• 在未安装 Outlook 的情况下创建 MAPI 配置文件

    人们通常认为,Exchange Server 上必须安装 MAPI 客户端(例如 Microsoft Outlook 或 Exchange 客户端)才能创建 MAPI 配置文件;这种想法是错误的。因为此原因而安装 MAPI 客户端是不必要的,而且就 Outlook 而言,不建议您在生产服务器上安装它。只要安装有 MAPI 子系统(Exchange 中已经包含此子系统),就可以通过其他各种方法来创建 MAPI 配置文件。

    您尝试其中任一种方法之前,您需要确保服务器上的 Mapisvc.inf 文件中生成了适当的项目。 有关如何修改该文件的其他信息,请单击下面的文章编号,以查看 Microsoft 知识库中相应的文章:
    294470  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/294470/EN-US/ ) HOWTO:Add Entries For Exchange Services to Mapisvc.inf

    1. 使用 NewProf.exe

    此实用工具随 Microsoft Outlook 一起提供。您可以在 MSDN Library 中的“Creating a Profile with NEWPROF”(使用 NEWPROF 创建配置文件)主题下找到它的使用说明。 有关其他信息,请单击下面的文章编号,以查看 Microsoft 知识库中相应的文章:
    145905  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/145905/EN-US/ ) XCLN:Newprof.exe Command-Line Options
    148664  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/148664/EN-US/ ) XCLN:Description of the Profile Descriptor File

    2. 使用 ProfMan2 示例

    该示例使用 MAPI IProfAdmin 接口(参见下面的方法 5 中的说明)。您可以在以下文章中找到此示例:
    228736  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/228736/EN-US/ ) 示例:Profman2.exe - MAPI 配置文件管理器 v2.0

    3. 使用 MAPILogonEx

    当调用 MAPILogonEx 而没有指定配置文件并且设置了 MAPI_LOGON_UI 标志时,如果计算机上没有任何配置文件,MAPI 会显示配置文件创建向导。如果有现有的配置文件,MAPI 则显示选择配置文件对话框。单击新建以启动配置文件创建向导。

    // CreateProfileWithMAPILogonEx function: This takes advantage of the 
    // profile prompt dialog's "New" button.
    bool CreateProfileWithMAPILogonEx()
        HRESULT         hRes = S_OK;        // Return code from MAPI calls.
        LPMAPISESSION   lpSession = NULL;   // MAPI Session pointer.
        // Initialize MAPI.
        if (FAILED(hRes = MAPIInitialize(NULL)))
            cout<<"Error initializing MAPI. hRes = 0x"<<hex<<hRes<<dec<<endl;
            return FALSE;
        // Instruct user to click the "New" button.
        cout<<"When the \"Choose Profile\" dialog appears, click the \"New\" button"
            <<"to configure a new profile."<<endl;
        // Call MAPILogonEx to display the profile chooser dialog.
        if (FAILED(hRes = MAPILogonEx(NULL,
            cout<<"Error logging on. hRes = 0x"<<hex<<hRes<<dec<<endl;
            return FALSE;
        // Log off the session.
        if (FAILED(hRes = lpSession->Logoff(0,0,0)))
            cout<<"Error logging off. hRes = 0x"<<hex<<hRes<<dec<<endl;
        // Release the session.
        // Uninitialize MAPI.
        // Return true to indicate success.
        return TRUE;



    // CreateProfileWithLAUNCHWIZARD function: This uses the LAUNCHWIZARDENTRY API
    // to display the profile configuration UI.
    bool CreateProfileWithLAUNCHWIZARD()
        HRESULT     hRes = S_OK;                    // Return code from MAPI calls.
        TCHAR       szProfName[80] = {0};           // String to hold profile name.
        LPTSTR      szServices[] = {"MSEMS", NULL}; // String to hold message service names.
        // Call LaunchWizard to add the MSEMS service.
        if (FAILED(hRes = LaunchWizard(NULL,
                                       (LPCTSTR *)szServices,
            cout<<"Error launching wizard. hRes = 0x"<<hex<<hRes<<dec<<endl;
            return FALSE;
        // Return true indicating success.
        return TRUE;

