• BOBO——filetype for export

    macroScript BFF_Exporter category:"Bobo_s Tools"
    --(formerly known as "Back From Five")
    --Beta 0.4.2
    --Started: 01/10/2002
    --Edited : 09/24/2003
    --Code by Borislav Petrov
    --Transfer basic scene data between different 3ds max versions
    --using a MAXScript intermediate format which re-creates the
    --objects when evaluated. No importer is required!
    --.3DS does not preserve UV coordinates completely
    --.OBJ does not translate all max-specific properties
    --.ASE can only export, the unsupported importer is not available for all Max versions
    --*Geometry as EditableMesh incl. Modified Objects, Patches, NURBS, R4 Bones
    --*EPoly via EditableMesh conversion on supported platforms, otherwise import as Editable Mesh.
    --*Smoothing Groups
    --*Edge Visibility
    --*Material IDs
    --*Name and Transforms
    --*General Object Properties
    --*User Properties Buffer
    --*Texture coordinates - all UVW channels (both R4+ and R3+DLX implementation supported)
    --*Basic Material Tree support. Converts Materials and Maps, preserves most properties
    --*Root Materials Instancing support
    --*Texture Map Coordinate, Timing and Output Settings
    --*Material Editor materials
    --*Native SplineShape support
    --*Standard Lights
    --*Base Primitives
    --*Basic Modifier Stack (limited number of non-topology dependent Modifiers supported)
    --*Parent-Child Hierarchy
    --*Animation controllers hierarchies, Bezier and TCB keys, Tangents, Before&After ORT
    --*Scene Animation Segment and Current Time
    --*Vertex Animation support
    --*Skin Modifier support with Vertex Weights, Bones, Envelopes etc.
    --*Environment settings
    --*Basic Rendering settings
    --*Basic Patch support

    global bff_floater

    local bff_roll
    local generated_mesh_fn = false
    local generated_spline_fn = false

    local bff_version_number = "0.4.2"
    local bff_version_date = "09/24/2003"
    local scene_name = "Untitled"

    local test_stack, out_name, materials_to_export_index, obj_cnt, base_dir_name

    local max_version = maxversion()
    max_version = max_version[1]
    max_version /= 1000.0


    fn export_spline_external o external_file_name =
     local out_file = createFile external_file_name
     e_spline = copy o
     addmodifier e_spline (edit_spline())
     collapsestack e_spline
     format "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "--  BFF Spline Definition For [%]\n" o.name to:out_file
     format "--  Version % - % \n" bff_version_number bff_version_date to:out_file
     format "--  Exporter by Borislav 'Bobo' Petrov \n" to:out_file
     format "--  http://www.scriptspot.com/bobo/    \n" to:out_file
     format "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "--  SOURCE SCENE NAME:    \t[%]          \n" scene_name to:out_file
     format "--  EXPORT DATE:          \t[%]          \n" localtime  to:out_file
     format "--  SOURCE VERSION:       \t[%]          \n" max_version to:out_file
     format "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "% \t--Spline Count\n" e_spline.NumSplines  to:out_file
     for s = 1 to e_spline.NumSplines do
      format "% \t--Spline Knot Count\n" (numKnots e_spline s) to:out_file
      format "% \t--Spline Closed?\n" (isClosed e_spline s) to:out_file
     for s = 1 to e_spline.NumSplines do
      num_verts = (numKnots e_spline s)
       bff_roll.current_action.text =  o.name + " : Knots in Spline " + s as string
      format "--KNOT LIST FOR SPLINE %\n" s to:out_file
      for v = 1 to num_verts do
       bff_roll.local_progress.value = 100.0 * v / num_verts
       get_type = getKnotType e_spline s v
       get_vert = getKnotPoint e_spline s v
       get_in = getInVec e_spline s v
       get_out = getOutVec e_spline s v
       format "%, %, %, %, %\n" v get_type get_vert get_in get_out to:out_file
      )--end v loop

     )--end c loop
     format "-----------------\n" to:out_file
     format "-- End Of File --\n" to:out_file
     format "-----------------\n" to:out_file
     close out_file
     delete e_spline


