• QTP 常用函数库


    Public Function Get_Data()
     Dim currentDate
     currentDate = Date
     Get_Data = currentDate
    End Function

    Public Function Get_Time()
     Dim currentTime
     currentTime = Time
     Get_Time = currentTime
    End Function

    '输入值:生成值范围 i~j
    Public Function Get_RandNum(fromNum,toNum)
     If (fromNum<0) Or (toNum<0) Then
      MsgBox "只接受大于零的输入"
     ElseIf fromNum>toNum then
      MsgBox "起始值必须小于结束值"
      Dim RunTime
      RunTime = Int((10 * Rnd) + 1) 
      Dim MyValue,i
      For i = 1 To RunTime
       MyValue = Int(((toNum - fromNum + 1) * Rnd) + (fromNum))
       End If
    End Function

    Public Sub swap(byref a,byref b)
     Dim c
     c = a
     a = b
     b = c
    End Sub

    Function IsPrimeNumber(num)
     Dim i,flag
     flag = true
     If num = 1 Then
      flag = False
     ElseIf num < 1 Then
      MsgBox "只能接受大于0的数"
      flag = False
      For i = 2 To (num - 1)
       If ((num Mod i) = 0) Then
        flag = False
        Exit For
       End If
     End If 
     IsPrimeNumber = flag
    End Function

    Function ReadLine(pathway, rowcount)
     Dim fso,myfile,i,flag
     flag = 1
     Set fso=CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
     If fso.FileExists(pathway) then
      Set myfile = fso.openTextFile(pathway,1,false)
      flag = 0
     End If
     For i=1 to rowcount-1
      If Not myfile.AtEndOfLine Then
      End If 
     If flag = 1 then
      If Not myfile.AtEndOfLine Then
       ReadLine = myfile.ReadLine
       ReadLine = "文本越界"
      End If
      ReadLine = "文件不存在"
     End If 
    End Function

    Function MakeString(inputlength)
     Dim I,x,B,A
     If IsNumeric(inputlength) Then
     For I = 1 To inputlength
      A = Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z")
      B = A(x)
      makestring =makestring +B
      MakeString = makestring
      msgbox ("只接受数字输入")
     End If
    End Function

    Sub ZYGLQ()
     Dim WshShell
     set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") 
     WshShell.SendKeys "^+{ESC}" 
     Set WshShell = nothing
    End Sub

    Sub Run()
     Dim WshShell
     set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") 
     WshShell.SendKeys "^{ESC}R" 
     Set WshShell = nothing
    End Sub

    Function SendMail(SendTo, Subject, Body, Attachment)
     Dim ol,mail
        Set ol=CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        Set Mail=ol.CreateItem(0)
        If (Attachment <> "") Then
        End If
        Set Mail = Nothing
        Set ol = Nothing
    End Function

    Function NoRepeat(Inp,Sp)
    Dim aa,flag,words,length,i,j,k,sp1,sp2,cc
     aa = Inp
      flag = False 
      words = Split(aa,Sp)
      length = UBound(words)
      For i = 0 To (length -1)
       sp1 = words(i)
       For j = (i+1) To length
        sp2 = words(j)
        If sp1 = sp2 Then
         flag = True
         aa = ""
         For k = 0 To (j-1)
          aa = aa & words(k) & sp
         For k = (j + 1) To length
          aa = aa & words(k) & sp
         cc = Len(aa)
         aa = Left(aa,(cc - 1)) 
        End If 
       If flag = True Then
        Exit For
       End if
     Loop Until flag = false
     NoRepeat = aa
    End Function

    Function GetLen(Str)
            Dim singleStr, i, iCount
            iCount = 0
            For i = 1 to len(Str)
                    singleStr = mid(Str,i,1)
                    If asc(singleStr) < 0 Then
                            iCount = iCount + 2
                            iCount = iCount + 1
                    End If   
            GetLen = iCount
    End Function

    Sub RunApp(command)
     Dim WshShell
     set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") 
     WshShell.Exec command
    End Sub

