• Reset textruemap _path of ZIP and copy allfiles to samepackage

    try(destroyDialog test)catch()
    rollout test "资源收集工具"

     button setpath ".........." pos:[12,75] 60 height:25
     button help "?" pos:[310,135] 15 height:15
     button setziptextrue "处理ZIP包内贴图为绝对路径" pos:[12,125] 180 height:20
     button getalltogether "( 0●︶ω︶●0 )--------@开始收集@-------( ╮(╯▽╰)╭~ )" pos:[12,20] 300 height:45
     label lab1 "<softimagewht@yahoo.com.cn>" pos:[220,128] color:red
     edittext displaypath fieldWidth:225 labelOnTop:true pos:[85,80] readOnly:true text:"功能---将MAX文件及贴图收集到同一目录"
     groupBox grp4 "" pos:[6,2] 315 height:110
     local commonfileSavepath
     on help pressed do
      w = newscript()
    ( 0●︶ω︶●0 )--------@开始收集@-------( ╮(╯▽╰)╭~ ):收集所有文件到设置的路径内
      print help01 to:w
     on setziptextrue pressed do
      getmaxpath = maxFilepath
       for r in objects where superclassof r == GeometryClass do
        if classof r.material == Multimaterial then
         material_number = r.material.count

         for s = 1 to material_number do
          tempstring =""
          gettextruepath = r.material[s].diffusemap.filename
          filterstringarray = filterstring gettextruepath  "\\"

          for i = 2 to (filterstringarray.count) do tempstring+=filterstringarray[i]+"\\"

          tempstring01 = getmaxpath+tempstring

          get_textruepath = substring tempstring01 1 (tempstring01.count-1)

          r.material[s].diffusemap.filename = get_textruepath
         tempstring =""
         gettextruepath = r.material.diffusemap.filename
         filterstringarray = filterstring gettextruepath  "\\"

         for i = 2 to (filterstringarray.count) do tempstring+=filterstringarray[i]+"\\"

         tempstring01 = getmaxpath+tempstring

         get_textruepath = substring tempstring01 1 (tempstring01.count-1)

         r.material.diffusemap.filename = get_textruepath
      messagebox "打包的贴图已经绝对路径化了,最好你还是检查下是否我做的有疏漏"
     on setpath pressed do
      commonfileSavepath = getSavepath() 
      displaypath.text = "路径:"+commonfileSavepath as string
        on getalltogether pressed do
       for i in objects where superclassof i == GeometryClass do
        if classof i.material == Multimaterial then
         material_number = i.material.count
         for z = 1 to material_number do
          getbitmap_name = getfilenamefile i.material[z].diffusemap.filename
          getbitmap_type = getfilenametype i.material[z].diffusemap.filename
          get_oldbitmappath = i.material[z].diffusemap.filename
          set_newbitmappath = commonfileSavepath+"\\"+getbitmap_name+getbitmap_type
          copyfile get_oldbitmappath set_newbitmappath
          i.material[z].diffusemap.filename = set_newbitmappath

         set_newmaxfile = commonfileSavepath+"\\"+maxFileName
         savemaxfile set_newmaxfile
         messagebox "累死我了,终于干完活了,现在打开的是你另存的MAX文件,注意是TEMPXXX.max"
         getbitmap_name = getfilenamefile i.material.diffusemap.filename
         getbitmap_type = getfilenametype i.material.diffusemap.filename
         get_oldbitmappath = i.material.diffusemap.filename
         set_newbitmappath = commonfileSavepath+"\\"+getbitmap_name+getbitmap_type
         copyfile get_oldbitmappath set_newbitmappath
         i.material.diffusemap.filename = set_newbitmappath
         set_newmaxfile = commonfileSavepath +"\\"+ maxFileName
         savemaxfile set_newmaxfile
         messagebox "累死我了,终于干完活了"
    createdialog test 325 150

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/softimagewht/p/1786304.html
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