    fn export_geometry_external o external_file_name =
     local out_file = createFile external_file_name
     o_mesh = snapshotAsMesh o
     format "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "--  BFF Mesh Definition For [%]\n" o.name to:out_file
     format "--  Version % - % \n" bff_version_number bff_version_date to:out_file
     format "--  Exporter by Borislav 'Bobo' Petrov \n" to:out_file
     format "--  http://www.scriptspot.com/bobo/    \n" to:out_file
     format "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "--  SOURCE SCENE NAME:    \t[%]          \n" scene_name to:out_file
     format "--  EXPORT DATE:          \t[%]          \n" localtime  to:out_file
     max_version = maxversion()
     max_version = max_version[1]
     max_version /= 1000.0
     format "--  SOURCE VERSION:       \t[%]          \n" max_version to:out_file
     format "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "% \t--Vertex Count\n" o_mesh.numverts to:out_file
     format "% \t--Face Count\n" o_mesh.numfaces to:out_file
     channel_support_array = #()
     for c = 0 to 99 do if meshop.getMapSupport o_mesh c then append channel_support_array c
     format "% \t--Supported Texture Channels Count\n" channel_support_array.count to:out_file
     for c in channel_support_array do
      format "% \t--Texture Channel Number\n" c to:out_file
      format "% \t--Texture Vertex Count \n" (meshop.getNumMapVerts o_mesh c) to:out_file
      format "% \t--Texture Faces Count  \n" (meshop.getNumMapFaces o_mesh c) to:out_file
     format "% \t--Available Texture Channels\n" (meshop.getNumMaps o_mesh) to:out_file
     bff_roll.current_action.text = o.name + " : Verices"
     format "--VERTEX LIST:\n" to:out_file
     for v = 1 to o_mesh.numverts do
      bff_roll.local_progress.value = 100.0 * v / o_mesh.numverts
      get_vert = getVert o_mesh v
      format "%, %\n" v get_vert to:out_file
     )--end v loop
     bff_roll.current_action.text =  o.name + " : Faces"
     format "--FACE LIST IN FORMAT\n" to:out_file
     format "--Index FaceDef MatID SmoothingGroup Edge1 Edge2 Egde3\n" to:out_file
     for f = 1 to o_mesh.numfaces do
      bff_roll.local_progress.value = 100.0 * f / o_mesh.numfaces
      get_face = getFace o_mesh f
      format "%, %, " f get_face to:out_file
      get_face = getFaceMatId o_mesh f
      format "%, " get_face to:out_file
      get_face = getFaceSmoothGroup o_mesh f
      format "%, " get_face to:out_file
      get_edgevis_1 = getEdgeVis o_mesh f 1
      get_edgevis_2 = getEdgeVis o_mesh f 2
      get_edgevis_3 = getEdgeVis o_mesh f 3
      format "%, %, % \n" get_edgevis_1 get_edgevis_2 get_edgevis_3 to:out_file
     )--end f loop
     for c = 0 to channel_support_array.count-1 do
      num_map_verts = meshop.GetNumMapVerts o_mesh channel_support_array[c+1]
      bff_roll.current_action.text =  o.name + " : TVerices C:" + c as string
      format "--TEXTURE VERTEX LIST FOR CHANNEL %\n" c to:out_file
      for v = 1 to num_map_verts do
       bff_roll.local_progress.value = 100.0 * v / num_map_verts
       get_vert = meshop.getMapVert o_mesh channel_support_array[c+1] v
       format "%, %\n" v get_vert to:out_file
      )--end v loop

      num_map_faces = meshop.GetNumMapFaces o_mesh channel_support_array[c+1]
      bff_roll.current_action.text =  o.name + " : TFaces C:" + c as string
      format "--TEXTURE FACES LIST FOR CHANNEL %\n" c to:out_file
      for f = 1 to num_map_faces do
       bff_roll.local_progress.value = 100.0 * f / num_map_faces
       get_face = meshop.getMapFace o_mesh channel_support_array[c+1] f
       format "%, %\n" f get_face to:out_file
      )--end f loop
     )--end c loop
     format "-----------------\n" to:out_file
     format "-- End Of File --\n" to:out_file
     format "-----------------\n" to:out_file
     close out_file


    fn getSubControllers contr =
     return_array = #()
     for i = 1 to contr.numsubs do
      append return_array contr[i].controller

    fn exportControllerTree contr out_file rot_flag =
     subControllerArray = #(contr)
     subControllerPaths  = #("")
     cnt = 0
     while cnt < subControllerArray.count do
      cnt += 1
      current_path = subControllerPaths[cnt]
      if cnt > 1 then
       try(format "try(bff_new_controller%.controller = %())catch()\n" current_path (classof subControllerArray[cnt]) to:out_file)catch()
       try(format "try(setBeforeORT bff_new_controller%.controller %)catch()\n" current_path (getBeforeORT subControllerArray[cnt]) to:out_file)catch()
       try(format "try(setAfterORT bff_new_controller%.controller %)catch()\n"  current_path (getAfterORT  subControllerArray[cnt]) to:out_file)catch()
       keys_count = subControllerArray[cnt].keys.count
       if keys_count > 0 then
        for k = 1 to keys_count do
         current_key = getKey subControllerArray[cnt] k
         if cnt > 1 then
          try(format "try(bff_newKey = addNewKey bff_new_controller%.controller %)catch()\n" current_path current_key.time to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey = addNewKey bff_new_controller% %)catch()\n" current_path current_key.time to:out_file)catch()
         if rot_flag then
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.value = % )catch()\n" (degToRad current_key.value) to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.value = % )catch()\n" current_key.value to:out_file)catch()
         key_type = current_key as string
         if findstring key_type "Bezier" != undefined then
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.inTangentType = #custom )catch()\n"  to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.outTangentType = #custom )catch()\n" to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.inTangent = % )catch()\n" (current_key.inTangent) to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.outTangent = % )catch()\n" (current_key.outTangent) to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.inTangentType = % )catch()\n" (current_key.inTangentType) to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.outTangentType = % )catch()\n" (current_key.outTangentType) to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.inTangentLength = % )catch()\n" (current_key.inTangentLength) to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.outTangentLength = % )catch()\n" (current_key.outTangentLength) to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.xLocked  = % )catch()\n" (current_key.xLocked) to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.yLocked = % )catch()\n" (current_key.yLocked ) to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.zLocked = % )catch()\n" (current_key.zLocked ) to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.constantVelocity = % )catch()\n" (current_key.constantVelocity ) to:out_file)catch()
         if findstring key_type "TCB" != undefined then
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.tension = % )catch()\n" (current_key.tension ) to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.continuity = % )catch()\n" (current_key.continuity ) to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.bias = % )catch()\n" (current_key.bias ) to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.easeTo = % )catch()\n" (current_key.easeTo ) to:out_file)catch()
          try(format "try(bff_newKey.easeFrom = % )catch()\n" (current_key.easeFrom ) to:out_file)catch()
      subs_array = (getSubControllers subControllerArray[Cnt])
      join subControllerArray subs_array
      for i = 1 to subs_array.count do
       append subControllerPaths (current_path+"[" + i as string +"]")

    fn getFixedUserPropBuffer obj =
      txt = getUserPropBuffer obj
      newtxt = ""
      for i = 1 to txt.count do
        subtxt = substring txt i 1
     if subtxt == "\"" then
       newtxt += "\\\""
       newtxt += subtxt

    fn export_object_props o out_file =
     --Export Object Properties--
     format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "-- General Object Properties of [%] \n" o.name to:out_file
     format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"> Importing General Object Properties of [%]\" \n" o.name to:out_file 

