• Mysql源码目录结构

    Programs for handling SQL commands. The "core" of MySQL.

    These are the .c and .cc files in the sql directory:

    • derror.cc --- read language-dependent message file

    • des_key_file.cc --- load DES keys from plaintext file

    • discover.cc --- Functions for discovery of .frm file from handler

    • field.cc --- "implement classes defined in field.h" (long); defines all storage methods MySQL uses to store field information into records that are then passed to handlers

    • field_conv.cc --- functions to copy data between fields

    • filesort.cc --- sort a result set, using memory or temporary files

    • frm_crypt.cc --- contains only one short function: get_crypt_for_frm

    • gen_lex_hash.cc --- Knuth's algorithm from Vol 3 Sorting and Searching, Chapter 6.3; used to search for SQL keywords in a query

    • gstream.cc --- GTextReadStream, used to read GIS objects

    • handler.cc --- handler-calling functions

    • hash_filo.cc --- static-sized hash tables, used to store info like hostname -> ip tables in a FIFO manner

    • ha_berkeley.cc --- Handler: BDB

    • ha_blackhole.cc --- Handler: Black Hole

    • ha_federated.cc --- Handler: Federated

    • ha_heap.cc --- Handler: Heap

    • ha_innodb.cc --- Handler: InnoDB

    • ha_myisam.cc --- Handler: MyISAM

    • ha_myisammrg.cc --- Handler: (MyISAM MERGE)

    • ha_ndbcluster.cc --- Handler: NDB

    • hostname.cc --- Given IP, return hostname

    • init.cc --- Init and dummy functions for interface with unireg

    • item.cc --- Item functions

    • item_buff.cc --- Buffers to save and compare item values

    • item_cmpfunc.cc --- Definition of all compare functions

    • item_create.cc --- Create an item. Used by lex.h.

    • item_func.cc --- Numerical functions

    • item_geofunc.cc --- Geometry functions

    • item_row.cc --- Row items for comparing rows and for IN on rows

    • item_strfunc.cc --- String functions

    • item_subselect.cc --- Subqueries

    • item_sum.cc --- Set functions (SUM()AVG(), etc.)

    • item_strfunc.cc --- String functions

    • item_subselect.cc --- Item subquery

    • item_timefunc.cc --- Date/time functions, for example, week of year

    • item_uniq.cc --- Empty file, here for compatibility reasons

    • key.cc --- Functions to create keys from records and compare a key to a key in a record

    • lock.cc --- Locks

    • log.cc --- Logs

    • log_event.cc --- Log event (a binary log consists of a stream of log events)

    • matherr.c --- Handling overflow, underflow, etc.

    • mf_iocache.cc --- Caching of (sequential) reads and writes

    • mysqld.cc --- Source for mysqld.exe; includes the main() program that starts mysqld, handling of signals and connections

    • mf_decimal.cc --- New decimal and numeric code

    • my_lock.c --- Lock part of a file (like /mysys/my_lock.c, but with timeout handling for threads)

    • net_serv.cc --- Read/write of packets on a network socket

    • nt_servc.cc --- Initialize/register/remove an NT service

    • opt_range.cc --- Range of keys

    • opt_sum.cc --- Optimize functions in presence of (implied) GROUP BY

    • parse_file.cc --- Text .frm files management routines

    • password.c --- Password checking

    • procedure.cc --- Procedure interface, as used in SELECT * FROM Table_name PROCEDURE ANALYSE()

    • protocol.cc --- Low level functions for PACKING data that is sent to client; actual sending done with net_serv.cc

    • protocol_cursor.cc --- Low level functions for storing data to be sent to the MySQL client

    • records.cc --- Functions for easy reading of records, possible through a cache

    • repl_failsafe.cc --- Replication fail-save (not yet implemented)

    • set_var.cc --- Set and retrieve MySQL user variables

    • slave.cc --- Procedures for a slave in a master/slave (replication) relation

    • sp.cc --- DB storage of stored procedures and functions

    • sp_cache.cc --- For stored procedures

    • sp_head.cc --- For stored procedures

    • sp_pcontext.cc --- For stored procedures

    • sp_rcontext.cc --- For stored procedures

    • spatial.cc --- Geometry stuff (lines, points, etc.)

