) == int or type(quants[0]) == float:
    34             num_label = 1
    35             isInt = True
    36         else:
    37             num_label = len(quants[0])
    38             isInt = False
    39         width = 0.4
    40         ind = np.linspace(0.5, 9.5, len(quants))
    41         X=ind - width / 2
    42         xlabels_pos=X+(num_label-1)*width / 2
    43         if isInt:
    44             plt.bar(X, quants, width, color='green')
    45         else:
    46             quants=np.array(quants)
    47             if type(kwargs.get('classlabels', '')) == list:
    48                 classlabels = kwargs.get('classlabels', '')
    49                 plt.legend(loc='upper right')
    50             else:
    51                 classlabels = ['']*len(quants[0])
    52             for i in range(len(quants[0])):
    53                 plt.bar(X+width*i, quants[:,i], alpha=0.9, width=width, facecolor=self.colors[i], edgecolor='white', label=classlabels[i], lw=1)
    54         # labels
    55         plt.xlabel(kwargs.get('xlabel', 'x'))
    56         plt.ylabel(kwargs.get('ylabel', 'y'))
    57         if not labels:
    58             labels = list(range(1, len(quants) + 1))
    59         plt.xticks(xlabels_pos, labels)
    60         # title
    61         plt.title(kwargs.get('title', ''))
    62         plt.grid(linestyle='-.')
    64 if __name__=="__main__":
    65     labels = ['USA', 'China', 'India', 'Japan', 'Germany', 'Russia', 'Brazil', 'UK', 'France', 'Italy']
    66     quants = [15094025.0, 11299967.0, 4457784.0, 4440376.0, 3099080.0, 2383402.0, 2293954.0, 2260803.0, 2217900.0,
    67               1846950.0]
    68     labels3 = ['USA', 'China', 'India']
    69     quants3= [[15094025.0, 11299967.0, 4457784.0], [4440376.0, 3099080.0, 2383402.0], [2293954.0, 2260803.0, 2217900.0]]
    70     with Bar() as bar:
    71         plt.subplot(2,1,1)
    72         bar(quants3,labels3,xlabel="xlabel3",ylabel='ylabel3',title='title3',classlabels=["A",'B','C'])
    73         plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    74         bar(quants, labels, xlabel="xlabel", ylabel='ylabel', title='title',)
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