     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.name = \"%\")catch()\n" o.name to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.scale = %)catch()\n" o.scale to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.rotation = %)catch()\n" o.rotation to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.pos = %)catch()\n" o.pos to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.castShadows = %)catch()\n" o.castShadows to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.receiveShadows = %)catch()\n" o.receiveShadows to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.gBufferChannel = %)catch()\n" o.gBufferChannel to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.inheritVisibility = %)catch()\n" o.inheritVisibility to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.renderable = %)catch()\n" o.renderable to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.renderOccluded = %)catch()\n" o.renderOccluded to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.motionBlurOn = %)catch()\n" o.motionBlurOn to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.motionBlur = %)catch()\n" o.motionBlur to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.imageMotionBlurMultiplier = %)catch()\n" o.imageMotionBlurMultiplier to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.rcvCaustics = %)catch()\n" o.rcvCaustics to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.generateCaustics = %)catch()\n" o.generateCaustics to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.rcvGlobalIllum = %)catch()\n" o.rcvGlobalIllum to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.generateGlobalIllum = %)catch()\n" o.generateGlobalIllum to:out_file)catch()
     format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "-- Display Properties of [%] \n" o.name to:out_file
     format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"> Importing Display Properties of [%]\" \n" o.name to:out_file 

     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.wirecolor = %)catch()\n" o.wirecolor to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.isSelected = %)catch()\n" o.isSelected to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.isHidden = %)catch()\n" o.isHidden to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.xRay = %)catch()\n" o.xRay to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.ignoreExtents = %)catch()\n" o.ignoreExtents to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.boxMode = %)catch()\n" o.boxMode to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.allEdges = %)catch()\n" o.allEdges to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.backFaceCull = %)catch()\n" o.backFaceCull to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.showLinks = %)catch()\n" o.showLinks to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.showLinksOnly = %)catch()\n" o.showLinksOnly to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.isFrozen = %)catch()\n" o.isFrozen to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.showTrajectory = %)catch()\n" o.showTrajectory to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.showVertexColors = %)catch()\n" o.showVertexColors to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.vertexColorType = %)catch()\n" o.vertexColorType to:out_file)catch()
     try(format "try(bff_new_obj.vertexColorsShaded = %)catch()\n" o.vertexColorsShaded to:out_file)catch()
     if bff_roll.export_animation.checked then
      format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
      format "-- Animation Controllers of [%] \n"  o.name to:out_file
      format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
      if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
       format "bff_progressLog \"> Importing Animation Data of [%]\" \n" o.name to:out_file 
      subs = #()
      for i = 1 to o.numsubs do append subs o[i]
      for c = 1 to subs.count do
       for s = 1 to subs[c].numsubs do
         if subs[c][s].isAnimated then
          format "try(bff_new_controller = %())catch()\n" (classof subs[c][s].controller) to:out_file
          format "try(bff_new_obj[%][%].controller = bff_new_controller)catch()\n" c s to:out_file
          exportControllerTree subs[c][s].controller out_file (superclassof subs[c][s].controller == RotationController)
       )--end s loop 
      )--end c loop
        --0.3.4: EXPORT USER PROPS! --
     try(format "try(setUserPropBuffer bff_new_obj \"%\")catch()\n" (getFixedUserPropBuffer o) to:out_file)catch()
    )--end export props

    fn fixPath txt =
     new_txt = ""
     for i = 1 to txt.count do
      if substring txt i 1 == "\\" then new_txt += "/" else new_txt += substring txt i 1
     )--end i loop
    )--end fn


    fn export_material_tree mat out_file =
     if mat == undefined then
      format "try(append bff_imported_materials undefined)catch()\n" to:out_file
     --Initialize an array with the material tree root as the only element.
     mat_tree = #(mat)
     mat_path = #("root_material")
     counter = 0
     --Loop through all elements of the array
     while counter < mat_tree.count do
      counter += 1        -- increase the index
      current_object = mat_tree[counter]   -- get the current element of the array
      current_map_path = mat_path[counter]  -- get the current object path