    • sql_acl.cc --- Functions related to ACL security; checks, stores, retrieves, and deletes MySQL user level privileges

    • sql_analyse.cc --- Implements the PROCEDURE ANALYSE(), which analyzes a query result and returns the 'optimal' data type for each result column

    • sql_base.cc --- Basic functions needed by many modules, like opening and closing tables with table cache management

    • sql_cache.cc --- SQL query cache, with long comments about how caching works

    • sql_class.cc --- SQL class; implements the SQL base classes, of which THD (THREAD object) is the most important

    • sql_client.cc --- A function called by my_net_init() to set some check variables

    • sql_crypt.cc --- Encode / decode, very short

    • sql_db.cc --- Create / drop database

    • sql_delete.cc --- The DELETE statement

    • sql_derived.cc --- Derived tables, with long comments

    • sql_do.cc --- The DO statement

    • sql_error.cc --- Errors and warnings

    • sql_handler.cc --- Implements the HANDLER interface, which gives direct access to rows in MyISAM and InnoDB

    • sql_help.cc --- The HELP statement

    • sql_insert.cc --- The INSERT statement

    • sql_lex.cc --- Does lexical analysis of a query; that is, breaks a query string into pieces and determines the basic type (number, string, keyword, etc.) of each piece

    • sql_list.cc --- Only list_node_end_of_list, short (the rest of the list class is implemented in sql_list.h)

    • sql_load.cc --- The LOAD DATA statement

    • sql_manager.cc --- Maintenance tasks, for example, flushing the buffers periodically; used with BDB table logs

    • sql_map.cc --- Memory-mapped files (not yet in use)

    • sql_olap.cc --- ROLLUP

    • sql_parse.cc --- Parse an SQL statement; do initial checks and then jump to the function that should execute the statement

    • sql_prepare.cc --- Prepare an SQL statement, or use a prepared statement

    • sql_rename.cc --- Rename table

    • sql_repl.cc --- Replication

    • sql_select.cc --- Select and join optimization

    • sql_show.cc --- The SHOW statement

    • sql_state.c --- Functions to map mysqld errno to sqlstate

    • sql_string.cc --- String functions: alloc, realloc, copy, convert, etc.

    • sql_table.cc --- The DROP TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements

    • sql_test.cc --- Some debugging information

    • sql_trigger.cc --- Triggers

    • sql_udf.cc --- User-defined functions

    • sql_union.cc --- The UNION operator

    • sql_update.cc --- The UPDATE statement

    • sql_view.cc --- Views

    • stacktrace.c --- Display stack trace (Linux/Intel only)

    • strfunc.cc --- String functions

    • table.cc --- Table metadata retrieval; read the table definition from a .frm file and store it in a TABLE object

    • thr_malloc.cc --- Thread-safe interface to /mysys/my_alloc.c

    • time.cc --- Date and time functions

    • udf_example.cc --- Example file of user-defined functions

    • uniques.cc --- Function to handle quick removal of duplicates

    • unireg.cc --- Create a unireg format file (.frm) from a FIELD and field-info struct


    目录名 注释

    Bdb 伯克利DB表引擎

    BUILD 构建工程的脚本

    Client 客户端

    Cmd-line-utils 命令行工具

    Config 构建工程所需的一些文件

    Dbug Fred Fish的调试库

    Docs 文档文件夹

    Extra 一些相对独立的次要的工具

    Heap HEAP表引擎

    Include 头文件

    Innobase INNODB表引擎

    Libmysql 动态库

    Libmysql_r 为了构建线程安全的libmysql库

    Libmysqld 服务器作为一个嵌入式的库

    Man 用户手册

    Myisam MyISAM表引擎

    Myisammrg MyISAM Merge表引擎

    Mysql-test mysqld的测试单元

    Mysys MySQL的系统库

    Ndb Mysql集群

    Netware Mysql网络版本相关文件

    NEW-RPM 部署时存放RPM

    Os2 针对OS/2操作系统的底层函数

    Pstack 进行堆栈

    Regex 正则表达式库(包括扩展的正则表达式函数)

    SCCS 源码控制系统(不是源码的一部分)

