ID 1532894.1
- 19:31:43.633 [hostName:scyy1] [pool-4514-thread-243] [2017080900000020] ERROR 报错信息如下:weblogic.jdbc.extensions.ConnectionDeadSQLException: weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException: 0:weblogic.common.ResourceException: Could not create pool connection. The DBMS driver exception was: IO 错误: Connection reset
- weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCUtil.wrapAndThrowResourceException(
- weblogic.jdbc.pool.Driver.connect(
- weblogic.jdbc.jts.Driver.getNonTxConnection(
- weblogic.jdbc.jts.Driver.connect(
Please follow these steps to resolve the issue:
- 1.From the WLS admin console, select the datasource.
- 2.Under the connection pool tab, click on Advanced.
- 3.Check the "Enable Test Connections On Reserve" option.
- 4.Make "Login Delay" 1.
- 5.Make "Connection Creation Retry Frequency" 2.
- 6.Save the configuration.
- 7.Restart the Cluster.