      current_props = GetPropNames current_object -- get the properties list of the current element
      --Create an instance of the material's/map's class in the target scene:
      if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
       if superclassof current_object == Material then
        format "try(new_mat = % = %())catch(new_mat = % = Standardmaterial())\n" current_map_path (classof current_object) current_map_path to:out_file
        format "try(new_mat = % = %())catch(new_mat = % = bitmaptexture())\n" current_map_path (classof current_object) current_map_path to:out_file
       if superclassof current_object == Material then
        format "try(new_mat = % = %())catch()\n" current_map_path (classof current_object) to:out_file
        format "try(new_mat = % = %())catch()\n" current_map_path (classof current_object) to:out_file
      --and set the name, too
      format "try(new_mat.name = \"%\")catch()\n"  current_object.name to:out_file 
      if superclassof current_object == textureMap then
       try (test_coords = classof current_object.coordinates)catch(test_coords = undefined)
       if test_coords == StandardUVGen then
        coord_props = getPropNames current_object.coordinates
        for u = coord_props.count to 1 by -1 do
         current_uv_prop = GetProperty current_object.coordinates coord_props[u]
            if classof current_uv_prop == String then
          format "try(SetProperty new_mat.coordinates #% \"%\")catch()\n"  (coord_props[u] as string) current_uv_prop to:out_file
          format "try(SetProperty new_mat.coordinates #% %)catch()\n" (coord_props[u] as string) current_uv_prop to:out_file
        )--end u loop
       try (test_out = classof current_object.output) catch(test_out = undefined)
       if test_out == StandardTextureOutput then
        output_props = getPropNames current_object.output
        for p in output_props do
         current_out_prop = GetProperty current_object.output p
            if classof current_out_prop == String then
          format "try(SetProperty new_mat.output #% \"%\")catch()\n"  (p as string) current_out_prop to:out_file
          format "try(SetProperty new_mat.output #% %)catch()\n" (p as string) current_out_prop to:out_file
        )--end u loop
      --Now go through all properties found in the current element...
      for i in current_props do
       current_prop = GetProperty current_object i  --get the value of the property
       if superclassof current_prop == material then --if the property itself is a material...
        append mat_tree current_prop
        new_map_path = (current_map_path+"."+ i as string )
        append mat_path new_map_path
        --create a new sub-leaf of the current element
        format "try(% = %())catch()\n" new_map_path (classof current_prop) to:out_file
        format "try(%.name = \"%\")catch() \n" new_map_path current_prop.name to:out_file
        --append this as an element for future recursion
       )--end if Material
       if superclassof current_prop == textureMap then
        append mat_tree current_prop
        new_map_path = (current_map_path+"."+ i as string )
        append mat_path new_map_path
        --create a new sub-leaf of the current element
        format "try(% = %())catch()\n" new_map_path (classof current_prop) to:out_file
        format "try(%.name = \"%\")catch()\n" new_map_path current_prop.name to:out_file
        --append this as an element for future recursion
       )--end if texture    
       if superclassof current_prop == value or superclassof current_prop == Number then
        if i != #bitmap then
            if classof current_prop == String then
          if i == #filename then
           format "try(SetProperty new_mat #% \"%\")catch()\n"  (i as string) (fixPath current_prop) to:out_file
           format "try(SetProperty new_mat #% \"%\")catch()\n"  (i as string) current_prop to:out_file
          format "try(SetProperty new_mat #% %)catch()\n" (i as string) current_prop to:out_file
       )--end if Value
       if classof current_prop == ArrayParameter then
        for a = 1 to current_prop.count do
         if superclassof current_prop[a] == Value or superclassof current_prop[a] == Number  then
          if classof current_prop[a] == String then
           format "try(new_mat.%[%] = \"%\")catch()\n" (i as string) a current_prop[a] to:out_file
           format "try(new_mat.%[%] = %)catch()\n" (i as string) a current_prop[a] to:out_file
          append mat_tree current_prop[a]
          new_map_path = (current_map_path+"."+ i as string + "["+ a as string +"]" )
          append mat_path new_map_path
        )--end a loop
       )--end if ArrayParameter
      )--end i loop
     )--end while
     format "try(append bff_imported_materials root_material)catch(append bff_imported_materials (standardmaterial()))\n" to:out_file
    )--end export material


    fn export_properties o out_file =
     current_props = GetPropNames o
     for i in current_props do
       current_prop = GetProperty o i  
       if superclassof current_prop == Value or superclassof current_prop == Number then
           if classof current_prop == String then      format "try(SetProperty bff_new_obj #% \"%\")catch()\n"  (i as string) current_prop to:out_file
         format "try(SetProperty bff_new_obj #% %)catch()\n" (i as string) current_prop to:out_file
       )--end if


    fn export_mod_properties o out_file =
     current_props = GetPropNames o
     for i in current_props do
       current_prop = GetProperty o i  
       if superclassof current_prop == Value or superclassof current_prop == Number then
           if classof current_prop == String then
         format "try(SetProperty new_mod #% \"%\")catch()\n"  (i as string) current_prop to:out_file
         format "try(SetProperty new_mod #% %)catch()\n" (i as string) current_prop to:out_file
       )--end if


    fn export_primitives o obj out_file =
     format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "-- Primitive: [%] \n" o.name to:out_file
     format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"> Importing Primitive [%]\"  \n" o.name to:out_file 
     format "try(bff_new_obj = %())catch()\n" (classof obj) to:out_file


    fn export_helpers o out_file =
     format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "-- Helper Object: [%] \n" o.name to:out_file
     format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"> Importing Helper [%]\"  \n" o.name to:out_file 

     format "try(bff_new_obj = %())catch()\n" (classof o) to:out_file
     if o.target != undefined then
      format "try(bff_new_obj.target = TargetObject name:\"%\" pos:%)catch()\n" o.target.name o.target.pos to:out_file


    fn export_standard_lights o out_file =
     format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "-- Light Object: [%] \n" o.name to:out_file
     format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"> Importing Light [%]\"  \n" o.name to:out_file 
     format "try(bff_new_obj = %())catch()\n" (classof o) to:out_file
     if o.target != undefined then
      format "try(bff_new_obj.target = TargetObject name:\"%\" pos:%)catch()\n" o.target.name o.target.pos to:out_file


    fn export_cameras o out_file =
     format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "-- Camera Object: [%] \n" o.name to:out_file
     format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"> Importing Camera [%]\"  \n" o.name to:out_file 

     format "try(bff_new_obj = %())catch()\n" (classof o) to:out_file
     if o.target != undefined then
      format "try(bff_new_obj.target = TargetObject name:\"%\" pos:%)catch()\n" o.target.name o.target.pos to:out_file

    fn generate_progress_dialog out_file =
     format "global bff_import_floater,bff_import_progress, bff_progressLog \n" to:out_file
     format "rollout bff_import_progress \"BFF Import Progress Report\" (\n" to:out_file
     format "listbox bff_import_messages items:#() align:#center\n" to:out_file 
     format "progressbar bff_import_bar height:10 450 align:#center\n" to:out_file 
     format ")\n" to:out_file 
     format "try(closeRolloutFloater bff_import_floater)catch()\n" to:out_file 
     format "bff_import_floater = newRolloutFloater \"BFF Import\" 500 220 0 100\n" to:out_file 
     format "addRollout bff_import_progress bff_import_floater\n" to:out_file 
     format "fn bff_progressLog txt = (\n" to:out_file 
     format "old_items = bff_import_progress.bff_import_messages.items\n" to:out_file 
     format "append old_items txt\n" to:out_file 
     format "bff_import_progress.bff_import_messages.items = old_items\n" to:out_file 
     format "bff_import_progress.bff_import_messages.selection = old_items.count\n" to:out_file 
     format ")\n" to:out_file 


