• 20200803

    canyon n.

    1. N-COUNT;N-IN-NAMES A canyon is a long, narrow valley with very steep sides.

    methodical adj.

    1. ADJ-GRADED If you describe someone as methodical, you mean that they do things carefuly, thoroughly, and in order.

    aristocrat n.

    1. N-COUNT An aristocrat is someone whose family has a high social rank, especially someone who has a title.

    alchemy n.

    1. N-UNCOUNT Alchemy was a form of chemistry studied in the Middle Ages, which was concerned with trying to discover ways to change ordinary metals into gold.
    2. N-UNCOUNT Alchemy is the power to change or create things in a way which seems mysterious and magical.

    percussion n.

    1. N-UNCOUNT Percussion instruments are musical instruments that you hit, such as drums.

    livestock n.

    1. N-UNCOUNT-COLL Animals such as cattle and sheep which are kept on a farm are referred to as livestock.

    ruminate v.

    1. VERB If you ruminate on something, you think about it very carefully.
    2. VERB When animals ruminate, they bring food back from their stomach into their mouth and chew it again.

    malign adj./vt.

    1. VERB If you malign someone, you say unpleasant and untrue things about them.
    2. ADJ-GRADED If something is malign, it causes harm.

    cynical adj.

    1. ADJ-GRADED If you describe someone as cynical, you mean they believe that people always act selfishly.
    2. ADJ-GRADED If you are cynical about something, you do not believe that it can be successful or that the people involved are honest.

    circuitous adj.

    1. ADJ-GRADED A circuitous route is long and complicated rather than simple and direct.

    languish v.

    1. VERB If someone languishes somewhere, they are forced to remain and suffer in an unpleasant situation.
    2. VERB If something languishes, it is not successful, often because of a lack of effort or because of a lot of difficulities.

    abstruce adj.

    1. ADJ-GRADED You can describe something as abstruse if you find it difficult to understand, especially when you think it could be explained more simply.

    expedite vt.

    1. VERB If you expedite something, you cause it to be done more quickly.

    bereave v.

    discernible adj.

    1. ADJ-GRADED If something is discernible, you can see it or recognize that it exists.

    entrepreneur n.

    1. N-COUNT An entrepreneur is a person who sets up businesses and business deals.


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