• Shell脚本中执行sql语句操作




    --演示环境   [root@SZDB ~]# more /etc/issue   CentOS release 5.9 (Final)   Kernel on an m      root@localhost[(none)]> show variables like 'version';   +---------------+------------+   | Variable_name | Value      |   +---------------+------------+   | version       | 5.6.12-log |   +---------------+------------+      [root@SZDB ~]# more shell_call_sql1.sh    #!/bin/bash   # Define log   TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`   LOG=call_sql_${TIMESTAMP}.log   echo "Start execute sql statement at `date`." >>${LOG}      # execute sql stat   mysql -uroot -p123456 -e "   tee /tmp/temp.log   drop database if exists tempdb;   create database tempdb;   use tempdb   create table if not exists tb_tmp(id smallint,val varchar(20));   insert into tb_tmp values (1,'jack'),(2,'robin'),(3,'mark');   select * from tb_tmp;   notee   quit"      echo -e " ">>${LOG}   echo "below is output result.">>${LOG}   cat /tmp/temp.log>>${LOG}   echo "script executed successful.">>${LOG}   exit;      [root@SZDB ~]# ./shell_call_sql1.sh    Logging to file '/tmp/temp.log'   +------+-------+   | id   | val   |   +------+-------+   |    1 | jack  |   |    2 | robin |   |    3 | mark  |   +------+-------+   Outfile disabled.  


    [root@SZDB ~]# more temp.sql    tee /tmp/temp.log   drop database if exists tempdb;   create database tempdb;   use tempdb   create table if not exists tb_tmp(id smallint,val varchar(20));   insert into tb_tmp values (1,'jack'),(2,'robin'),(3,'mark');   select * from tb_tmp;   notee      [root@SZDB ~]# mysql -uroot -p123456 -e "source /root/temp.sql"   Logging to file '/tmp/temp.log'   +------+-------+   | id   | val   |   +------+-------+   |    1 | jack  |   |    2 | robin |   |    3 | mark  |   +------+-------+   Outfile disabled.  


    [root@SZDB ~]# mysql -uroot -p123456 </root/temp.sql   Logging to file '/tmp/temp.log'   id      val   1       jack   2       robin   3       mark   Outfile disabled.      #使用管道符调用SQL文件以及输出日志   [root@SZDB ~]# mysql -uroot -p123456 </root/temp.sql >/tmp/temp.log   [root@SZDB ~]# more /tmp/temp.log   Logging to file '/tmp/temp.log'   id      val   1       jack   2       robin   3       mark   Outfile disabled.  


    [root@SZDB ~]# more shell_call_sql2.sh   #!/bin/bash   mysql -uroot -p123456 <<EOF   source /root/temp.sql;   select current_date();   delete from tempdb.tb_tmp where id=3;   select * from tempdb.tb_tmp where id=2;   EOF   exit;   [root@SZDB ~]# ./shell_call_sql2.sh   Logging to file '/tmp/temp.log'   id      val   1       jack   2       robin   3       mark   Outfile disabled.   current_date()   2014-10-14   id      val   2       robin  


    [root@SZDB ~]# more shell_call_sql3.sh   #!/bin/bash   cmd="select count(*) from tempdb.tb_tmp"   cnt=$(mysql -uroot -p123456 -s -e "${cmd}")   echo "Current count is : ${cnt}"   exit    [root@SZDB ~]# ./shell_call_sql3.sh    Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.   Current count is : 3      [root@SZDB ~]# echo "select count(*) from tempdb.tb_tmp"|mysql -uroot -p123456 -s   3      [root@SZDB ~]# more shell_call_sql4.sh   #!/bin/bash   id=1   cmd="select count(*) from tempdb.tb_tmp where id=${id}"   cnt=$(mysql -uroot -p123456 -s -e "${cmd}")   echo "Current count is : ${cnt}"   exit       [root@SZDB ~]# ./shell_call_sql4.sh    Current count is : 1  
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/skydragon/p/7227549.html
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