    fn generate_spline_code out_file =
     format "fn bff_import_external_spline ext_file = (\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"> Importing Spline Data From External File...\"\n" to:out_file 
     format "try(\n" to:out_file
     format "num_splines = readValue ext_file \n" to:out_file
     format "spline_verts = #()\n" to:out_file
     format "spline_closed= #()\n" to:out_file
     format "for s = 1 to num_splines do\n(\n" to:out_file
     format "  append spline_verts (readValue ext_file)\n" to:out_file
     format "  append spline_closed (readValue ext_file)\n" to:out_file
     format ")\n" to:out_file

     format "bff_new_obj = splineShape() \n" to:out_file

     format "for s = 1 to num_splines do\n(\n" to:out_file
     format "  addNewSpline bff_new_obj\n" to:out_file
     format "  for v = 1 to spline_verts[s] do\n  (\n" to:out_file
     format "    readValue ext_file\n" to:out_file
     format "    addKnot bff_new_obj s (readValue ext_file) #curve (readValue ext_file) (readValue ext_file) (readValue ext_file) \n  )\n" to:out_file
     format "  if spline_closed[s] then close bff_new_obj s \n" to:out_file
     format ")\n" to:out_file
     format "updateShape bff_new_obj\n" to:out_file
     format "bff_new_obj\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format ")catch(bff_progressLog \"-- Spline Import From External File FAILED.\")\n" to:out_file 
      format ")catch()\n" to:out_file 
     format ")\n" to:out_file


    fn generate_meshing_code out_file =
     format "fn bff_import_external_geometry ext_file = (\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"> Importing Mesh Data From External File...\"\n" to:out_file 
     format "try(\n" to:out_file
     format "num_verts = readValue ext_file \n" to:out_file
     format "num_faces = readValue ext_file \n" to:out_file
     format "num_uvw_channels = readValue ext_file \n" to:out_file
     format "uvw_channels = #()\n" to:out_file
     format "uvw_channel_verts = #()\n" to:out_file
     format "uvw_channel_faces = #()\n" to:out_file
     format "for c = 1 to num_uvw_channels do\n(\n" to:out_file
     format "  append uvw_channels (readValue ext_file)\n" to:out_file
     format "  append uvw_channel_verts (readValue ext_file)\n" to:out_file
     format "  append uvw_channel_faces (readValue ext_file)\n" to:out_file
     format ")\n" to:out_file

     format "num_maps = readValue ext_file \n" to:out_file
     format "bff_new_obj = mesh numverts:num_verts numfaces:num_faces \n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"+ Created EditableMesh Object.\"\n" to:out_file

     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"> Reading Vertex Data...\"\n" to:out_file

     format "for v = 1 to num_verts do\n(\n" to:out_file
     format "  readValue ext_file\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "  bff_import_progress.bff_import_bar.value = 100.0*v/num_verts \n" to:out_file
     format "  setVert bff_new_obj v (readValue ext_file) \n" to:out_file
     format ")\n" to:out_file

     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"> Reading Face Data...\"\n" to:out_file
     format "for f = 1 to num_faces do\n(\n" to:out_file
     format "  readValue ext_file\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "  bff_import_progress.bff_import_bar.value = 100.0*f/num_verts \n" to:out_file
     format "  new_face = readValue ext_file \n" to:out_file     
     format "  setFace bff_new_obj f new_face.x new_face.y new_face.z \n" to:out_file
     format "  setFaceMatID bff_new_obj f (readValue ext_file)\n" to:out_file
     format "  setFaceSmoothGroup bff_new_obj f (readValue ext_file)\n" to:out_file
     format "  setEdgeVis bff_new_obj f 1 (readValue ext_file)\n" to:out_file
     format "  setEdgeVis bff_new_obj f 2 (readValue ext_file)\n" to:out_file
     format "  setEdgeVis bff_new_obj f 3 (readValue ext_file)\n" to:out_file
     format ")\nupdate bff_new_obj\n" to:out_file 
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format ")catch(bff_progressLog \"-- Mesh Import From External File FAILED.\")\n" to:out_file 
      format ")catch()\n" to:out_file 

     --Assign UVW Coordinates in 4.x+ --
     format "try(\n" to:out_file
     format "meshop.setNumMaps bff_new_obj num_maps \n" to:out_file
     format "for c = 1 to uvw_channels.count do\n(\n" to:out_file
     format "  meshop.setMapSupport bff_new_obj uvw_channels[c] true\n" to:out_file
     format "  meshop.setNumMapVerts bff_new_obj uvw_channels[c] uvw_channel_verts[c]\n" to:out_file
     format "  meshop.setNumMapFaces bff_new_obj uvw_channels[c] uvw_channel_faces[c]\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "  bff_progressLog (\"> Reading TextureVertex Data for Channel \" + (c-1) as string) \n" to:out_file
     format "  for v = 1 to uvw_channel_verts[c] do\n  (\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "    bff_import_progress.bff_import_bar.value = 100.0*v/num_verts \n" to:out_file
     format "    readValue ext_file\n" to:out_file
     format "    meshop.setMapVert bff_new_obj uvw_channels[c] v (readValue ext_file)\n  )\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "  bff_progressLog (\"> Reading TextureFace Data for Channel \"+ (c-1) as string) \n" to:out_file
     format "  for f = 1 to uvw_channel_faces[c] do \n  (\n" to:out_file
     format "    readValue ext_file\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "    bff_import_progress.bff_import_bar.value = 100.0*f/num_verts \n" to:out_file
     format "    meshop.setMapFace bff_new_obj uvw_channels[c] f (readValue ext_file)\n  )\n" to:out_file
     format ")\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"+ Assigned R4-Style Texture Coordinates.\"\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format ")catch(bff_progressLog \"!! Failed to assign R4-Style Texture Coordinates\")\n" to:out_file
      format ")catch()\n" to:out_file

