归并排序的核心思想是 Divide-and-Conquer 算法,即将要解决的size为n的问题,分成a个size为n/b的子问题,这些子问题的结果经过O(n^d)的时间复杂度合并,即可解决最初的问题。所以,这一类的算法,复杂度计算公式为 T(n) = a*T(n/b) + O(n^b)。
#define BUFF_SIZE 3 typedef struct _array { int length; int active; int *elements; } array; int mergesort(array *); int merge(array , array , array *);
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "mergesort.h" int main() { int arr[BUFF_SIZE] = {1, 9, 3}; array arr_main; arr_main.length = BUFF_SIZE; arr_main.active = 0; arr_main.elements = arr; mergesort(&arr_main); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i<BUFF_SIZE; i++) { printf("%d ", arr_main.elements[i]); } } int mergesort(array *array_p) { if (array_p->length > 1) { // Split the array into two part int size_l = array_p->length >> 1; int size_r = array_p->length - size_l; // the structure to store the left part array arr_l; arr_l.length = size_l; arr_l.active = 0; arr_l.elements = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int *) * size_l); int length_l = arr_l.length; while (length_l-- > 0) arr_l.elements[length_l] = array_p->elements[length_l]; // the structure to store the right part array arr_r; arr_r.length = size_r; arr_r.active = 0; arr_r.elements = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int *) * size_r); int length_r = arr_r.length; while (length_r-- > 0) arr_r.elements[length_r] = array_p->elements[length_r + arr_l.length]; // sort the left part of array mergesort(&arr_l); // sort the left part of array mergesort(&arr_r); // the structure to store the merge result array arr_m; arr_m.length = arr_l.length + arr_r.length; arr_m.active = 0; arr_m.elements = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int *) * arr_m.length); // merge the left part and right part merge(arr_l, arr_r, &arr_m); // return the sort result array_p->length = arr_m.length; int length_m = arr_m.length; while (length_m-- > 0) { array_p->elements[length_m] = arr_m.elements[length_m]; } } } int merge(array arr_l, array arr_r, array *arr_m) { if (arr_l.length == 0) { if (arr_r.length == 0) return; // return the arr_l array while (arr_r.length-- > 0) arr_m->elements[arr_m->active++] = arr_r.elements[arr_r.active++]; return; } if (arr_r.length == 0) { if (arr_l.length == 0) return; // return the arr_r array while (arr_l.length-- > 0) arr_m->elements[arr_m->active++] = arr_l.elements[arr_l.active++]; return; } if (arr_l.elements[arr_l.active] > arr_r.elements[arr_r.active]) { // the next elements of the merge array is bigger one arr_m->elements[arr_m->active++] = arr_l.elements[arr_l.active++]; arr_l.length--; // recursively merge the rest array merge(arr_l, arr_r, arr_m); } else { // the next elements of the merge array is bigger one arr_m->elements[arr_m->active++] = arr_r.elements[arr_r.active++]; arr_r.length--; // recursively merge the rest array merge(arr_l, arr_r, arr_m); } }