• 某站点静态首页的实现小结



       1: <div class="top">
       2:      <ul class="topul">
       3:          <li id="time"><a href="#">9月25日&nbsp;周四</a></li>
       4:          <li><a href="#">联系我们</a></li>
       5:          <li><a href="#">收藏本站</a></li>
       6:      </ul>
       7:  </div>
       8:  <div class="header">
       9:      <div class="logo">
      10:          <a href="#"><img src="./img/logo.png" alt="xxxxx"></a>
      11:      </div>
      12:      <div class="nav">
      13:          <ul class="navul">
      14:              <li><a href="#">首页</a></li>
      15:              <li><a href="#">校园动态</a></li>
      16:              <li><a href="#">失物招领</a></li>
      17:              <li><a href="#">二手市场</a></li>
      18:              <li><a href="#">论坛专区</a></li>
      19:              <li><a href="#">个人中心</a></li>
      20:          </ul>
      21:      </div>
      22:  </div>
      23: </div>


       1: .top
       2: {
       3:     margin-top: 1em;
       4: }
       5: .topul
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       8:     margin-right: 3%;
       9:     color: #8B8989;
      10: }
      11: .topul li
      12: {
      13:     float: right;
      14:     margin-left: 25px;
      15: }
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      17: {
      18:     color: #8B8989;
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      20: }
      21: .topul li a:hover
      22: {
      23:     color: #8B8989;
      24:     text-decoration: none;
      25: }
      26: .header
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      28:     margin-top: 1em;
      29:     height:100px;
      30:     position: relative;
      31:     top: 0;
      32:     left: 0;
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      37: }
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      42:     position: absolute;
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      44:     left: 20%;
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      51: .navul li
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      57:     letter-spacing: 2px;
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      59: .navul li a
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      61:     color: #000000;
      62:     text-decoration: none;
      63: }
      64: .navul li a:hover
      65: {
      66:     color: #000000;
      67:     text-decoration: none;
      68: }


       1: <div class="shaft">
       2:     <div class="past">
       3:         <div class="circle">
       4:             <a href="#"><span>1</span></a>
       5:         </div>
       6:     </div>
       7:     <div class="lianjie"></div>
       8:     <div class="now">
       9:         <div class="circle">
      10:             <a href="#"><span>2</span></a>
      11:         </div>
      12:     </div>
      13:     <div class="lianjie"></div>
      14:     <div class="future">
      15:         <div class="circle">
      16:             <a href="#"><span>3</span></a>
      17:         </div>
      18:     </div>
      19: </div>
      20: <br/><br/><br/>
      21: <div class="maioshu">
      22:     <div class="desc descpast">
      23:         <img src="./img/past.png" alt="past">
      24:         <h3>最初的梦想</h3>
      25:         <p>2008年医工伍学秦创立</p>
      26:     </div>
      27:     <div class="desc descnow">
      28:         <img src="./img/now.png" alt="now">
      29:         <h3>活在当下</h3>
      30:         <p>用爱把协会做好</p>
      31:     </div>
      32:     <div class="desc descfuture">
      33:         <img src="./img/future.png" alt="future">
      34:         <h3>展望未来</h3>
      35:         <p>会有个怎么样的你</p>
      36:     </div>
      37: </div>


       1: .circle
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      25:      box-pack: center;
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      29:      color:#000000;
      30: }


    在IE中。数字1,2,3不能居中,所以后来加个span(之前没有),用IE hacks解决

       1: <!--[if IE]>
       2:   <style type="text/css">
       3:     .circle span
       4:     {
       5:         display:block;
       6:         padding-top:12px;
       7:         font-weight:bold;
       8:     }
       9:   </style>
      10: <![endif]-->

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/slgkaifa/p/7064121.html
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