     --Try to Assign UVW Coordinates in 3.x with Simon's Extension --

     format "try(\n" to:out_file
     format "setNumMaps bff_new_obj num_maps \n" to:out_file
     format "for c = 1 to uvw_channels.count do\n(\n" to:out_file
     format "  setMapSupport bff_new_obj uvw_channels[c] true\n" to:out_file
     format "  setNumMapVerts bff_new_obj uvw_channels[c] uvw_channel_verts[c]\n" to:out_file
     format "  setNumMapFaces bff_new_obj uvw_channels[c] uvw_channel_faces[c]\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "  bff_progressLog (\"> Reading TextureVertex Data for Channel \" + (c-1) as string) \n" to:out_file
     format "  for v = 1 to uvw_channel_verts[c] do \n  (\n" to:out_file
     format "    readValue ext_file\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "    bff_import_progress.bff_import_bar.value = 100.0*v/num_verts \n" to:out_file
     format "    setMapVert bff_new_obj uvw_channels[c] v (readValue ext_file)\n  )\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "  bff_progressLog (\"> Reading TextureFace Data for Channel \"+ (c-1) as string) \n" to:out_file
     format "  for f = 1 to uvw_channel_faces[c] do \n  (\n" to:out_file
     format "    readValue ext_file\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "    bff_import_progress.bff_import_bar.value = 100.0*f/num_verts \n" to:out_file
      format "    setMapFace bff_new_obj uvw_channels[c] f (readValue ext_file)\n  )\n" to:out_file
     format ")\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"+ Assigned R3-Style Texture Coordinates.\"\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format ")catch(bff_progressLog \"!! Failed to assign R3-Style Texture Coordinates.\")\n" to:out_file
      format ")catch()\n" to:out_file

     format "bff_new_obj)\n" to:out_file 


    fn canExportStack o =
     supported_modifiers = #(Bend, Extrude, Materialmodifier, MeshSmooth, Skin, Twist, Taper)
     supported = true
     if (superclassof o.baseobject) != GeometryClass and (classof o.baseobject) != SplineShape and (classof o.baseobject) != Line and (superclassof o.baseobject) != Shape then supported = false
      if ((getFaceSelection o)as array).count > 0 then supported = false
      if ((getVertSelection o)as array).count > 0 then supported = false
      if ((getEdgeSelection o)as array).count > 0 then supported = false
     for m in o.modifiers do if findItem supported_modifiers (classof m) == 0 then supported = false
     if bff_roll.force_emesh.checked then supported = false


    fn export_supported_modifiers o out_file =
     for m = o.modifiers.count to 1 by -1 do
      format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
      format "-- Modifier Object: [%] \n" o.modifiers[m] to:out_file
      format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
      format "try(new_mod = %())catch()\n" (classof o.modifiers[m]) to:out_file
      format "try(new_mod.enabled = %)catch()\n" (o.modifiers[m].enabled) to:out_file
      format "try(new_mod.enabledInViews = %)catch()\n" (o.modifiers[m].enabledInViews) to:out_file
      export_mod_properties o.modifiers[m] out_file 
      format "try(addModifier bff_new_obj new_mod)catch()\n" to:out_file

    fn export_emesh o obj out_file =
     modifiers_enabled_state = #()
     if test_stack then
      for m in o.modifiers do
       append modifiers_enabled_state m.enabled
       m.enabled = false
        format "----------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "-- Mesh Object: [%]\n" o.name to:out_file
        format "----------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"> Importing EditableMesh [%]\" \n" o.name to:out_file 

     old_tm = o.transform
     o.transform = (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0])
     create_geometry_path = (base_dir_name+"Meshes")
     makeDir create_geometry_path
     full_external_name = (base_dir_name+"Meshes/"+o.name+".bff")
     external_name = (getFileNameFile out_name + "/Meshes/"+o.name+".bff")
     export_geometry_external o full_external_name
     o.transform = old_tm
     format "bff_ext_file = openFile \"%\"\n" external_name to:out_file
     format "try(bff_new_obj = bff_import_external_geometry bff_ext_file)catch()\n" to:out_file
     format "try(close bff_ext_file)catch()\n" to:out_file     
     if classof obj == Editable_poly do
      format "try(convertTo bff_new_obj Editable_Poly)catch()\n" to:out_file     
     if test_stack then
      for m = 1 to o.modifiers.count do
       o.modifiers[m].enabled = modifiers_enabled_state[m]
      export_supported_modifiers o out_file
     export_object_props o out_file
     if bff_roll.export_mats.checked do
      format "try(bff_new_obj.material = bff_imported_materials[%])catch()\n" materials_to_export_index[obj_cnt] to:out_file     
    )--end export mesh 

    fn export_spline o obj out_file =
     modifiers_enabled_state = #()
     if test_stack then
      for m in o.modifiers do
       append modifiers_enabled_state m.enabled
       m.enabled = false