    Function Nextday(ByVal inputday)
        Dim temp, num, OPYear, OPMonth, OPDay, ret, flag
        temp = Split(CStr(inputday), "-")
        num = UBound(temp) + 1
        OPYear = temp(0)
        OPMonth = temp(1)
        OPDay = temp(2)
        flag = 0

        If OPMonth = 1 Or OPMonth = 3 Or OPMonth = 5 Or OPMonth = 7 Or OPMonth = 8 Or OPMonth = 10 Or OPMonth = 12 Then
            If OPDay > 31 Or OPDay < 1 Then
                flag = 1
            End If
        ElseIf OPMonth = 4 Or OPMonth = 6 Or OPMonth = 9 Or OPMonth = 11 Then
            If OPDay > 30 Or OPDay < 1 Then
                flag = 1
            End If
            If ISLeapYear(OPYear) Then
                If OPDay > 29 Or OPDay < 1 Then
                    flag = 1
                End If
                If OPDay > 28 Or OPDay < 1 Then
                    flag = 1
                End If
            End If
        End If

        If flag = 1 Or num <> 3 Then
            MsgBox "输入参数不对劲", , "Nextday函数提示"
            If OPMonth = 1 Or OPMonth = 3 Or OPMonth = 5 Or OPMonth = 7 Or OPMonth = 8 Or OPMonth = 10 Or OPMonth = 12 Then 'big month
                If OPDay = 31 Then
                    OPDay = 1
                    If OPMonth = 12 Then
                        OPMonth = 1
                        OPYear = OPYear + 1
                        OPMonth = OPMonth + 1
                        OPYear = OPYear
                    End If
                    OPDay = OPDay + 1
                End If
            ElseIf OPMonth = 4 Or OPMonth = 6 Or OPMonth = 9 Or OPMonth = 11 Then                                          'small month
                If OPDay = 30 Then
                    OPDay = 1
                    If OPMonth = 12 Then
                        OPMonth = 1
                        OPYear = OPYear + 1
                        OPMonth = OPMonth + 1
                        OPYear = OPYear
                    End If
                    OPDay = OPDay + 1
                End If
            Else                                                                                                           'February
                If ISLeapYear(OPYear) Then
                    If OPDay = 29 Then
                        OPDay = 1
                        If OPMonth = 12 Then
                            OPMonth = 1
                            OPYear = OPYear + 1
                            OPMonth = OPMonth + 1
                            OPYear = OPYear
                        End If
                        OPDay = OPDay + 1
                    End If
                    If OPDay = 28 Then
                        OPDay = 1
                        If OPMonth = 12 Then
                            OPMonth = 1
                            OPYear = OPYear + 1
                            OPMonth = OPMonth + 1
                            OPYear = OPYear
                        End If
                        OPDay = OPDay + 1
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            ret = OPYear & "-" & OPMonth & "-" & OPDay
            Nextday = ret
        End If
    End Function

    Function ISLeapYear(ByVal inYear)
        If ((inYear Mod 4 = 0 And inYear Mod 100 <> 0) Or inYear Mod 400 = 0) Then
            ISLeapYear = True
            ISLeapYear = False
        End If
    End Function

    Function Days(ByVal SourceData, ByVal DesData)
        Dim flag, temp1, temp2, OPYear1, OPYear2, OPMonth1, OPMonth2, OPDay1, OPDay2, i, tempDay
        temp1 = Split(SourceData, "-")
        temp2 = Split(DesData, "-")
        If ((UBound(temp1) + 1) <> 3) Or ((UBound(temp2) + 1) <> 3) Then
            MsgBox "输入参数不对劲", , "Days函数提示"
        End If
        OPYear1 = temp1(0)
        OPMonth1 = temp1(1)
        OPDay1 = temp1(2)
        OPYear2 = temp2(0)
        OPMonth2 = temp2(1)
        OPDay2 = temp2(2)
        If CInt(OPYear1) <> CInt(OPYear2) Then
            If CInt(OPYear1) > CInt(OPYear2) Then
                flag = "big"
            ElseIf CInt(OPYear1) < CInt(OPYear2) Then
                flag = "small"
            End If
            If CInt(OPMonth1) <> CInt(OPMonth2) Then
                If CInt(OPMonth1) > CInt(OPMonth2) Then
                    flag = "big"
                ElseIf CInt(OPMonth1) < CInt(OPMonth2) Then
                    flag = "small"
                End If
                If CInt(OPDay1) <> CInt(OPDay2) Then
                    If CInt(OPDay1) > CInt(OPDay2) Then
                        flag = "big"
                    ElseIf CInt(OPDay1) < CInt(OPDay2) Then
                        flag = "small"
                    End If
                    flag = "="
                End If
            End If
        End If

