• 组合查询


     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html lang="en">
     3 <head>
     4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
     5     <title>组合查询简单版</title>
     6     <style>
     7         .border {
     8             border: 1px solid red;
     9         }
    11         .btn a {
    12             display: inline-block;
    13             padding: 5px 8px;
    14             border: 1px solid dimgrey;
    15             text-decoration: none;
    16         }
    18         .top {
    19             margin-top: 10px;
    20         }
    22         .left {
    23             float: left;
    24         }
    26         .interval {
    27              120px;
    28             height: 180px;
    29             padding: 3px 5px;
    30         }
    32         .active {
    33             background-color: orangered;
    34         }
    35     </style>
    36 </head>
    37 <body>
    38 <div>
    39     <h1>组合筛选</h1>
    40     <div class="btn">
    41         {% if kwargs.classification_id == 0 %}
    42             <a href="/video-0-{{ kwargs.level_id }}.html" class="active">全部</a>
    43         {% else %}
    44             <a href="/video-0-{{ kwargs.level_id }}.html">全部</a>
    45         {% endif %}
    46         {% for row in classification_list %}
    47             {% if row.id == kwargs.classification_id %}
    48                 <a href="/video-{{ row.id }}-{{ kwargs.level_id }}.html" class="active">{{ row.name }}</a>
    49             {% else %}
    50                 <a href="/video-{{ row.id }}-{{ kwargs.level_id }}.html">{{ row.name }}</a>
    51             {% endif %}
    52         {% endfor %}
    53     </div>
    54     <div class="btn top">
    55         {% if kwargs.level_id == 0 %}
    56             <a href="/video-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-0.html" class="active">全部</a>
    57         {% else %}
    58             <a href="/video-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-0.html">全部</a>
    59         {% endif %}
    61         {% for row in level_list %}
    62             {% if row.id == kwargs.level_id %}
    63                 <a href="/video-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-{{ row.id }}.html" class="active">{{ row.name }}</a>
    64             {% else %}
    65                 <a href="/video-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-{{ row.id }}.html">{{ row.name }}</a>
    66             {% endif %}
    67         {% endfor %}
    68     </div>
    69     <div class="top">
    70         <h1>查询结果</h1>
    71         {% for i in video_list %}
    72             <div class="left border interval">
    73                 <a href="{{ i.href }}"><img src="/{{ i.img }}" alt="" style=" 120px;height: 140px;"></a>
    74                 <p>{{ i.name }}</p>
    75             </div>
    76         {% endfor %}
    77     </div>
    78 </div>
    79 </body>
    80 </html>
     1 from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse, redirect
     2 from app01.models import *
     5 # Create your views here.
     6 def video(request, *args, **kwargs):
     7     # print(kwargs)  # {'classification_id': '1', 'level_id': '3'}
     8     condition = {
    10     }
    11     for k, v in kwargs.items():
    12         temp = int(v)
    13         kwargs[k] = temp
    14         if temp:
    15             condition[k] = temp
    17     print(condition)
    18     classification_list = Classification.objects.all()
    19     level_list = Level.objects.all()
    20     video_list = Video.objects.all().filter(**condition)
    21     print(video_list)
    22     return render(request, "video.html",
    23                   {"classification_list": classification_list, "level_list": level_list, "video_list": video_list,
    24                    "kwargs": kwargs})


     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html lang="en">
     3 <head>
     4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
     5     <title>组合查询简单版</title>
     6     <style>
     7         .border {
     8             border: 1px solid red;
     9         }
    11         .btn a {
    12             display: inline-block;
    13             padding: 5px 8px;
    14             border: 1px solid dimgrey;
    15             text-decoration: none;
    16         }
    18         .top {
    19             margin-top: 10px;
    20         }
    22         .left {
    23             float: left;
    24         }
    26         .interval {
    27              120px;
    28             height: 180px;
    29             padding: 3px 5px;
    30         }
    32         .active {
    33             background-color: orangered;
    34         }
    35     </style>
    36 </head>
    37 <body>
    38 <div>
    39     <h1>组合筛选</h1>
    40     <div class="btn">
    41         {% if kwargs.classification_id == 0 %}
    42             <a href="/video-0-{{ kwargs.level_id }}-{{ kwargs.status }}.html" class="active">全部</a>
    43         {% else %}
    44             <a href="/video-0-{{ kwargs.level_id }}-{{ kwargs.status }}.html">全部</a>
    45         {% endif %}
    46         {% for row in classification_list %}
    47             {% if row.id == kwargs.classification_id %}
    48                 <a href="/video-{{ row.id }}-{{ kwargs.level_id }}-{{ kwargs.status }}.html"
    49                    class="active">{{ row.name }}</a>
    50             {% else %}
    51                 <a href="/video-{{ row.id }}-{{ kwargs.level_id }}-{{ kwargs.status }}.html">{{ row.name }}</a>
    52             {% endif %}
    53         {% endfor %}
    54     </div>
    55     <div class="btn top">
