• 深入理解CSS选择器优先级的计算


    1. 如果声明来自于“style”属性,而不是带有选择器的规则,则记为 1,否则记为 0 (= a)(HTML元素的style属性也是样式规则,因为这些样式规则没有选择器,因此记为a=1,b=0,c=0,d=0)
    2. 计算选择器中 ID 属性的个数 (= b)
    3. 计算选择器中其他属性(类、属性选择器)和伪类的个数 (= c)
    4. 计算选择器中元素名称和伪元素的个数 (= d)

    将四个数字按 a-b-c-d 这样连接起来(位于大数进制的数字系统中),构成选择器的优先级。

    在最新的Selector Level 3规范中: 

    1. 计算选择器中 ID 属性的个数 (= a)
    2. 计算选择器中其他属性(类、属性选择器)和伪类的个数 (= b)
    3. 计算选择器中元素名称和伪元素的个数 (= c)
    4. 忽略通用选择器*
    将三个数字按 a-b-c这样连接起来(位于大数进制的数字系统中),构成选择器的优先级。style属性计算参考css2.1规范。



    unsigned CSSSelector::specificity() const
        // make sure the result doesn't overflow
        static const unsigned maxValueMask = 0xffffff; // 整个选择器的最大值,十进制表示:idMask + classMask + elementMak = 16777215
        static const unsigned idMask = 0xff0000; // ID选择器的最大值,十进制表示:(16*16+16)*16^4=16711680
        static const unsigned classMask = 0xff00; // class(伪类、类)选择器的最大值,十进制表示:(16*16+16)*16^2=65280
        static const unsigned elementMask = 0xff; // 元素选择器的最大值,十进制表示:16*16+16=255
        if (isForPage())
            return specificityForPage() & maxValueMask;
        unsigned total = 0;
        unsigned temp = 0;
        for (const CSSSelector* selector = this; selector; selector = selector->tagHistory()) {
            temp = total + selector->specificityForOneSelector();
            // Clamp each component to its max in the case of overflow.
            if ((temp & idMask) < (total & idMask)) // 判断是否为ID选择器
                total |= idMask; // 保证ID选择器的同类叠加不会超过ID选择器的总最大值,下同
            else if ((temp & classMask) < (total & classMask))
                total |= classMask;
            else if ((temp & elementMask) < (total & elementMask))
                total |= elementMask;
                total = temp;
        return total;
    inline unsigned CSSSelector::specificityForOneSelector() const
        // FIXME: Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes do not have the same specificity. This function
        // isn't quite correct.
        switch (m_match) {
        case Id:
            return 0x10000; // ID选择器权重
        case PseudoClass:
            // FIXME: PsuedoAny should base the specificity on the sub-selectors.
            // See http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2010Sep/0530.html
            if (pseudoClassType() == PseudoClassNot && selectorList())
                return selectorList()->first()->specificityForOneSelector();
        case Exact:
        case Class:
        case Set:
        case List:
        case Hyphen:
        case PseudoElement:
        case Contain:
        case Begin:
        case End:
            return 0x100; // class选择器权重
        case Tag:
            return (tagQName().localName() != starAtom) ? 1 : 0; // 元素选择器权重
        case Unknown:
            return 0;
        return 0;
          从上面的代码可以看出,在webkit中,对于a级选择器(“style”属性的样式规则),根本不参与优先级运算的过程。对于b级(ID选择器)、c级(class选择器)、d级(元素选择器),每一级都有自己的最大值(最大数目255),超出时就会应用其最大值(最大数目)。b级最大值为0xff0000(16711680),权重为0x1000(65536),数目超过256时仍然使用最大值。c级、d级相似。所以并不存在低一级超出一定数目后导致高一级进一出现覆盖的情况。在一个选择器组(em:#a .d div)中,所有选择器的加和不会超过16777215(每一类的选择器都保证了不会超出最大值的情况)。demo:http://jsbin.com/duker/2。对于!important,webkit是走的另一条路径(具有!important的样式规则大于没有!important的样式规则,只有在同时具有!important属性时才会比较选择器的整体优先级)。整体来说,在webkit中,!important>inline style>ID>class>tag。
    时间戳:2012-10-04 19:04:44 (20个月前)作者:commit-queue@webkit.org消息:


    Patch by Tab Atkins <jackalmage@gmail.com> on 2012-10-04
    Reviewed by Eric Seidel.



