• HDU1969


    using namespace std;
    class Pie{
    double r;
    double s;
    bool Check(Pie p[], int n, int f, double x);
    bool Cpm(Pie&a, Pie&b){
    return a.r>b.r;
    int main(){
    Pie p[10001];
    int i, n, f, Case;
    double left, right, mid, pi =acos(-1);
    cin >> Case;
    while (Case--){
    cin >> n >> f;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
    cin >> p[i].r;
    p[i].s = p[i].r*p[i].r*pi; 
    sort(p, p + n, Cpm); //按面积从小大大排序
    left = 0.0, right = p[0].s; //左右边界
    while (right - left>1e-5){
    mid = (left + right)/2;
    if (Check(p, n, f, mid))
    left = mid;
    right = mid;
    cout <<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(4)<<(left+right)/2<< endl;
    return 0;
    bool Check(Pie p[],int n,int f, double x){//检查是否可以满足条件
    int i = 0, peo = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
    peo += int(p[i].s / x);
    if (peo >=f)
    return 1;
    return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/td15980891505/p/4895174.html
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