    Scripts 批量SQL脚本,如初始化库脚本

    Server-tools 管理工具

    Sql 处理SQL命令;Mysql的核心

    Sql-bench Mysql的标准检查程序

    Sql-common 一些sql文件夹相关的C文件

    SSL 安全套接字层

    Strings 字符串函数库

    Support-files 用于在不同系统上构建Mysql的文件

    Tests 包含Perl和C的测试


    Vio 虚拟I/O库

    Zlib 数据压缩库,用于WINDOWS



    目录名 文件名 注释


    get_password.c 命令行输入密码

    Mysql.cc MySQL命令行工具

    Mysqladmin.cc 数据库weihu

    Mysqldump.c 将表的内容以SQL语句输出,即逻辑备份

    Mysqlimport.c 文本文件数据导入表中

    Mysqlmanager-pwgen.c 密码生成

    Mysqlshow.c 显示数据库,表和列

    Mysqltest.c 被mysql测试单元使用的测试程序



    Array.c 动态数组

    Charset.c 动态字符集,默认字符集

    Charset-def.c 包含客户端使用的字符集

    Checksum.c 为内存块计算校验和,用于pack_isam

    Default.c 从*.cnf和*.ini文件中查找默认配置项

    Default_modify.c 编辑可选项

    Errors.c 英文错误文本

    Hash.c hash查找、比较、释放函数

    List.c 双向链表

    Make-conf.c 创建*.conf文件

    Md5.c MD5算法


    Mf_cache.c 打开临时文件,并使用io_cache进行缓存

    Mf_driname.c 解析,转换路径名

    Mf_fn_ext.c 获取文件名的后缀

    Mf_format.c 格式化文件名

    Mf_getdate 获取日期:

    yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format

    mf_iocache.c 缓存I/O

    mf_iocaches.c 多键值缓存

    mf_loadpath.c 获取全路径名

    mf_pack.c 创建需要的压缩/非压缩文件名

    mf_path.c 决定是否程序可以找到文件

    mf_qsort.c 快速排序

    mf_qsort2.c 快速排序2

    mf_radix.c 基数排序

    mf_soundex.c 探测算法(EDN NOV 14, 1985)

