• Scalaz(37)- Free :实践-DB Transaction free style

      我一直在不断的提示大家:FP就是Monadic Programming,是一种特殊的编程风格。在我们熟悉的数据库编程领域能不能实现FP风格呢?我们先设计一些示范例子来分析一下惯用的数据库编程过程:

     1 import scalaz._
     2 import Scalaz._
     3 import scala.language.higherKinds
     4 import scala.language.implicitConversions
     5 import com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCP
     6 import com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCPConfig
     7 import java.sql.Connection
     8 import java.sql.ResultSet
    10 object freedbtxns {
    11 def getTutorId(courseId: Int, conn: Connection): Int = {
    12   val sqlString = "select TUTOR from COURSES where ID=" + courseId
    13   conn.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlString).getInt("ID")
    14 }  
    15 def getTutorPay(courseId: Int, conn: Connection): Double = {
    16   val sqlString = "select PAYAMT from COURSES where ID=" + courseId
    17   conn.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlString).getDouble("PAYAMT")
    18 }  
    19 def getStudentFee(courseId: Int, conn: Connection): Double = {
    20   val sqlString = "select FEEAMT from COURSES where ID=" + courseId
    21   conn.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlString).getDouble("FEEAMT")
    22 }  
    23 def updateTutorPay(tutorId: Int, plusAmt: Double, conn: Connection): Unit = {
    24   val sqlString = "update TUTORS set PAYABLE = PAYABLE+"+plusAmt.toString + " where ID=" + tutorId
    25   conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(sqlString)
    26 }  
    27 def updateStudentFee(studentId: Int, plusAmt: Double, conn: Connection): Unit = {
    28   val sqlString = "update STUDENTS set DUEAMT = DUEAMT+"+plusAmt.toString + " where ID=" + studentId
    29   conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(sqlString)
    30 }  
    31 def findEmptySeat(courseId: Int, conn: Connection): Int = {
    32   val sqlString = "select ID from SEATS where OCCUPIED='T' AND ID=" + courseId
    33   conn.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlString).getInt("ID")
    34 }
    35 def updateSeatsStatus(seatId: Int, taken: Boolean, conn: Connection): Unit = {
    36   val sqlString = "update SEATS set OCCUPIED ='"+taken.toString.toUpperCase.head + "' where ID=" + seatId
    37   conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(sqlString)
    38 }  


     1 def updateStudent(studentId: Int, courseId: Int): Unit = {
     2    val config = new BoneCPConfig()
     3    val bonecp = new BoneCP(config)
     4    val conn = bonecp.getConnection()
     5    conn.setReadOnly(false)
     6    conn.setAutoCommit(false)
     7    conn.rollback()
     8    try {
     9      val fee = getStudentFee(courseId, conn)
    10      updateStudentFee(studentId,fee, conn)
    11      conn.commit()
    12    } catch {
    13      case (e:Exception) => conn.rollback()
    14    } finally {
    15      conn.close()
    16    }   
    17 }
    18 def updateStudentAndSeat(studentId: Int, courseId: Int): Unit = {
    19    val config = new BoneCPConfig()
    20    val bonecp = new BoneCP(config)
    21    val conn = bonecp.getConnection()
    22    conn.setReadOnly(false)
    23    conn.setAutoCommit(false)
    24    conn.rollback()
    25    try {
    26      val fee = getStudentFee(courseId, conn)
    27      updateStudentFee(studentId,fee, conn)
    28      val seatId = findEmptySeat(courseId, conn)
    29      updateSeatsStatus(seatId, true, conn)
    30      conn.commit()
    31    } catch {
    32      case (e:Exception) => conn.rollback()
    33    } finally {
    34      conn.close()
    35    }   
    36 }

    马上可以发现在我们对这些函数在事务处理内进行组合使用时我们必须重新对事务处理进行设置,无法实现真正意义上的函数组合。如果我们认可FP风格的话,这里起码有两项弊处:一是源代码增加了大量的铺垫(boilerplate code),重复事务处理设置、二是每个更新函数都会产生副作用,换句话说就是这里那里都会有副作用影响,很难控制,这样就增加了程序的复杂程度,造成代码分析的困难。


     1 /*
     2 def updateStudentAndSeat(studentId: Int): program {
     3  // findEmptySeat
     4  // updateStudentFee
     5  // updateSeatStatus 
     6 }
     8 def runDBTxn(prg: program) {
     9   //conn= getConnection
    10   //try
    11   // run(pre)
    12   //commit
    13   //catch
    14   //rollback
    15 }
    16 runDBTxn(updateStudent)
    17 runDBTxn(updateStudentAndSeat)
    18 runDBTxn(updateSeatStatus)
    19 */  

    我们只在一个地方设置和运行事务处理。我们希望能把不同的program传入runDBTxn去运算。这不就是Free Monad的编程、运算关注分离模式嘛。那我们就试着用Free Monad来提供数据库事务处理支持。按上篇讨论的设计流程我们先设计ADT:

