• 常用Git命令和配置


           ui = auto
           name = Mark Zhang
           email = super119@139.com
           editor = vim
    tool = vimdiff
    renames = true
    prompt = No
    headers = X-NVConfidentiality: public
    chainreplyto = false
    smtpserver = xxxxxxxx
    smtpencryption = tls
    from = Mark Zhang <super119@139.com>
    envelopesender = auto
    s = status
    cp = cherry-pick
    ck = checkout
    b = branch
    lo = log --oneline


    git remote add <name> <url> 

    git fetch --all/git fetch origin

    git status

    git log --oneline

    git show <commit id>

    git commit --amend

    git push origin HEAD:next -- push local branch(the branch which HEAD resides) to remote branch named "next".

    git push origin +HEAD:next -- push local branch(the branch which HEAD resides) to remote branch named "next", regardless if local & remote has diverge(fast-forward doesn't work).

                                  In short words, use local branch overwrite the remote branch. Refer to git help push for details(the last example).

    git push origin :next -- remove remote branch named "next". 

    git format-patch -<N>

    git format-patch --subject-prefix 'PATCH V2' --cover-letter

    git send-email --to=XXX --to=XXX --cc=XXX *.patch

    git send-email --no-signed-off-cc --to=XXX --to=XXX --cc=XXX *.patch

    git rebase -i <commit id>

    git branch -av

    git branch -d/git branch -D

    git rebase --onto next master feature -- rebase the patch set from master to feature into next

    This is helpful when you want you patches apply on another branch.

    git checkout <branch> -- <file path>

        -- This can be used to checkout a specific file in a specific branch, update the corresponding file in current working tree

    git show <branch>:<file path> >& <filename>

        -- This can be used to checkout a specific file in a specific branch, but save in custom file while not updating the file in working tree 

    git push --tags

        -- Push local tags into remote repo. 

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    android Gui系统之SurfaceFlinger(1)---SurfaceFlinger概论
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/super119/p/2654410.html
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