        format "----------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "-- EditableSpline Object: [%]\n" o.name to:out_file
     format "----------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "bff_progressLog \"> Importing EditableSpline [%]\" \n" o.name to:out_file 
     old_tm = o.transform
     o.transform = (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0])
     create_spline_path = (base_dir_name+"Splines")
     makeDir create_spline_path
     full_external_name = (base_dir_name+"Splines/"+o.name+".bff")
     external_name = (getFileNameFile out_name + "/Splines/"+o.name+".bff")
     export_spline_external o full_external_name
     o.transform = old_tm
     format "bff_ext_file = openFile \"%\"\n" external_name to:out_file
     format "try(bff_new_obj = bff_import_external_spline bff_ext_file)catch() \n" to:out_file
     format "try(close bff_ext_file)catch()\n" to:out_file 
     if test_stack then
      for m = 1 to o.modifiers.count do
       o.modifiers[m].enabled = modifiers_enabled_state[m]
      export_supported_modifiers o out_file
     export_object_props o out_file  
     if bff_roll.export_mats.checked then
      format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
      format "-- Material Assignment \n" to:out_file
      format "-----------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
      format "try(bff_new_obj.material = bff_imported_materials[%])catch()\n" materials_to_export_index[obj_cnt] to:out_file     

    fn build_zip_file out_file base_dir =
     thePath = GetFileNamePath out_file
     print thePath
     archive_file = (thePath+"Archive.txt")
     thePath += GetFileNameFile out_file
     zip_destination = (thePath + ".zip")
     temp_archive_file = createfile archive_file
     files_to_archive = #(out_file)
     join files_to_archive (getFiles (thePath + "/Objects/*.ms"))
     join files_to_archive (getFiles (thePath + "/Splines/*.bff"))
     join files_to_archive (getFiles (thePath + "/Meshes/*.bff"))
     for f in files_to_archive do format "%\n" f to:temp_archive_file
     close temp_archive_file
     ShellLaunch ((GetDir #maxroot)+"maxzip.exe") (zip_destination+(" @"+archive_file))

    fn export_to_bff file_name base_dir=
     generated_mesh_fn = false
     scene_name = maxFileName
     if scene_name == "" then scene_name = "Untitled"
     out_name = file_name
     base_dir_name = base_dir
     out_file = createfile out_name
     format "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "--  BFF MAXScript Scene I/O   \n" to:out_file
     format "--  Version % - %         \n" bff_version_number bff_version_date to:out_file
     format "--  Exporter by Borislav 'Bobo' Petrov \n" to:out_file
     format "--  http://www.scriptspot.com/bobo/darkmoon/bff \n" to:out_file
     format "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "--  SOURCE SCENE NAME:    \t[%]          \n" scene_name to:out_file
     format "--  EXPORT DATE:          \t[%]          \n" localtime  to:out_file
     format "--  ORIGINAL EXPORT PATH: \t[%]          \n" out_name to:out_file
     format "--  SOURCE VERSION:       \t[%]          \n" max_version to:out_file
     format "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "undo off (\n" to:out_file
     format "global bff_new_obj, bff_ext_file, bff_new_controller, bff_newKey, bff_import_external_geometry, bff_import_external_spline \n" to:out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then generate_progress_dialog out_file 
     format "resetmaxfile() \n" to:out_file

     format "animationrange = %\n" animationrange to:out_file
     format "sliderTime = %\n" SliderTime to:out_file

     format "------------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "-- IMPORTER FUNCTIONS --\n" to:out_file
     format "------------------------\n" to:out_file 
     generate_meshing_code out_file
     generate_spline_code out_file
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "import_start_time = timestamp()\n" to:out_file
      format "bff_progressLog \"> INITIATED BFF SCENE IMPORT...\"\n" to:out_file 
     if bff_roll.export_mats.checked then
      if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
       format "bff_progressLog \"> Preparing Materials...\"\n" to:out_file 
      format "global bff_imported_materials = #()\n" to:out_file
     obj_cnt = 0
     if bff_roll.export_selected.checked then objects_to_export = selection as array else objects_to_export = objects as array

     if bff_roll.export_mats.checked then
      --Collect a list of all materials assigned to the objects to export...
      materials_to_export = #()
      materials_to_export_index = #()

      if bff_roll.export_medit.checked then
       for m in meditmaterials do
        append materials_to_export m
      format "---------------------\n" to:out_file
      format "-- SCENE MATERIALS --\n" to:out_file
      format "---------------------\n" to:out_file
      for o in objects_to_export do
       if findItem materials_to_export o.material == 0 then
        append materials_to_export_index (materials_to_export.count+1)
        append materials_to_export o.material
        append materials_to_export_index (findItem materials_to_export o.material)
      )--end o loop
      for m in materials_to_export do
       export_material_tree m out_file

