• Proj FuzzViz Paper Reading: Visual Augmentation of Source Code Editors: A Systematic Mapping Study


    我们分两个阶段手动审查了过去 20 年间发表的103 篇相关文章的元数据——关键词搜索和参考文献搜索。

    1. Intro

    可视化源代码编辑器增强的主要目的是实现空间即时性 [2],即降低相关对象或事件之间的屏幕距离。例如,IDE 不是读取语法错误的行号并手动导航到它,而是通过直接在编辑器中为错误代码加下划线来通知我们它的发生。

    There exist surveys about software visualization in general [3] and about its various subfields, such as architecture [4], algorithm [5] or awareness visualization [6]. Maletic et al. [7] a task-oriented taxonomy of software visualization. Sutherland et al. [8] review ink annotations of digital documents, including program code. domain-specific languages [9] and template-based code generation [10].

    2. Source code editor augmentation

    In our case, the “real world” is represented by the textual source code stored in a file and displayed in a text editor as-is. The “virtual objects” are various line decorations, icons, coloring, images, additional textual labels and other visual overlays. Therefore, we define the term visual source code augmentation as an approach which displays additional graphical or textual information directly in plain-text source code.
    在我们的例子中,“现实世界”由存储在文件中的文本源代码表示,并按原样显示在文本编辑器中。 “虚拟对象”是各种线条装饰、图标、颜色、图像、附加文本标签和其他视觉覆盖。因此,我们将术语视觉源代码增强定义为一种直接在纯文本源代码中显示附加图形或文本信息的方法。

    许多 IDE 提供了许多附加视图,例如包浏览器或类导航器。这些视图显然超出了源代码编辑器扩充的范围。 “源代码编辑器增强”的替代术语是原位软件可视化 [14] 和源代码注释 [15]。

    3. Method

    4. Taxonomy

    5. Tools

    6. Conclusion

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xuesu/p/15886277.html
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