        If (flag = "big") Then
            i = 1
            tempDay = DesData
                tempDay = Nextday(tempDay)
                i = i + 1
            Loop Until tempDay = SourceData
            i = i - 1
        ElseIf (flag = "small") Then
            i = 1
            tempDay = SourceData
                tempDay = Nextday(tempDay)
                i = i + 1
            Loop Until tempDay = DesData
            i = i - 1
            i = 0
        End If

        Days = i
    End Function

    Function Identification(Text1)
    xian = Text1
    If (Not IsNumeric(Left(Text1, 15)) And Not IsNumeric(Left(Text1, 18))) Or Text1 = "" Then
      Identification = False
      Exit Function
    End If
    lenx = Len(Trim(Text1))
    If lenx = 15 Or lenx = 18 Then
        If lenx = 15 Then
            yy = "19" & Mid(xian, 7, 2)
            mm = Mid(xian, 9, 2)
            dd = Mid(xian, 11, 2)
            aa = Right(xian, 1)
        End If
        If lenx = 18 Then
            yy = Mid(xian, 7, 4)
            mm = Mid(xian, 11, 2)
            dd = Mid(xian, 13, 2)
            aa = Right(xian, 1)
        End If
        If CInt(mm) > 12 Or CInt(dd) > 31 Then
           Identification = False
           Exit Function
         Identification = True
         Exit Function
        End If
      Identification = False
      Exit Function
    End If
    End Function

    Function checkString (myString)
     checkString = False 
     Dim myChr
     For myChr = 48 to 57
      If InStr(myString,Chr(myChr)) > 0 Then
       checkString = True 
       Exit Function
      End If
    End Function

    Function Access_GetCount(DBlocation,TableName,Value)
     set con=createobject("adodb.connection")
     con.open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & DBlocation
     set record = createobject("adodb.recordset")
     sql="select * from " & TableName
     record.open sql,con
      end If
     loop until record.eof=True
     set record=Nothing 
     set con=Nothing
     If num = 0 Then
      Access_GetCount = 0
      Access_GetCount = num
     End If 
    End Function

    Function BubbleSort(VString,Spl,Func)
     Dim Str,StrLength,i,j
     Str = Split(VString,Spl)
     StrLength = UBound(Str) + 1
     For i = 1 To (StrLength-1)
      For j = (i+1) To StrLength
       If Func = 1 then
        If Asc(Str(i-1)) < Asc(Str(j-1)) Then
         Call Swap(Str(i-1),Str(j-1))
        End If 
        If Asc(Str(i-1)) > Asc(Str(j-1)) Then
         Call Swap(Str(i-1),Str(j-1))
        End If 
       End If
     j = ""
     For i = 1 To StrLength
      j = j & Str(i-1) & Spl
     j = Left(j,(StrLength * 2 -1))
     BubbleSort = j
    End Function


    Public Sub QTP_Small()
     Dim objQTPWin
     Set objQTPWin = GetObject("" , "QuickTest.Application")
     objQTPWin.WindowState = "Minimized"
     Set objQTPWin = Nothing
    End Sub

    Public Sub QTP_Big()
     Dim objQTPWin
     Set objQTPWin = GetObject("" , "QuickTest.Application")
     objQTPWin.WindowState = "Restored"
     Set objQTPWin = Nothing
    End Sub

    Public Function QTP_WriteFile(pathway,words) 
        Dim fileSystemObj,fileSpec,logFile,way
        Set fileSystemObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        fileSpec = pathway 
        Set logFile = fileSystemObj.OpenTextFile(fileSpec, 8, true) 
        logFile.WriteLine (CStr(words))
        Set logFile = Nothing
    End Function

