• 转MySQL遇到的语法差异及解决方案

    最近公司项目需要从SQL Server转到MySQL, 在转的过程中遇到两者语法之间的一些差异,在网上找了解决方案后,特记录在此。由于解决方案可能有很多种,我只记录了自己使用过的,仅作参考。

    1. 拼接字符串


    • MSSQL

      ( SELECT    LEFT(dal.DeliveryAreaList,
                       LEN(dal.DeliveryAreaList) - 1)
        FROM      ( SELECT    ( SELECT    CAST(DeliveryArea AS VARCHAR)
                                          + '|'
                                FROM      Rel_MainCommodityDeliveryArea
                                WHERE     MainCommodityId = a.MainCommodityId
                                          AND DeliveryArea <> 0
                                          AND Disabled = 0
                              ORDER BY DeliveryArea ASC
                                XML PATH('')
                              ) AS DeliveryAreaList
                  ) dal
      ) AS DeliveryAreasList
    • MySQL

       group_concat(rmcda.DeliveryArea order by rmcda.DeliveryArea desc separator '|')
      from Rel_MainCommodityDeliveryArea rmcda
      where rmcda.MainCommodityId = a.MainCommodityId and rmcda.DeliveryArea <> 0 and rmcda.Disabled = 0) as DeliveryAreasList

    2. MySQL中和update set select语法

    MySQL中update set selectfrom,需要使用更新多表的语法

    • MSSQL

      update fc
      set fc.UseScenarios   = (ISNULL(fc.InheritName, '')
                                 + ISNULL(fmc.MainCommodityName_Postfix, '')
                                 + '-' + ISNULL(cn.ChannelAlias, '')
                                 + ISNULL(fc.CommodityName_Postfix, '')),
        fc.UseScenariosEn   = (ISNULL(fc.CommodityName_Prefix, '')
                                 + ISNULL(fc.InheritName, '')
                                 + ISNULL(fmc.MainCommodityName_Postfix,
                                 + ISNULL(fc.CommodityName_Postfix, '')),
        fc.[Rec_ModifyBy]   = '{updateUser}',
        fc.[Rec_ModifyTime] = now(3)
      from Fct_Commodity as fc
        inner join Fct_MainCommodity as fmc on fc.MainCommodityId = fmc.MainCommodityId
        inner join Dim_Channel as cn on fc.ChannelId = cn.ChannelId
      where fc.Disabled = 0
            and fmc.Disabled = 0
            and fc.InheritName is not null
            and fc.InheritName <> ''
            and fmc.[MainCommodityCode] in ({codeList})
    • MySQL

      update Fct_Commodity fc, Fct_MainCommodity fmc, Dim_Channel cn
      set fc.UseScenarios = (ifnull(fc.InheritName, '')
                             + ifnull(fmc.MainCommodityName_Postfix, '')
                             + '-' + ifnull(cn.ChannelAlias, '')
                             + ifnull(fc.CommodityName_Postfix, '')),
        fc.UseScenariosEn = (ifnull(fc.CommodityName_Prefix, '')
                             + ifnull(fc.InheritName, '')
                             + ifnull(fmc.MainCommodityName_Postfix,
                             + ifnull(fc.CommodityName_Postfix, '')),
        fc.Rec_ModifyBy   = '{updateUser}',
        fc.Rec_ModifyTime = now(3)
        fc.MainCommodityId = fmc.MainCommodityId
        and fc.ChannelId = cn.ChannelId
        and fc.Disabled = 0
        and fmc.Disabled = 0
        and fc.InheritName is not null
        and fc.InheritName <> ''
        and fmc.MainCommodityCode in ({codeList})

    3. MySQL子查询中使用limit

    MySQL中子某些子查询不允许limit, 如需要使用,需要用select再包一层

    • MSSQL

      SELECT UnitId,UnitName
      FROM Dim_Unit
      WHERE UnitName IN (
                        SELECT TOP 6 fmc.Unit
                        FROM Fct_MainCommodity fmc INNER JOIN Dim_Unit du ON fmc.Unit=du.UnitName
                        WHERE fmc.Disabled=0 AND du.Disabled=0
                        GROUP BY fmc.Unit
                        ORDER BY COUNT(fmc.Unit) DESC
    • MySQL

      from Dim_Unit
      where UnitName in (
        select temp.Unit
          (select fmc.Unit
           from Fct_MainCommodity fmc inner join Dim_Unit du on fmc.Unit = du.UnitName
           where fmc.Disabled = 0 and du.Disabled = 0
           group by fmc.Unit
           order by COUNT(fmc.Unit) desc
           limit 6) temp)

    4. Parameter '@Rec_CreateTime' must be defined

    参数化拼sql, 不要用now(3), 直接在代码里面获取当前时间

    • MSSQL

      public static Hashtable CreateByCheck(Hashtable htValue,string userID)
          if (!htValue.Contains("Rec_CreateTime"))
              htValue.Add("Rec_CreateTime", "now(3)");
          if (!htValue.Contains("Rec_CreateBy"))
              htValue.Add("Rec_CreateBy", HttpContext.Current == null ? "admin" : userID);
          return htValue;
    • MySQL

      public static Hashtable CreateByCheck(Hashtable htValue,string userID)
          if (!htValue.Contains("Rec_CreateTime"))
              htValue.Add("Rec_CreateTime", DateTime.Now);
          if (!htValue.Contains("Rec_CreateBy"))
              htValue.Add("Rec_CreateBy", HttpContext.Current == null ? "admin" : userID);
          return htValue;

    5 拼接字符串+字符集

    1. (MainCommodityName + ifnull(MainCommodityName_Postfix, ''))拼接得不到想要的结果

    2. [HY000][1267] Illegal mix of collations (utf8_bin,NONE) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '=': 需要加 collate utf8_general_ci 统一字符集

    • MSSQL

      select MainCommodityName
      from Fct_MainCommodity
      where (MainCommodityName + ifnull(MainCommodityName_Postfix, '')) = '附件上传原料A进A出1003' and Disabled = 0 and
            ifnull(IsAutoHide, 0) != 1 and MainCommodityId != '27135417-a42b-453f-a1cc-1617d6fc471e';
    • MySQL

      select MainCommodityName
      from Fct_MainCommodity
      where CONCAT(MainCommodityName, cast(ifnull(MainCommodityName_Postfix, '') as nchar(50))) collate utf8_general_ci =
            and Disabled = 0 and ifnull(IsAutoHide, 0) != 1 and MainCommodityId != '27135417-a42b-453f-a1cc-1617d6fc471e';

    6 SQL中使用正则


    • MSSQL
     select isnull( MAX(BrandCode),99999)+1 as BrandCode from Fct_Brand 
                    where BrandCode like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
    • MySQL
    select ifnull( MAX(BrandCode),99999)+1 as BrandCode from Fct_Brand 
                    where BrandCode regexp '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tonqiang/p/9716800.html
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