    1 case class SqlOp[A](run: Connection => A)

    模拟sql指令很简单,两种情况:query或者update。两者都可以用函数run表示:传入Connection,返回结果A,A有可能是Unit。要成为Free Monad就必须先获取SqlOp的Functor实例:

    1 case class SqlOp[A](run: Connection => A)
    2 implicit val sqlOpFunctor = new Functor[SqlOp] {
    3   def map[A,B](sa: SqlOp[A])(f: A => B): SqlOp[B] = 
    4     SqlOp{ (conn: Connection) => f(sa.run(conn)) }
    5 }


     1 type Sql[A] = Free[SqlOp,A]
     2 def getTutorId(courseId: Int): Sql[Int] = 
     3   Free.liftF(SqlOp{
     4     (conn: Connection) => {
     5       val sqlString = "select TUTOR from COURSES where ID=" + courseId
     6       conn.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlString).getInt("ID")
     7     }  
     8   })
    10 def getTutorPay(courseId: Int): Sql[Double] = 
    11   Free.liftF(SqlOp{
    12     (conn: Connection) => {
    13       val sqlString = "select PAYAMT from COURSES where ID=" + courseId
    14       conn.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlString).getDouble("PAYAMT")
    15     }  
    16   })
    17 def getStudentFee(courseId: Int): Sql[Double] = 
    18   Free.liftF(SqlOp{
    19     (conn: Connection) => {
    20      val sqlString = "select FEEAMT from COURSES where ID=" + courseId
    21      conn.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlString).getDouble("FEEAMT")
    22     }  
    23   })
    24 def updateTutorPay(tutorId: Int, plusAmt: Double): Sql[Unit] = 
    25   Free.liftF(SqlOp{
    26     (conn: Connection) => {
    27       val sqlString = "update TUTORS set PAYABLE = PAYABLE+"+plusAmt.toString + " where ID=" + tutorId
    28       conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(sqlString)
    29     }  
    30   })
    31 def updateStudentFee(studentId: Int, plusAmt: Double): Sql[Unit] = 
    32   Free.liftF(SqlOp{
    33     (conn: Connection) => {
    34       val sqlString = "update STUDENTS set DUEAMT = DUEAMT+"+plusAmt.toString + " where ID=" + studentId
    35       conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(sqlString)
    36     }  
    37   })
    38 def findEmptySeat(courseId: Int): Sql[Int] = 
    39   Free.liftF(SqlOp{
    40     (conn: Connection) => {
    41       val sqlString = "select ID from SEATS where OCCUPIED='T' AND ID=" + courseId
    42       conn.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlString).getInt("ID")
    43     }  
    44   })
    45 def updateSeatsStatus(seatId: Int, taken: Boolean): Sql[Unit] = 
    46   Free.liftF(SqlOp{
    47     (conn: Connection) => {
    48       val sqlString = "update SEATS set OCCUPIED ='"+taken.toString.toUpperCase.head + "' where ID=" + seatId
    49       conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(sqlString)
    50     }  
    51   })


     1   def takeSeat(courseId: Int): Sql[Unit] = for {
     2     emptySeat <- findEmptySeat(courseId)
     3     _ <- updateSeatsStatus(emptySeat, true)
     4   } yield()
     5   def addCourse(studentId: Int, courseId: Int): Sql[Unit] = for {
     6     fee <- getStudentFee(courseId)
     7     pay <- getTutorPay(courseId)
     8     tutorId <- getTutorId(courseId)
     9     _ <- updateStudentFee(studentId, fee)
    10     _ <- updateTutorPay(tutorId, pay)
    11     _ <- takeSeat(courseId)
    12   } yield()



    1   def runTransactionImpl[A](conn: Connection, ast: Sql[A]): A = 
    2     ast.resume.fold ({
    3       case x: SqlOp[Sql[A]] => runTransactionImpl(conn, x.run(conn))
    4     },
    5     (a: A) => a 
    6    )


     1   def runTransaction[A](ast: Sql[A]): Exception / A = {
     2     val config = new BoneCPConfig()
     3     val bonecp = new BoneCP(config)
     4     val conn = bonecp.getConnection()
     5     conn.setReadOnly(false)
     6     conn.setAutoCommit(false)
     7     conn.rollback()
     8     try {
     9       val result: A = runTransactionImpl(conn, ast)
    10       result.right[Exception]
    11     } catch {
    12       case e: Exception => e.left[A]
    13     } finally {
    14       conn.close
    15     } 
    16   }


    我们可以用不同的方法来实现Interpreter。下面就是用Free.foldMap来运算AST的示范。由于我们需要注入Connection,所以采用了Sql to State的自然转换(natural transformation):

