• Stacked Autoencoders



    Deep networks的优点:




    Deep networks的缺点:





    A stacked autoencoder is a neural network consisting of multiple layers of sparse autoencoders in which the outputs of each layer is wired to the inputs of the successive layer.

    Formally, consider a stacked autoencoder with n layers. Using notation from the autoencoder section, let W(k,1),W(k,2),b(k,1),b(k,2) denote the parameters W(1),W(2),b(1),b(2) for kth autoencoder. Then the encoding step for the stacked autoencoder is given by running the encoding step of each layer in forward order:

a^{(l)} = f(z^{(l)}) \
z^{(l + 1)} = W^{(l, 1)}a^{(l)} + b^{(l, 1)}

    The decoding step is given by running the decoding stack of each autoencoder in reverse order:

a^{(n + l)} = f(z^{(n + l)}) \
z^{(n + l + 1)} = W^{(n - l, 2)}a^{(n + l)} + b^{(n - l, 2)}

    The information of interest is contained within a(n), which is the activation of the deepest layer of hidden units. This vector gives us a representation of the input in terms of higher-order features. —— 高层次特征



    A good way to obtain good parameters for a stacked autoencoder is to use greedy layer-wise training. To do this, first train the first layer on raw input to obtain parameters W(1,1),W(1,2),b(1,1),b(1,2). Use the first layer to transform the raw input into a vector consisting of activation of the hidden units, A. Train the second layer on this vector to obtain parametersW(2,1),W(2,2),b(2,1),b(2,2). Repeat for subsequent layers, using the output of each layer as input for the subsequent layer.

    This method trains the parameters of each layer individually while freezing parameters for the remainder of the model. To produce better results, after this phase of training is complete,fine-tuning using backpropagation can be used to improve the results by tuning the parameters of all layers are changed at the same time.


    To give a concrete example, suppose you wished to train a stacked autoencoder with 2 hidden layers for classification of MNIST digits

    First, you would train a sparse autoencoder on the raw inputs x(k) to learn primary features h(1)(k) on the raw input.

    Stacked SparseAE Features1.png

    Next, you would feed the raw input into this trained sparse autoencoder, obtaining the primary feature activations h(1)(k)for each of the inputs x(k). You would then use these primary features as the "raw input" to another sparse autoencoder to learn secondary features h(2)(k) on these primary features.

    Stacked SparseAE Features2.png

    Following this, you would feed the primary features into the second sparse autoencoder to obtain the secondary feature activations h(2)(k) for each of the primary features h(1)(k) (which correspond to the primary features of the corresponding inputs x(k)). You would then treat these secondary features as "raw input" to a softmax classifier, training it to map secondary features to digit labels.

    Stacked Softmax Classifier.png

    Finally, you would combine all three layers together to form a stacked autoencoder with 2 hidden layers and a final softmax classifier layer capable of classifying the MNIST digits as desired.

    Stacked Combined.png


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sprint1989/p/3980819.html
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