Mathman Bank
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The system must support the following operations:
1. Open account: given the customer's name and password, and an initial deposit, open an bank account for the customer.
2. Deposit: given the amount of money and the name of the customer, deposit money in the customer's account.
3. Withdraw: given the amount of money, the customer's name and password, withdraw money from the customer's account.
4. Transfer: given the amount of money, sender's name, sender's password and receiver's name, transfer money from the sender's account to the
receiver's account.
5. Check: given the customer's name and password, print the balance of the customer's account.
6. Change password: given the customer's name and old password, and the new password, replace the customer's old password with the new one.
Initially, no account exists in the bank management system .
1. O "customer" "password" "initial deposit" - open an account for "customer", set the password to "password" and deposit "inital deposit" money in the account. "customer" and "password" are strings, and "initial deposit" is an integer.
2. D "customer" "amount" - deposit "amount" money in "customer"'sac- count. "customer" is a string, and "amount" is an integer.
3. W"customer" "password" "amount" - withdraw "amount" money from "customer"'s account. "customer" and "password" are strings, and amount
T "sender" "password" "receiver" "amount" - transfer "amount" money from
"sender"'s acount to "receiver"'s account. "sender", "pasword" and
"receiver" are strings, and "amount" is an integer.
C "customer" "password" - check "customer"'s balance. "customer" and
"password" are strings.
6. X "customer" "old password" "new password" - replace "customer"'s old password with "new password". "customer", "old password" and "new password" are strings.
All of the strings appearing in the input consist of only alphebetical letters and digits, and has length at most 10. All the integers in the input are nonnegative, and at most 1000000.
Refer to the sample input for more details.
1. Open account: If "customer" already has an account, output "Account exists." (without quotation marks); otherwise, output "Successfully opened an account." (without quotation marks).
2. Deposite: If "customer" doesn't have an account ,output "Account does not exist."; otherwise, output "Successfully deposited money."(without quotation marks).
3. Withdraw: If "customer" doesn't have an account, output "Account does not exist."; otherwise, if "customer"'s password doesn't match "password", output "Wrong password."; otherwise, if there are less money than "amount" in "customer"'s account, output "Money not enough."; otherwise, output "Successfully withdrew money." quotation marks).
4. Transfer: If "sender"'s account or "receiver"'s account doesn't exist, output "Account does not exist."; otherwise, if "sender"'s password doesn't match "password", output "Wrong password."; otherwise, if there is less money than 'amount" in "sender"'s account, output "Money not enough."; otherwise, output "Successfully transfered money."
5. Check: If "customer"'s account doesn't exist, output "Account does not exist."; otherwise, if "customer"'s password doesn't match "password", output "Wrong password."; otherwise, output the balance of "customer"'s account.
6. Change password: If "customer" doesn't have an account, output "Account does not exist."; otherwise, if "customer"'s password doesn't match "old password", output "Wrong password."; otherwise, output 'Successfully changed password.".
25 W Alice alice 10 O Alice alice 10 C Alice alice D Bob 10000 O Bob bob 100 D Alice 50 C Alice alice X Bob bob BOB C Bob bob O Bob bob 10 T Bob bob Alice 100000 W Alice alice 10 T Bob BOB Alice 100000 T Bob BOB Alice 100 C Alice alice C Bob BOB T Alice alice BOB 10 T ALICE alice Bob 10 X Jack jack JACE X Alice ALICE alice W Alice Alice 10 W Alice alice 200 T Alice alice Bob 80 C Alice alice C Bob BOB
Account does not exist. Successfully opened an account. 10 Account does not exist. Successfully opened an account. Successfully deposited money. 60 Successfully changed password. Wrong password. Account exists. Wrong password. Successfully withdrew money. Money not enough. Successfully transfered money. 150 0 Account does not exist. Account does not exist. Account does not exist. Wrong password. Wrong password. Money not enough. Successfully transfered money. 70 80
#include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; struct Node//为每个账户开设一个结构体 { string Name;//姓名 string Code;//密码 int Money;//存款金额 }node[1002]; int find(Node x[],int m,string name)//两个功能,判断name是否已经开了账户,如果已经开了返回在数组中的位置 { for(int i=0;i<m;i++) { if(x[i].Name==name) { return i; } } return -1; } int main() { int n;char cm; int m=0; cin>>n; while(n--) { cin>>cm; if(cm=='O')//开设账户 { string name,code; int money; cin>>name>>code>>money; if(find(node,m,name)==-1||m==0)//该姓名没有开账户 { node[m].Name=name; node[m].Code=code; node[m].Money=money; m++; cout<<"Successfully opened an account."<<endl; } else cout<<"Account exists."<<endl; } if(cm=='D') { string name;int money; cin>>name>>money; if(find(node,m,name)==-1) cout<<"Account does not exist."<<endl; else { node[find(node,m,name)].Money+=money; cout<<"Successfully deposited money."<<endl; } } if(cm=='W') { string name,code;int money; cin>>name>>code>>money; if(find(node,m,name)==-1) { cout<<"Account does not exist."<<endl; } else { if(node[find(node,m,name)].Code!=code) { cout<<"Wrong password."<<endl; } else if(node[find(node,m,name)].Money<money) { cout<<"Money not enough."<<endl; } else { node[find(node,m,name)].Money-=money; cout<<"Successfully withdrew money."<<endl; } } } if(cm=='T') { string name1,code,name2; int money; cin>>name1>>code>>name2>>money; if(find(node,m,name1)==-1||find(node,m,name2)==-1) cout<<"Account does not exist."<<endl; else if(node[find(node,m,name1)].Code!=code) cout<<"Wrong password."<<endl; else if(node[find(node,m,name1)].Money<money) cout<<"Money not enough."<<endl; else { node[find(node,m,name1)].Money-=money; node[find(node,m,name2)].Money+=money; cout<<"Successfully transfered money."<<endl; } } if(cm=='C') { string name,code; cin>>name>>code; if(find(node,m,name)==-1) { cout<<"Account does not exist."<<endl; } else if(node[find(node,m,name)].Code!=code) { cout<<"Wrong password."<<endl; } else { cout<<node[find(node,m,name)].Money<<endl; } } if(cm=='X') { string name,code1,code2; cin>>name>>code1>>code2; int len=find(node,m,name); if(len==-1) { cout<<"Account does not exist."<<endl; } else if(node[len].Code!=code1) { cout<<"Wrong password."<<endl; } else { node[len].Code=code2; cout<<"Successfully changed password."<<endl; } } } return 0; }