依赖倒置原则(The Dependency-Inversion Principle)的本质是要破除看似自然的结构化程序设计思维:逻辑高层调用底层,逻辑上的高层在设计中应处于抽象层次的底层。
High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.
做到这些后,逻辑高层模块就可以很方便的复用了。This principle is at the very heart of framework design.
Naive layering scheme
Inverted Layers
DIP告诉我们要depend on abstraction, should not depend on a concrete class.
No variable should hold a pointer or reference to a concrete class.
No class should derive from a concrete class
No method should override an implemented method of any of its base classes.
上述规则很严,但是否依赖concrete class,关键在于class是否稳定。比如Java中String,很稳定,产生依赖也没关系。即使采用上述规则,当接口发生改变时,接口的调用者不可避免需要同时作出改变。但如果接口是client声明的呢,那只有当client需要时,接口才需要发生变化。接口实现类的变化不会影响client。这就是接口所有权的倒置。
This is the reason that the heuristic is a bit naïve. If, on the other hand, we take the longer view that the client classed declare the service interfaces that they need, then the only time the interface will changes is when the client needs the change. Changes to the classes that implement the abstract interface will not affect the client.
Naïve Model of a Button and Lamp
Dependency Inversion Applied to the Lamp
The principle of dependency inversion is the fundamental low-level mechanism behind many of the benefit claimed for object-oriented technology. Its proper application is necessary for the creation of reusable frameworks. It is also critically important for the construction of code that is resilient to change. Since the abstraction and details are isolated from each other, the code is much easier to maintain.
public class Button { Switch mSwitch; public Button (Lamp l){ mSwitch = l; } public void poll(boolean isOn){ if (isOn) mSwitch.turnOn(); else mSwitch.turnOff(); } }
public interface Switch { public void turnOn(); public void turnOff(); }
public class Lamp implements Switch { private boolean mStatus; public Lamp(){ mStatus = false; } @Override public void turnOn() { mStatus = true; } @Override public void turnOff() { mStatus = false; } public boolean getStatus(){ return mStatus; } }