• Matlab Euler's method

    % matlab script to test efficiency of
    % Euler's method, classical Runge-Kutta, and ode45
    % on Arenstorf orbit problem
    close all
    clear all
    % these are variables we would like the right-hand function to "see"
    % without actually passing them as arguments
    global mu muHat
    % set normalized masses
    mu = 0.012277471;
    muHat = 1 - mu;
    % set time span of integration
    t0 = 0;
    tf = 17.1;
    % set initial conditions
    u1 = 0.994;
    u2 = 0;
    u1Dot = 0;
    u2Dot = -2.00158510637908252240537862224;
    % pack into vector y0
    y0 = [u1 u2 u1Dot u2Dot]';
    % set the name of the function to compute the right-hand side
    f = 'arenstorf';
    disp(['The ' f ' problem'])
    disp(' ')
    % begin with Euler's method
    disp('Experiments with Euler''s method.')
    % "logical" variable to end given phase (Euler, Runge-Kutta)
    iMore = 1;
    while (iMore == 1),
        % prompt user for number of steps
        nSteps = input('Please enter the number of steps to take: ');
        % set up array to store solution
        y = zeros(length(y0),nSteps+1);
        h = (tf-t0)/nSteps;
        t = linspace(t0,tf,nSteps+1);
        y(:,1) = y0;
        for i=1:nSteps,
            y(:,i+1) = y(:,i) + h*feval(f,t(i),y(:,i));
        iMore = input('Do you wish to repeat with Euler''s method? (1=yes,0=no) ');
        disp(' ')
    close all
    % now investigate classical Runge-Kutta 
    disp('Experiments with classical Runge-Kutta method.')
    iMore = 1;
    while (iMore == 1),
        % prompt user for number of steps
        nSteps = input('Please enter the number of steps to take: ');
        % set up array to store solution
        y = zeros(length(y0),nSteps+1);
        h = (tf-t0)/nSteps;
        t = linspace(t0,tf,nSteps+1);
        y(:,1) = y0;
        for i=1:nSteps,
            K1 = feval(f,t(i),y(:,i));
            K2 = feval(f,t(i)+h/2,y(:,i)+h*K1/2);
            K3 = feval(f,t(i)+h/2,y(:,i)+h*K2/2);
            K4 = feval(f,t(i+1),y(:,i)+h*K3);
            y(:,i+1) = y(:,i) + h*(K1+2*(K2+K3)+K4)/6;
        iMore = input('Do you wish to repeat with classical RK? (1=yes,0=no) ');
        disp(' ')
    close all
    % finally use ode45
    disp('Solving problem with ode45 ... ')
    % try with and without options in call to ode45
    options = odeset('RelTol',1e-4);
    [t,y] = ode45(f,[t0 tf],y0,options);
    % from Wikipedia about the Arenstorf orbit
    % Richard F. Arenstorf is an American mathematician who discovered a
    % stable orbit between the Earth and the Moon, called an Arenstorf
    % Orbit, which was the basis of the orbit used by the Apollo Program
    % for going to the Moon.
    % The Arenstorf Orbit
    % While the orbit of a satellite around the Sun was empirically
    % discovered by Kepler and theoretically proven by Newton to be an
    % ellipse, at the time when the United States was interested in going
    % to the Moon, there was no such solution known for the shape of a
    % satellite orbiting regularly around two objects, such as a
    % spacecraft going between the Earth and the Moon. This is a special
    % case of the infamous Three Body Problem, for which a general
    % analytical solution is not known because of its complexity of
    % solving the effect of three bodies which all pull on each other
    % while moving, a total of six interactions. However the case of an
    % Earth-Moon satellite can be simplified to four interactions, because
    % although the three objects gravitationally all pull on each other,
    % the effect of the spacecraft's gravity upon the motion of the vastly
    % more massive Earth and Moon is practically non-existent. Arenstorf
    % found a stable orbit for a spacecraft orbiting between the Earth and
    % Moon, shaped like an '8' with the Earth or Moon located inside each
    % loop of the '8'. This orbit is the basis of a path going to the Moon
    % from the Earth, such as the United States Apollo program. For a
    % permanent presence on the Moon, it would be the path of what
    % Arenstorf calls a 'Space Bus', a ferry which could regularly orbit
    % supplies and people between the Earth and Moon without directly
    % expending fuel. By staying on the Arenstorf orbit, lunar astronauts
    % automatically return back to Earth. Before leaving NASA at the first
    % Moon Landing, Arenstorf mapped out an emergency rescue orbit, which
    % was used in the Apollo 13 incident, in which a catastrophic
    % malfunction forced aborting the Moon landing, but the astronauts
    % ultimately returned safely to Earth without a major course
    % adjustment.
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