    Public Function QTP_WriteFile_Change(pathway,words) 
        Dim fileSystemObj,fileSpec,logFile,way
        Set fileSystemObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        fileSpec = pathway 
        Set logFile = fileSystemObj.OpenTextFile(fileSpec, 2, true) 
        logFile.WriteLine (CStr(words))
        Set logFile = Nothing
    End Function

    Public Function QTP_Read_Excel(pathway,sheetname,x,y)
     Dim srcData,srcDoc,ret
     set srcData = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
     srcData.Visible = True
     set srcDoc = srcData.Workbooks.Open(pathway)
     ret = srcDoc.Worksheets(sheetname).Cells(x,y).value
     Window("text:=Microsoft Excel").Close
     QTP_Read_Excel = ret
    End Function

    Public Function QTP_Write_Excel(pathway,sheetname,x,y,content)
     Dim srcData,srcDoc,sp1,sp2,num,use,a1,a2,a3
     set srcData = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
     srcData.Visible = True
     set srcDoc = srcData.Workbooks.Open(pathway)
     srcDoc.Worksheets(sheetname).Cells(x,y).value = content
    ' sp1 = Split(pathway,".")
    ' sp2 = Split(sp1(0),"\")
    ' num = UBound(sp2)
    ' use = sp2(num)

    ' Set a1 = Description.Create()
    ' a1("text").value="Microsoft Excel - " + use + ".xls"
    ' a1("window id").value="0"

    ' Set a3 = Description.Create()
    ' a3("Class Name").value="WinObject"
    ' a3("text").value= use + ".xls"

    ' Window(a1).WinObject(a3).Type micCtrlDwn + "s" + micCtrlUp

     Dim WshShell
     Set WshShell=CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
     WshShell.SendKeys "^s"
     Set srcDoc = nothing
     Window("text:=Microsoft Excel").Close
    End Function

    Sub QTP_Msgbox(Value,waitTime,Title)
     Dim WshShell
        Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
        WshShell.Popup Value, waitTime, Title
        Set WshShell = nothing
    End Sub

    Public Function QTP_Change_Color(pathway,sheetname,x,y,color)
     Dim srcData,srcDoc,sp1,sp2,num,use,a1,a2,a3
     set srcData = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
     srcData.Visible = True
     set srcDoc = srcData.Workbooks.Open(pathway)
     If color = "red" Then 
     ElseIf color = "green" Then
      MsgBox "输入的颜色参数不正确,只接收""red""和""green"""
     End If

     Dim WshShell
     Set WshShell=CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
     WshShell.SendKeys "^s"
     Set srcDoc = nothing
     Window("text:=Microsoft Excel").Close
    End Function

    Public Function QTP_Capture(pathway)
      Dim datestamp
      Dim filename
      datestamp = Now() 
      filename = Environment("TestName")&"_"&datestamp&".png" 
      filename = Replace(filename,"/","") 
      filename = Replace(filename,":","")
      filename = pathway + "\" + ""&filename 
      Desktop.CaptureBitmap filename
      'Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"image","<img src='" & filename & "'>" 
    End Function

    '''''QuickTestPlus 帮助文件对于Excel库函数  仅QTP适用''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    Dim ExcelApp 'As Excel.Application
    Dim excelSheet 'As Excel.worksheet
    Dim excelBook 'As Excel.workbook
    Dim fso 'As Scripting.FileSystemObject

    Function CreateExcel() 'As Excel.Application
        Dim excelSheet 'As Excel.worksheet
        Set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 'Create a new excel Object
        ExcelApp.Visible = True
        Set CreateExcel = ExcelApp
    End Function

    Sub CloseExcel(ExcelApp)
        Set excelSheet = ExcelApp.ActiveSheet
        Set excelBook = ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        On Error Resume Next
        fso.CreateFolder "C:\Temp"
        fso.DeleteFile "C:\Temp\ExcelExamples.xls"
        excelBook.SaveAs "C:\Temp\ExcelExamples.xls"
        Set ExcelApp = Nothing
        Set fso = Nothing
        Err = 0
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub

