今天写了一个能指定图片尺寸,以及比例 来搜索分类图片的Python脚本。为了读取多个格式的文件的头,采用了Python PIL库。
im = PIL.Image.open(imPath) if im的属性满足条件: os.move(imPath,newPath)
imFp = open(imPath,"rb") im = PIL.Image.open(imFP) if im的属性满足条件: imFp.close() os.move(imPath,newPath) else: imFp.close()
import os; import os.path; import PIL.Image as Image; import shutil import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('gb18030') wkPath = os.getcwd() allImagesNames = [imPath for imPath in os.listdir(wkPath) if (os.path.isfileth+os.sep+imPath) and (os.path.splitext(imPath)[1].lower() in [".jpg",".jpeg",".tiff",".png",".gif",".bmp"]))] minAspect = 0.0 maxAspect = 200.0 minWidth = 0 maxWidth = 1000 minHeight = 0 maxHeight = 1000 outDir = "Aspect_from"+("%.2f" %minAspect)+"to"+("%.2f" %maxAspect) +"Dim from"+str(minWidth)+"x"+str(minHeight)+" to "+str(maxWidth)+"x"+str(maxHeight) for imName in allImagesNames: fp = open(wkPath+os.sep+imName,"rb") print imName im = Image.open(fp) w = im.size[0] h = im.size[1] aspect = float(w)/h fp.close() if aspect<=(maxAspect+0.02) and aspect>=(minAspect-0.02) and w<=maxWidth and w>=minWidth and h<=maxHeight and h>=minHeight: if not os.path.exists(wkPath+os.sep+outDir): os.mkdir(wkPath+os.sep+outDir) shutil.move(wkPath+os.sep+imName,wkPath+os.sep+outDir) #print "success" else: pass