    mf_strip.c 去字符串结尾空格

    mf_tempdir.c 临时文件夹的创建、查找、删除

    mf_tempfile.c 临时文件的创建

    mf_unixpath.c 转化文件名为UNIX风格

    mf_util.c 常用函数

    mf_wcomp.c 使用通配符比较

    mf_wfile.c 通配符查找文件

    mulalloc.c 同时分配多个指针

    my_access.c 检查文件或路径是否合法

    my_aes.c AES加密算法

    my_alarm.c 警报相关

    my_alloc.c 同时分配临时结果集缓存

    my_append.c 一个文件到另一个

    my_bit.c 除法使用,位运算

    my_bitmap.c 位图

    my_chsize.c 填充或截断一个文件

    my_clock.c 时钟函数

    my_compress.c 压缩

    my_copy.c 拷贝文件


    my_create.c 创建文件

    my_delete.c 删除文件

    my_div.c 获取文件名

    my_dup.c 打开复制文件

    my_error.c 错误码


    my_fopen.c 打开文件

    my_fstream.c 文件流读/写

    my_gethostbyname.c 获取主机名

    my_gethwaddr.c 获取硬件地址

    my_getopt.c 查找生效的选项

    my_getsystime.c time of day

    my_getwd.c 获取工作目录


    my_init.c 初始化变量和函数

    my_largepage.c 获取OS的分页大小

    my_lib.c 比较/转化目录名和文件名

    my_lock.c 锁住文件

    my_lockmem.c 分配一块被锁住的内存

    my_lread.c 读取文件到内存

    my_lwrite.c 内存写入文件

    my_malloc.c 分配内存

    my_messnc.c 标准输出上输出消息

    my_mkdir.c 创建目录

    my_mmap.c 内存映射

    my_net.c net函数

    my_netware.c Mysql网络版 
    my_once.c 一次分配,永不free

    my_open.c 打开一个文件

    my_os2cond.c 操作系统cond的简单实现

    my_os2dirsrch.c 模拟Win32目录查询

    my_os2dlfcn.c 模拟UNIX动态装载

    my_os2file64.c 文件64位设置

    my_os2mutex.c 互斥量

    my_os2thread.c 线程

    my_os2tls.c 线程本地存储


    my_pthread.c 线程的封装

    my_quick.c 读/写

    my_read.c 从文件读bytes

    my_realloc.c 重新分配内存

    my_redel.c 重命名和删除文件

    my_seek.c 查找

    my_semaphore.c 信号量

    my_sleep.c 睡眠等待

    my_static.c 静态变量

    my_symlink.c 读取符号链接

    my_symlink2.c 2

    my_sync.c 同步内存和文件

    my_thr_init.c 初始化/分配线程变量


    my_windac.c WINDOWS NT/2000自主访问控制

    my_winsem.c 模拟线程

    my_winthread.c 模拟线程

    my_write.c 写文件

    ptr_cmp.c 字节流比较函数

    queue,c 优先级队列

    raid2.c 支持RAID

    rijndael.c AES加密算法

    safemalloc.c 安全的malloc

    sha1.c sha1哈希加密算法

    string.c 字符串函数

    testhash.c 测试哈希函数(独立程序)

    test_charset 测试字符集(独立)

    thr_lock.c 读写锁

    thr_mutex.c 互斥量

    thr_rwlock.c 同步读写锁

    tree.c 二叉树

    typelib.c 字符串中匹配字串

    derror.cc 读取独立于语言的信息文件

    Des_key_file.cc 加载DES密钥

    Discover.cc frm文件的查找

    Field.cc 存储列信息

    Filed_conv.cc 拷贝字段信息

    Filesort.cc 结果集排序(内存或临时文件)

    Frm_crypt.cc get_crypt_from_frm

    Gen_lex_hash.cc 查找、排列SQL关键字

    Gstream.c GIS

    Handler.cc 函数句柄

    Hash_filo.cc 静态大小HASH表,


    Ha_berkeley.cc BDB的句柄

    Ha_innodb.cc INNODB句柄

    Hostname.cc 根据IP获取hostname

    Init.cc 初始化和unireg相关的函数

    item.cc  item函数

    item_buff.cc item的保存和比较的缓存

    item_cmpfunc.cc 比较函数的定义

    item_create.cc 创建一个item

    item_func.cc 数字函数

    item_geofunc.cc 集合函数

    item_row.cc 记录项比较

    item_strfunc.cc 字符串函数

    item_subselect.cc 子查询

    item_sum.cc 集函数(SUM,AVG...)

    item_timefunc.cc 时间日期函数

    item_uniq.cc  空文件

    Key.cc 创建KEY以及比较

    Lock.cc 锁

    Log.cc 日志

    log_event.cc 日志事件

    Matherr.c 处理溢出

    mf_iocache.cc 顺序读写的缓存

    Mysqld.cc main,处理信号和连接

    mf_decimal.cc decimal类型


    net_serv.cc socket数据包的解析

    nt_servc.cc NT服务

    opt_range.cc KEY排序

    opt_sum.cc 集函数优化

    parse_file.cc frm解析

    Password.c 密码检查


    Protocol.cc 数据包打包发送给客户端

    protocol_cursor.cc 存储返送数据

    Records.cc 读取记录集


    set_var.cc 设置、读取用户变量

    Slave.cc slave节点

    Sp.cc 存储过程和存储函数





    Spatial.cc 集合函数,点线面

    Sql_acl.cc ACL


    sql_base.cc 基础函数

    sql_cache.cc 查询缓存


    sql_crypt.cc 加解密

    sql_db.cc 创建、删除DB

    sql_delete.cc DELETE语句

    sql_derived.cc 派生表

    sql_do.cc DO

    sql_error.cc  错误和警告


    sql_help.cc HELP

    sql_insert.cc INSERT

    sql_lex.cc 词法分析


    sql_load.cc LOAD DATA 语句

    sql_manager.cc 维护工作

    sql_map.cc  内存映射


    sql_parse.cc 解析语句


    sql_rename.cc 重命名table名

    sql_repl.cc 复制

    sql_select.cc SELECT和JOIN优化

    sql_show.cc SHOW

    sql_state.c 错误号和状态的映射


    sql_table.cc DROP TABLE、ALTER TABLE

    sql_trigger.cc 触发器

    sql_udf.cc 用户自定义函数

    sql_union.cc UNION操作符

    sql_update.cc UPDATE

    sql_view.cc 视图

    Stacktrace.c 显示堆栈(LINUX/INTEL ONLY)


    Table.cc 表元数据获取(FRM)



    Uniques.cc 副本的快速删除

    Unireg.cc 创建一个FRM




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    windows net sc
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaotengyi/p/3768617.html
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