    56         {% if kwargs.level_id == 0 %}
    57             <a href="/video-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-0-{{ kwargs.status }}.html" class="active">全部</a>
    58         {% else %}
    59             <a href="/video-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-0-{{ kwargs.status }}.html">全部</a>
    60         {% endif %}
    62         {% for row in level_list %}
    63             {% if row.id == kwargs.level_id %}
    64                 <a href="/video-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-{{ row.id }}-{{ kwargs.status }}.html"
    65                    class="active">{{ row.name }}</a>
    66             {% else %}
    67                 <a href="/video-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-{{ row.id }}-{{ kwargs.status }}.html">{{ row.name }}</a>
    68             {% endif %}
    69         {% endfor %}
    70     </div>
    71     <div class="btn top">
    72         {% if kwargs.status == 0 %}
    73             <a href="/video-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-{{ kwargs.level_id }}-0.html" class="active">全部</a>
    74         {% else %}
    75             <a href="/video-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-{{ kwargs.level_id }}-0.html">全部</a>
    76         {% endif %}
    78         {% for row in status_list %}
    79             {% if row.id == kwargs.status %}
    80                 <a href="/video-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-{{ kwargs.level_id }}-{{ row.id }}.html" class="active">{{ row.name }}</a>
    81             {% else %}
    82                 <a href="/video-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-{{ kwargs.level_id }}-{{ row.id }}.html">{{ row.name }}</a>
    83             {% endif %}
    84         {% endfor %}
    85     </div>
    86     <div class="top">
    87         <h1>查询结果</h1>
    88         {% for i in video_list %}
    89             <div class="left border interval">
    90                 <a href="{{ i.href }}"><img src="/{{ i.img }}" alt="" style=" 120px;height: 140px;"></a>
    91                 <p>{{ i.name }}</p>
    92             </div>
    93         {% endfor %}
    94     </div>
    95 </div>
    96 </body>
    97 </html>
     1 from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse, redirect
     2 from app01.models import *
     5 # Create your views here.
     8 def video1(request, *args, **kwargs):
     9     condition = {}
    10     for k, v in kwargs.items():
    11         temp = int(v)
    12         kwargs[k] = temp
    13         if temp:
    14             condition[k] = temp
    16     classification_list = Classification.objects.all()
    17     level_list = Level.objects.all()
    18     status_list = list(map(lambda x: {"id": x[0], "name": x[1]}, Video.status_choice))
    19     video_list = Video.objects.all().filter(**condition)
    20     return render(request, "video1.html",
    21                   {"classification_list": classification_list, "level_list": level_list, "video_list": video_list,
    22                    "kwargs": kwargs, "status_list": status_list})


     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html lang="en">
     3 <head>
     4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
     5     <title>组合查询简单版</title>
     6     <style>
     7         .border {
     8             border: 1px solid red;
     9         }
    11         .btn a {
    12             display: inline-block;
    13             padding: 5px 8px;
    14             border: 1px solid dimgrey;
    15             text-decoration: none;
    16         }
    18         .top {
    19             margin-top: 10px;
    20         }
    22         .left {
    23             float: left;
    24         }
    26         .interval {
    27              120px;
    28             height: 180px;
    29             padding: 3px 5px;
    30         }
    32         .active {
    33             background-color: orangered;
    34         }
    35     </style>
    36 </head>
    37 <body>
    38 <div>
    39     <h1>组合筛选</h1>
    40     <div class="btn">
    41         {% if kwargs.direction_id == 0 %}
    42             <a href="/video2-0-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-{{ kwargs.level_id }}.html" class="active">全部</a>
    43         {% else %}
    44             <a href="/video2-0-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-{{ kwargs.level_id }}.html">全部</a>
    45         {% endif %}
    46         {% for i in direction_list %}
    47             {% if kwargs.direction_id == i.id %}
    48                 <a href="/video2-{{ i.id }}-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-{{ kwargs.level_id }}.html"
    49                    class="active">{{ i.name }}</a>
    50             {% else %}
    51                 <a href="/video2-{{ i.id }}-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-{{ kwargs.level_id }}.html">{{ i.name }}</a>
    52             {% endif %}
    53         {% endfor %}
    54     </div>
    55     <div class="btn top">
    56         {% if kwargs.classification_id == 0 %}
    57             <a href="/video2-{{ kwargs.direction_id }}-0-{{ kwargs.level_id }}.html" class="active">全部</a>
    58         {% else %}
    59             <a href="/video2-{{ kwargs.direction_id }}-0-{{ kwargs.level_id }}.html">全部</a>
    60         {% endif %}
    61         {% for i in classification_list %}
    62             {% if kwargs.classification_id == i.id %}
    63                 <a href="/video2-{{ kwargs.direction_id }}-{{ i.id }}-{{ kwargs.level_id }}.html"
    64                    class="active">{{ i.name }}</a>
    65             {% else %}
