#!/usr/bin/perl # Written by FinalBSD at 2008-11-20. # The netstat original written by C # is expensive to me, so this born. # As long as you retain this notice you # can do whatever you want with this stuff. # If we meet some day, and you think # this stuff is worth it, you can # buy me a beer in return. use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Std; my $tcp = "/proc/net/tcp"; my $tcp6 = "/proc/net/tcp6"; my $route = "/proc/net/route"; my @tcpState = ( "NULL", "ESTABLISHED" , "SYN_SENT", "SYN_RECV", "FIN_WAIT1", "FIN_WAIT2", "TIME_WAIT", "CLOSE", "CLOSE_WAIT", "LAST_ACK", "LISTEN", "CLOSING" ); my @routeType = ( "NULL", "U", # UP "G", # Gateway "UG" # UP & Gateway ); my %opts; getopts('nhatsrl', %opts); if($opts{h}) { &usage(); } if($opts{r}) { &route_info($route); exit; } &tcp_info($tcp); &tcp_info($tcp6); ###################### FUNCTION DEFINITION ########################### ############################# # Get statistics Information ############################ sub tcp_info($) { my $file = shift; open(FH, $file) or die("$!"); my $format = "%-30s %-30s %-10s "; printf($format," Local Address"," Foreign Address","State"); while(<FH>) { next if /local_address/; my @data = split; my $state = $tcpState[hex($data[3])]; # Show listening Sockets. if($opts{l}){ printf($format, &hextoint($data[1]), &hextoint($data[2]), $state) if $state =~ /LIST/; } else { printf($format, &hextoint($data[1]), &hextoint($data[2]), $state); } } close(FH); } ############################# # Convert hex to int ############################ sub hextoint($) { my $tmp = shift; my @data; my @ip; my $int; # if have ':', then it's addr:port,else just port. if( $tmp =~ /:/ ) { if( $tmp =~ /FFFF/ ) { @data = split /:/, $tmp; # break it and do convert later. @ip = $data[0] =~ /w{2}/g; foreach my $index (12..15){ $ip[$index] = hex($ip[$index]); } $int = sprintf("%-5s %d.%d.%d.%d:%d", "tcp6",$ip[15], $ip[14], $ip[13], $ip[12], hex($data[1])); } else { @data = split /:/, $tmp; @ip = $data[0] =~ /w{2}/g; foreach my $index (0..3){ $ip[$index] = hex($ip[$index]); } $int = sprintf("%-s %d.%d.%d.%d:%d", " ",$ip[3], $ip[2], $ip[1], $ip[0], hex($data[1])); } } else { @ip = $tmp =~ /w{2}/g; foreach my $index (0..3){ $ip[$index] = hex($ip[$index]); } $int = sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", hex($ip[3]), hex($ip[2]), hex($ip[1]), hex($ip[0])); } return $int; } ############################# # Show Kernel route table ############################ sub route_info($) { my $routefile = shift; open(ROUTE, $routefile) or die ("Can't open route file! "); my $header = "Iface Destination Gateway Flags Genmask "; printf("%s", $header); my $format = "%-5s %-15s %-15s %-5s %-15s "; while(<ROUTE>) { next if /Iface/; my @line = split; my ($iface, $dest, $gw, $flags, $mask ) = ($line[0], &hextoint($line[1]), &hextoint($line[2]), hex($line[3]), &hextoint($line[7])); printf($format, $iface, $dest, $gw, $routeType[$flags], $mask ); } close(ROUTE); } ############################# # Show help information ############################ sub usage { printf("%s %-30s %-30s %-30s %-30s %-30s %-30s ", "netstat written in Perl by FinalBSD.Copyright(c) 2008.", "-n Show numeric ip and port address.", "-r Display the kernel routing table.", "-a Show both listening and non-listening socktes.", "-t Show only TCP statistics.", "-l Show only listening sockets.", "-h Show help.", ); exit; }