    5. 使用 MAPI IProfAdmin 接口

    使用此 MAPI 接口,您可以在无用户干预的情况下以编程方式创建配置文件。

    // CreateProfileWithIProfAdmin function: This uses the MAPI IProfAdmin to 
    // programmatically create a profile. No UI is displayed.
    bool CreateProfileWithIProfAdmin()
        HRESULT         hRes = S_OK;            // Result from MAPI calls.
        LPPROFADMIN     lpProfAdmin = NULL;     // Profile Admin object.
        LPSERVICEADMIN  lpSvcAdmin = NULL;      // Service Admin object.
        LPMAPITABLE     lpMsgSvcTable = NULL;   // Table to hold services.
        LPSRowSet       lpSvcRows = NULL;       // Rowset to hold results of table query.
        SPropValue      rgval[2];               // Property structure to hold values we want to set.
        SRestriction    sres;                   // Restriction structure.
        SPropValue      SvcProps;               // Property structure for restriction.
        char            szProfile[80] = {0};    // String for profile name.
        char            szMailbox[80] = {0};    // String for mailbox name.
        char            szServer[80] = {0};     // String for server name.
        // This indicates columns we want returned from HrQueryAllRows.
        enum {iSvcName, iSvcUID, cptaSvc};
        SizedSPropTagArray(cptaSvc,sptCols) = { cptaSvc, PR_SERVICE_NAME, PR_SERVICE_UID };
        // Get configuration info from user.
        cout<<"Enter name for profile: ";
        cout<<"Enter Exchange mailbox name: ";
        cout<<"Enter Exchange server name: ";
        // Initialize MAPI.
        if (FAILED(hRes = MAPIInitialize(NULL)))
            cout<<"Error initializing MAPI.";
            goto error;
        // Get an IProfAdmin interface.
        if (FAILED(hRes = MAPIAdminProfiles(0,              // Flags.
                                            &lpProfAdmin))) // Pointer to new IProfAdmin.
            cout<<"Error getting IProfAdmin interface.";
            goto error;
        // Create a new profile.
        if (FAILED(hRes = lpProfAdmin->CreateProfile(szProfile,     // Name of new profile.
                                                     NULL,          // Password for profile.
                                                     NULL,          // Handle to parent window.
                                                     NULL)))        // Flags.
            cout<<"Error creating profile.";
            goto error;
        // Get an IMsgServiceAdmin interface off of the IProfAdmin interface.
        if (FAILED(hRes = lpProfAdmin->AdminServices(szProfile,     // Profile that we want to modify.
                                                     NULL,          // Password for that profile.
                                                     NULL,          // Handle to parent window.
                                                     0,             // Flags.
                                                     &lpSvcAdmin))) // Pointer to new IMsgServiceAdmin.
            cout<<"Error getting IMsgServiceAdmin interface.";
            goto error;
        // Create the new message service for Exchange.
        if (FAILED(hRes = lpSvcAdmin->CreateMsgService("MSEMS",     // Name of service from MAPISVC.INF.
                                                       NULL,        // Display name of service.
                                                       NULL,        // Handle to parent window.
                                                       NULL)))      // Flags.
            cout<<"Error creating Exchange message service.";
            goto error;
        // We now need to get the entry id for the new service.
        // This can be done by getting the message service table
        // and getting the entry that corresponds to the new service.
        if (FAILED(hRes = lpSvcAdmin->GetMsgServiceTable(0,                 // Flags.
                                                         &lpMsgSvcTable)))  // Pointer to table.
            cout<<"Error getting Message Service Table.";
            goto error;
        // Set up restriction to query table.
        sres.rt = RES_CONTENT;
        sres.res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel = FL_FULLSTRING;
        sres.res.resContent.ulPropTag = PR_SERVICE_NAME;
        sres.res.resContent.lpProp = &SvcProps;
        SvcProps.ulPropTag = PR_SERVICE_NAME;
        SvcProps.Value.lpszA = "MSEMS";
        // Query the table to get the entry for the newly created message service.
        if (FAILED(hRes = HrQueryAllRows(lpMsgSvcTable,
            cout<<"Error querying table for new message service.";
            goto error;
        // Setup a SPropValue array for the properties you need to configure.
        // First, the server name.
        ZeroMemory(&rgval[1], sizeof(SPropValue) );
        rgval[1].ulPropTag = PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER;
        rgval[1].Value.lpszA = szServer;
        // Next, the mailbox name.
        ZeroMemory(&rgval[0], sizeof(SPropValue) );
        rgval[0].ulPropTag = PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_NAME; 
        rgval[0].Value.lpszA = szMailbox;
        // Configure the message service with the above properties.
            if (FAILED(hRes = lpSvcAdmin->ConfigureMsgService(
            (LPMAPIUID)lpSvcRows->aRow->lpProps[iSvcUID].Value.bin.lpb, // Entry ID of service to configure.
            NULL,                                                       // Handle to parent window.
            0,                                                          // Flags.
            2,                                                          // Number of properties we are setting.
            rgval)))                                                    // Pointer to SPropValue array.
            cout<<"Error configuring message service.";
            goto error;
        goto cleanup;
        cout<<" hRes = 0x"<<hex<<hRes<<dec<<endl;
        return FALSE;
        // Clean up.
        if (lpSvcRows) FreeProws(lpSvcRows);
        if (lpMsgSvcTable) lpMsgSvcTable->Release();
        if (lpSvcAdmin) lpSvcAdmin->Release();
        if (lpProfAdmin) lpProfAdmin->Release();
        return TRUE;
    从 Microsoft 下载中心可以下载以下文件:
    Profiler.exe (http://download.microsoft.com/download/exchplatinumbeta/sample/1.0/nt45/en-us/profiler.exe)  

    Profiler.exe 是一个简单的 Microsoft Visual C++ 示例,它演示了上面的方法 3 到方法 5。Profiler.exe 文件包含下列文件:

    Profiler.dsw 1 KB
    Profiler.dsp 5 KB
    Profiler.cpp 12 KB

  • 相关阅读:
    Python turtle学习笔记 #11933
    Java编程思想 第七章
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wd775/p/1964191.html
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