     1   type SqlState[A] = State[Connection, A]
     2   object SqlToState extends (SqlOp ~> SqlState) {
     3     def apply[A](sa: SqlOp[A]): SqlState[A] = sa match {
     4       case SqlOp(f) => State {
     5         conn => (conn,f(conn))
     6       }
     7     }
     8   }
     9   def runTransactionImplState[A](conn: Connection, ast: Sql[A]) =
    10     ast.foldMap(SqlToState).run(conn)


      1 import scalaz._
      2 import Scalaz._
      3 import scala.language.higherKinds
      4 import scala.language.implicitConversions
      5 import com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCP
      6 import com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCPConfig
      7 import java.sql.Connection
      8 import java.sql.ResultSet
     10 object freedbtxns {
     12 case class SqlOp[A](run: Connection => A)
     13 implicit val sqlOpFunctor = new Functor[SqlOp] {
     14   def map[A,B](sa: SqlOp[A])(f: A => B): SqlOp[B] = 
     15     SqlOp{ (conn: Connection) => f(sa.run(conn)) }
     16 }
     17 type Sql[A] = Free[SqlOp,A]
     18 def getTutorId(courseId: Int): Sql[Int] = 
     19   Free.liftF(SqlOp{
     20     (conn: Connection) => {
     21       val sqlString = "select TUTOR from COURSES where ID=" + courseId
     22       conn.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlString).getInt("ID")
     23     }  
     24   })
     26 def getTutorPay(courseId: Int): Sql[Double] = 
     27   Free.liftF(SqlOp{
     28     (conn: Connection) => {
     29       val sqlString = "select PAYAMT from COURSES where ID=" + courseId
     30       conn.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlString).getDouble("PAYAMT")
     31     }  
     32   })
     33 def getStudentFee(courseId: Int): Sql[Double] = 
     34   Free.liftF(SqlOp{
     35     (conn: Connection) => {
     36      val sqlString = "select FEEAMT from COURSES where ID=" + courseId
     37      conn.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlString).getDouble("FEEAMT")
     38     }  
     39   })
     40 def updateTutorPay(tutorId: Int, plusAmt: Double): Sql[Unit] = 
     41   Free.liftF(SqlOp{
     42     (conn: Connection) => {
     43       val sqlString = "update TUTORS set PAYABLE = PAYABLE+"+plusAmt.toString + " where ID=" + tutorId
     44       conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(sqlString)
     45     }  
     46   })
     47 def updateStudentFee(studentId: Int, plusAmt: Double): Sql[Unit] = 
     48   Free.liftF(SqlOp{
     49     (conn: Connection) => {
     50       val sqlString = "update STUDENTS set DUEAMT = DUEAMT+"+plusAmt.toString + " where ID=" + studentId
     51       conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(sqlString)
     52     }  
     53   })
     54 def findEmptySeat(courseId: Int): Sql[Int] = 
     55   Free.liftF(SqlOp{
     56     (conn: Connection) => {
     57       val sqlString = "select ID from SEATS where OCCUPIED='T' AND ID=" + courseId
     58       conn.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlString).getInt("ID")
     59     }  
     60   })
     61 def updateSeatsStatus(seatId: Int, taken: Boolean): Sql[Unit] = 
     62   Free.liftF(SqlOp{
     63     (conn: Connection) => {
     64       val sqlString = "update SEATS set OCCUPIED ='"+taken.toString.toUpperCase.head + "' where ID=" + seatId
     65       conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(sqlString)
     66     }  
     67   })
     69   def takeSeat(courseId: Int): Sql[Unit] = for {
     70     emptySeat <- findEmptySeat(courseId)
     71     _ <- updateSeatsStatus(emptySeat, true)
     72   } yield()
     73   def addCourse(studentId: Int, courseId: Int): Sql[Unit] = for {
     74     fee <- getStudentFee(courseId)
     75     pay <- getTutorPay(courseId)
     76     tutorId <- getTutorId(courseId)
     77     _ <- updateStudentFee(studentId, fee)
     78     _ <- updateTutorPay(tutorId, pay)
     79     _ <- takeSeat(courseId)
     80   } yield()
     82   def runTransactionImpl[A](conn: Connection, ast: Sql[A]): A = 
     83     ast.resume.fold ({
     84       case x: SqlOp[Sql[A]] => runTransactionImpl(conn, x.run(conn))
     85     },
     86     (a: A) => a 
     87    )
     88   def runTransaction[A](ast: Sql[A]): Exception / A = {
     89     val config = new BoneCPConfig()
     90     val bonecp = new BoneCP(config)
     91     val conn = bonecp.getConnection()
     92     conn.setReadOnly(false)
     93     conn.setAutoCommit(false)
     94     conn.rollback()
     95     try {
     96       val result: A = runTransactionImpl(conn, ast)
     97       result.right[Exception]
     98     } catch {
     99       case e: Exception => e.left[A]
    100     } finally {
    101       conn.close
    102     } 
    103   }
    104 }




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tiger-xc/p/5336686.html
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