    66                 <a href="/video2-{{ kwargs.direction_id }}-{{ i.id }}-{{ kwargs.level_id }}.html">{{ i.name }}</a>
    67             {% endif %}
    68         {% endfor %}
    69     </div>
    70     <div class="btn top">
    71         {% if kwargs.level_id == 0 %}
    72             <a href="/video2-{{ kwargs.direction_id }}-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-0.html" class="active">全部</a>
    73         {% else %}
    74             <a href="/video2-{{ kwargs.direction_id }}-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-0.html">全部</a>
    75         {% endif %}
    76         {% for i in level_list %}
    77             {% if kwargs.level_id == i.id %}
    78                 <a href="/video2-{{ kwargs.direction_id }}-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-{{ i.id }}.html"
    79                    class="active">{{ i.name }}</a>
    80             {% else %}
    81                 <a href="/video2-{{ kwargs.direction_id }}-{{ kwargs.classification_id }}-{{ i.id }}.html">{{ i.name }}</a>
    82             {% endif %}
    83         {% endfor %}
    84     </div>
    86     <hr>
    87     <div class="top">
    88         <h1>查询结果</h1>
    89         {% for i in video_list %}
    90             <div class="left border interval">
    91                 <a href="{{ i.href }}"><img src="/{{ i.img }}" alt="" style=" 120px;height: 140px;"></a>
    92                 <p>{{ i.name }}</p>
    93             </div>
    94         {% endfor %}
    95     </div>
    96 </div>
    97 </body>
    98 </html>
     1 from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse, redirect
     2 from app01.models import *
     5 # Create your views here.
     6 def video(request, *args, **kwargs):
     7     # print(kwargs)  # {'classification_id': '1', 'level_id': '3'}
     8     condition = {
    10     }
    11     for k, v in kwargs.items():
    12         temp = int(v)
    13         kwargs[k] = temp
    14         if temp:
    15             condition[k] = temp
    17     print(condition)
    18     classification_list = Classification.objects.all()
    19     level_list = Level.objects.all()
    20     video_list = Video.objects.all().filter(**condition)
    21     print(video_list)
    22     return render(request, "video.html",
    23                   {"classification_list": classification_list, "level_list": level_list, "video_list": video_list,
    24                    "kwargs": kwargs})
    27 def video1(request, *args, **kwargs):
    28     condition = {}
    29     for k, v in kwargs.items():
    30         temp = int(v)
    31         kwargs[k] = temp
    32         if temp:
    33             condition[k] = temp
    35     classification_list = Classification.objects.all()
    36     level_list = Level.objects.all()
    37     status_list = list(map(lambda x: {"id": x[0], "name": x[1]}, Video.status_choice))
    38     video_list = Video.objects.all().filter(**condition)
    39     return render(request, "video1.html",
    40                   {"classification_list": classification_list, "level_list": level_list, "video_list": video_list,
    41                    "kwargs": kwargs, "status_list": status_list})
    44 def video2(request, *args, **kwargs):
    45     # 问题解决思路
    46     # if direction_id==0
    47     #     if classification_id==0
    48     #         pass
    49     #     else:
    50     #       condition["classification_id"]=classification_id
    51     #
    52     # else direction_id!=0
    53     #   if classification_id==0
    54     #       condition["classification_id__in"]=[该direction下的所有classification的id列表]
    55     #   else:
    56     #       if classification_id in [该direction下的所有classification的id列表]:
    57     #           condition["classification_id"]=classification_id
    58     #       else :
    59     #           condition["classification_id__in"]=[该direction下的所有classification的id列表]
    60     condition = {}
    61     for k, v in kwargs.items():
    62         kwargs[k] = int(v)
    63     direction_id = kwargs["direction_id"]
    64     classification_id = kwargs["classification_id"]
    65     level_id = kwargs["level_id"]
    67     direction_list = Direction.objects.all()
    68     if direction_id == 0:
    69         classification_list = Classification.objects.all()
    70         if classification_id == 0:
    71             pass
    72         else:
    73             condition["classification_id"] = classification_id
    74     else:
    75         classification_list = Direction.objects.filter(id=direction_id).first().classification.all()
    76         cls_list = list(zip(*classification_list.values_list("id")))[0]
    77         if classification_id == 0:
    78             condition["classification_id__in"] = cls_list
    79         else:
    80             if classification_id in cls_list:
    81                 condition["classification_id"] = classification_id
    82             else:
    83                 kwargs["classification_id"] = 0  # 点睛之笔,如果不存在该分类重置 全部
    84                 condition["classification_id__in"] = cls_list
    85     if level_id:
    86         condition["level_id"] = level_id
    87     else:
    88         pass
    89     level_list = Level.objects.all()
    91     video_list = Video.objects.filter(**condition)
    92     return render(request, "video2.html", {"direction_list": direction_list, "classification_list": classification_list,
    93                                            "level_list": level_list, "video_list": video_list, "kwargs": kwargs})
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sun-10387834/p/12515007.html
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