    Tests: /fast/selectors/specificity-overflow.html

    • css/CSSSelector.cpp:


    int32_t nsCSSSelector::CalcWeightWithoutNegations() const
       int32_t weight = 0;
     #ifdef MOZ_XUL
       MOZ_ASSERT(!(IsPseudoElement() &&
                    PseudoType() != nsCSSPseudoElements::ePseudo_XULTree &&
                  "If non-XUL-tree pseudo-elements can have class selectors "
                  "after them, specificity calculation must be updated");
       MOZ_ASSERT(!(IsPseudoElement() && mClassList),
                  "If pseudo-elements can have class selectors "
                  "after them, specificity calculation must be updated");
       MOZ_ASSERT(!(IsPseudoElement() && (mIDList || mAttrList)),
                  "If pseudo-elements can have id or attribute selectors "
                  "after them, specificity calculation must be updated");
       if (nullptr != mCasedTag) {
         weight += 0x000001;
       nsAtomList* list = mIDList;
       while (nullptr != list) {
         weight += 0x010000;
         list = list->mNext;
       list = mClassList;
     #ifdef MOZ_XUL
       // XUL tree pseudo-elements abuse mClassList to store some private
       // data; ignore that.
       if (PseudoType() == nsCSSPseudoElements::ePseudo_XULTree) {
         list = nullptr;
       while (nullptr != list) {
         weight += 0x000100;
         list = list->mNext;
       // FIXME (bug 561154):  This is incorrect for :-moz-any(), which isn't
       // really a pseudo-class.  In order to handle :-moz-any() correctly,
       // we need to compute specificity after we match, based on which
       // option we matched with (and thus also need to try the
       // highest-specificity options first).
       nsPseudoClassList *plist = mPseudoClassList;
       while (nullptr != plist) {
         weight += 0x000100;
         plist = plist->mNext;
       nsAttrSelector* attr = mAttrList;
       while (nullptr != attr) {
         weight += 0x000100;
         attr = attr->mNext;
       return weight;
     int32_t nsCSSSelector::CalcWeight() const
       // Loop over this selector and all its negations.
       int32_t weight = 0;
       for (const nsCSSSelector *n = this; n; n = n->mNegations) {
         weight += n->CalcWeightWithoutNegations();
       return weight;
          和webkit一样,inline style元素不计入计算。对于b级(ID)、c级(class)、d级(tag)的最大值和最小值也都和webkit保持一致。不同的是在mozilla中并没有对于同一类别的选择器进行最大值控制,而是结果直接相加。这样的话就会导致同一级选择器数目多于255时高一级进一,也就是结果溢出的问题。而且对于整个选择器组的优先级计算因为没有类似于webkit的按位与运算来保证结果不溢出,只是简单的相加,在mozilla中就可能出现溢出的问题。

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>JS Bin</title>
    #test {font-size:12px !important;}
    p {font-size:24px;}
    <div id="test"><p>test text</p></div>

    在所有浏览器中文字都会应用p {font-size:24px;}。如果把这句去掉的话,就会应用*{font-size:40px;},*包括p。(继承的样式没有优先级)




    2、优先级计算不包括inline style和!important;



    I am currently using the book CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions.

    Chapter 1, page 16 says:

    To calculate how specific a rule is, each type of selector is assigned a numeric value. The specificity of a rule is then calculated by adding up the value of each of its selectors. Unfortunately, specificity is not calculated in base 10 but a high, unspecified, base number. This is to ensure that a highly specific selector, such as an ID selector, is never overridden by lots of less specific selectors, such as type selectors.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shinnyChen/p/3771065.html
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