      if bff_roll.export_medit.checked then
       format "---------------------\n" to:out_file
       format "-- MEDIT MATERIALS --\n" to:out_file
       format "---------------------\n" to:out_file  
       format "try(for i = 1 to 24 do meditmaterials[i] = bff_imported_materials[i])catch()\n" to:out_file
     --Now go through all objects and export them...
     format "-------------------\n" to:out_file
     format "-- SCENE OBJECTS --\n" to:out_file
     format "-------------------\n" to:out_file 
     for o in objects_to_export do
      create_object_path = (base_dir_name+"Objects")
      makeDir create_object_path
      full_external_name = (base_dir_name+"Objects\\"+o.name+".ms")
      external_name = (getFileNameFile out_name + "\\Objects\\"+o.name+".ms")
      external_object_file = createFile full_external_name
      if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
       txt = "bff_progressLog \"-- Import of Object [" + o.name + "] FAILED! \""
       txt = ""
      format "try(fileIn \"%\")catch(%)" (external_name) txt to:out_file     
      obj_cnt += 1
      bff_roll.scene_progress.value = (100.0 * obj_cnt / objects_to_export.count)
      test_stack = canExportStack o
      if test_stack then
       obj = o.baseObject
       obj = o
      if superclassof o == GeometryClass and classof o != TargetObject and bff_roll.export_geometry.checked  then
       if (test_stack and classof o.baseobject != SplineShape and classof o.baseobject != Line and classof o.baseobject != Editable_mesh and classof o.baseobject != Editable_patch and classof o.baseobject != Editable_Poly and classof o != BoneGeometry) then
        export_primitives o obj external_object_file
        export_properties obj external_object_file 
        if test_stack do export_supported_modifiers o external_object_file
        export_object_props o external_object_file
        if bff_roll.export_mats.checked do
         format "try(bff_new_obj.material = bff_imported_materials[%])catch()\n" materials_to_export_index[obj_cnt] to:external_object_file     
       if (classof o.baseobject == Editable_mesh or classof o.baseobject == Editable_patch or classof o.baseobject == Editable_Poly or classof o == BoneGeometry or not test_stack) then
        export_emesh o obj external_object_file
      )--end if geometry
      if superclassof o == Shape and classof o != SplineShape and o.modifiers.count == 0 and classof o != Line do
       export_primitives o obj external_object_file
       export_properties o external_object_file 
       export_object_props o external_object_file  
       if bff_roll.export_mats.checked do
        format "try(bff_new_obj.material = bff_imported_materials[%])catch()\n" materials_to_export_index[obj_cnt] to:external_object_file     
      )--end if shape
      if (superclassof obj == Shape and classof obj == SplineShape and bff_roll.export_splines.checked) or (classof obj == Line and bff_roll.export_splines.checked) do
       export_spline o obj external_object_file
      )--end spline
      if superclassof o == Light and bff_roll.export_lights.checked then
       export_standard_lights o external_object_file
       export_properties o external_object_file 
       export_object_props o external_object_file  
      )--end if light
      if superclassof o == Camera and bff_roll.export_cameras.checked then
       export_cameras o external_object_file
       export_properties o external_object_file 
       export_object_props o external_object_file  
      )--end if camera
      if superclassof o == Helper and bff_roll.export_helpers.checked then
       export_helpers o external_object_file
       export_properties o external_object_file 
       export_object_props o external_object_file 
      )--end if helper
      format "\n" to:out_file
      close external_object_file
     )--end o loop
     format "---------------\n" to:out_file
     format "-- Hierarchy --\n" to:out_file
     format "---------------\n" to:out_file  
     for o in objects_to_export do
      if o.parent != undefined then
       format "try($'%'.parent = $'%')catch() \n" o.name o.parent.name to:out_file  
     )-- end o loop
     if bff_roll.include_report.checked then
      format "import_end_time = timestamp()\n" to:out_file
      format "bff_progressLog (\"+ BFF SCENE IMPORT FINISHED IN \"+ ((import_end_time-import_start_time)/1000.0) as string + \" sec.\" )\n" to:out_file 
      format "bff_progressLog \"Ready.\"\n" to:out_file 
     format ")\n" to:out_file
     format "-----------------\n" to:out_file
     format "-- End Of File --\n" to:out_file
     format "-----------------\n" to:out_file
     close out_file
     gc light:true
     edit out_name
    )--end function

    rollout bff_roll "BFF Exporter"
     group "Export Classes:"
      checkbutton export_geometry "Geometry"  across:2 align:#left  85  highlightcolor:(color 200 255 200) checked:true
      checkbutton export_mats     "Materials" align:#right    85  highlightcolor:(color 200 255 200)  checked:true
      checkbutton export_lights   "Lights"    across:2 align:#left  85  highlightcolor:(color 200 255 200) checked:true
      checkbutton export_cameras  "Cameras"   align:#right          85  highlightcolor:(color 200 255 200) checked:true
      checkbutton export_splines  "Splines"   across:2 align:#left  85  highlightcolor:(color 200 255 200) checked:true
      checkbutton export_helpers  "Helpers"   align:#right          85  highlightcolor:(color 200 255 200) checked:true
     group "Preferences:"
      checkbutton force_emesh "Collapse Stack"    across:2 align:#left  85   highlightcolor:(color 255 200 200) checked:false
      checkbutton export_animation "Animation"   align:#right   85 highlightcolor:(color 200 255 200) checked:true
      checkbutton export_medit "Material Editor"   across:2 align:#left  85   highlightcolor:(color 200 255 200) checked:true
      checkbutton export_to_zip "ZIP Archive"   align:#right   85 highlightcolor:(color 255 255 200) checked:false
      checkbutton include_report "Progress Report"  across:2 align:#left  85 highlightcolor:(color 200 255 200) checked:true tooltip:"Uncheck for partial MAX 2.5 compatibility"
      checkbutton export_selected "Selected Only"  align:#right   85 highlightcolor:(color 255 255 200) checked:false

     button export_the_scene "EXPORT SCENE" 190 height:30 align:#center
     label current_action "Ready." align:#center
     progressbar scene_progress height:10 180 align:#center color:(color 0 0 100)
     progressbar local_progress height:10 180 align:#center color:(color 100 0 0)
     on export_selected changed state do
      if state then
       export_the_scene.text = "EXPORT SELECTED OBJECTS"
       export_the_scene.text = "EXPORT SCENE"
     on export_the_scene pressed do
      generated_spline_fn = false
      generated_mesh_fn = false
      out_name = getSaveFileName Types:"MAXScript Scene *.ms |*.ms"
      if out_name != undefined then
       baseDir = (getFileNameFile out_name)
       makeDir baseDir
       new_path = (getFileNamePath out_name)
       final_name = new_path + (fileNameFromPath out_name)
       export_to_bff final_name (baseDir+"\\")
       if export_to_zip.checked do
        build_zip_file final_name (baseDir+"\\")
      scene_progress.value = 0.0
      local_progress.value = 0.0
      current_action.text = "Ready."
    try(closeRolloutFloater bff_floater)catch()
    bff_floater = newRolloutFloater "BFF v0.4.2" 212 326
    addrollout bff_roll bff_floater
    )--end script

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/softimagewht/p/1784137.html
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