    Function SaveWorkbook(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier, path) 'As String
        Dim workbook 'As Excel.workbook
        On Error Resume Next
        Set workbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks(workbookIdentifier)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If Not workbook Is Nothing Then
            If path = "" Or path = workbook.FullName Or path = workbook.Name Then
                Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
                If InStr(path, ".") = 0 Then
                    path = path & ".xls"
                End If
                On Error Resume Next
                fso.DeleteFile path
                Set fso = Nothing
                Err = 0
                On Error GoTo 0
                workbook.SaveAs path
            End If
            SaveWorkbook = 1
            SaveWorkbook = 0
        End If
    End Function

    Sub SetCellValue(excelSheet, row, column, value)
        On Error Resume Next
        excelSheet.Cells(row, column) = value
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub

    Function GetCellValue(excelSheet, row, column)
        value = 0
        Err = 0
        On Error Resume Next
        tempValue = excelSheet.Cells(row, column)
        If Err = 0 Then
            value = tempValue
            Err = 0
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
        GetCellValue = value
    End Function

    Function GetSheet(ExcelApp, sheetIdentifier) 'As Excel.worksheet
        On Error Resume Next
        Set GetSheet = ExcelApp.Worksheets.Item(sheetIdentifier)
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Function

    Function InsertNewWorksheet(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier, sheetName) 'As Excel.worksheet
        Dim workbook 'As Excel.workbook
        Dim worksheet 'As Excel.worksheet
        'In case that the workbookIdentifier is empty we will work on the active workbook
        If workbookIdentifier = "" Then
            Set workbook = ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook
            On Error Resume Next
            Err = 0
            Set workbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks(workbookIdentifier)
            If Err <> 0 Then
                Set InsertNewWorksheet = Nothing
                Err = 0
                Exit Function
            End If
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If
        sheetCount = workbook.Sheets.Count
        workbook.Sheets.Add , sheetCount
        Set worksheet = workbook.Sheets(sheetCount + 1)
        If sheetName <> "" Then
            worksheet.Name = sheetName
        End If
        Set InsertNewWorksheet = worksheet
    End Function

    Function CreateNewWorkbook(ExcelApp)
        Set NewWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add()
        Set CreateNewWorkbook = NewWorkbook
    End Function

    Function OpenWorkbook(ExcelApp, path)
        On Error Resume Next
        Set NewWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(path)
        Set OpenWorkbook = NewWorkbook
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Function

    Sub ActivateWorkbook(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier)
        On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub

    Sub CloseWorkbook(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier)
        On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub

    Function CompareSheets(sheet1, sheet2, startColumn, numberOfColumns, startRow, numberOfRows, trimed) 'As Boolean
        Dim returnVal 'As Boolean
        returnVal = True
        If sheet1 Is Nothing Or sheet2 Is Nothing Then
            CompareSheets = False
            Exit Function
        End If
        For r = startRow to (startRow + (numberOfRows - 1))
            For c = startColumn to (startColumn + (numberOfColumns - 1))
                Value1 = sheet1.Cells(r, c)
                Value2 = sheet2.Cells(r, c)
                If trimed Then
                    Value1 = Trim(Value1)
                    Value2 = Trim(Value2)
                End If
                If Value1 <> Value2 Then
                    Dim cell 'As Excel.Range
                    sheet2.Cells(r, c) = "Compare conflict - Value was '" & Value2 & "', Expected value is '" & Value1 & "'."
                    Set cell = sheet2.Cells(r, c)
                    cell.Font.Color = vbRed
                    returnVal = False
                End If
        CompareSheets = returnVal
    End Function

    Sub QTP_WriteWord(pathway,content)
     Dim oWord,oRange,oDoc
     Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
     oWord.documents.open pathway,forwriting, True
     Set oDoc = oWord.ActiveDocument
     Set oRange = oDoc.content
     oRange.insertafter content
    ' Dim WshShell
    ' Set WshShell=CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    ' WshShell.SendKeys "^s"
    ' wait(1)
        oWord.Application.Quit True 
     Set oRange = Nothing 
     Set oDoc = Nothing 
     Set oWord = Nothing
    End Sub

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shinhwa/p/1769061.html
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