--主键primary key create table Persons ( id int not null, name varchar(255) not null, constraint pk_id primary key (id asc,name desc) ) alter table Persons add constraint pk_id primary key (id asc,name desc) alter table Persons drop constraint pk_id --外键foreign key create table Orders ( oid int not null, oname varchar(255) not null, constraint fk_id foreign key (oid) references Persons (id) ) alter table Orders add constraint fk_id foreign key (oid) alter table Orders drop constraint fk_id --唯一约束unique create table Persons ( id int not null, name varchar(255) not null, constraint uk_id unique (id asc,name desc) ) alter table Persons add constraint uk_id unique (id asc,name desc) alter table Persons drop constraint uk_id --删除表的字段的 not null 约束: alter table x modify column_name null; alter table x modify column_name not null; --默认值约束 default create table Orders ( num int not null default 1 ) alter table Orders add constraint df_num default (1) for num alter table Orders drop constraint df_num --check约束 create table Persons ( id int not null, name varchar(255) null, sex varchar(255) not null, phone varchar(255) null, constraint chk_id check (id>0), constraint chk_name check ((id=0 and name='未知') or id>0), constraint chk_sex check (sex='男' or sex='女'), constraint chk_phone check (phone like '(010) [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9]') ) alter table Persons add constraint chk_id check (id>0) , constraint chk_name check ((id=0 and name='未知') or id>0) , constraint chk_sex check (sex='男' or sex='女') , constraint chk_phone check (phone like '(010) [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9]') alter table Persons drop constraint chk_id , constraint chk_name , constraint chk_sex , constraint chk_phone