• MySQL基础知识

     # 启动和停用数据库
    net start mysql
    net stop mysql

    # 登陆和退出
    mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p123;

    # 注释
    /*   */
    脚本中可以使用 --

    # 查看版本
    select version();

    # 查看日期
    select current_date();

    # 查看当前时间
    select now();

    # 查看用户
    select user();

    # 取消未完成的输入


    show databases;

    select database();

    create database menagerie;

    use menagerie;

    mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p menagerie

    drop database menagerie


    show tables;

    create table pet(name varchar(20),
    owner varchar(20),
    species varchar(20),
    sex char(1),
    birth date,
    death date);

    describe pet;

    show create table pet;

    drop table pet;

    #insert 插入记录
    insert into pet values

    #select 语句
    select * from pet;

    #delete 删除记录
    delete from pet where name=’Puffball’;

    #update 将Bowse的birth 改成1989-08-31
    update pet set birth='1989-08-31' where name='Bowser';

    delet from pet;

    mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p123<"d:/site/s.txt"
    mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p <"d:/site/s.txt"
    Enter password: ***
    \. d:/site/s.txt
    \. d:\\site\\s.txt




    #where 语句
    select * from pet where name='Bowser';

    select * from pet where birth > '1998-1-1';

    select * from pet where species = 'dog' and sex='f';

    select * from pet where species = 'bird' or species='snake';

    select * from pet where (species="cat" and sex="m") or (species="dog" and sex="f");

    #显示pet的Name 和 birth
    select name, birth from pet;

    # UNION
    select * from pet where binary pet.name regexp '^b'
    select * from pet where binary pet.name regexp 'py$';

    select owner from pet;

    #DISTINCT 只出现一次
    select distinct owner from pet;

    select name, species, birth from pet where
    species='dog' or species ='cat';

    #选出name,birth 按 birth 排序
    select name, birth from pet order by birth;

    #选出name,birth 按 birth 倒序排序
    select name, birth from pet
    order by birth desc;

    select name, birth from pet
    order by binary name desc;

    select * from pet order by species,birth desc;

    select name, birth, curdate(),
    As age
    from pet;

    select name, birth, curdate(),
    as age
    from pet
    order by age;

    select name,birth,death,
    as DAGE
    from pet where death is not null
    order by DAGE;

    select name, birth, month(birth) from pet;

    select name, birth from pet
    where month(birth)=
    month(date_add(curdate(),interval 1 month));

    select name,birth from pet
    where month(birth)=



    select * from pet where name like 'b%';

    select * from pet where name like"%fy";

    select * from pet where name like "%w%";

    select * from pet where name like "_____";


    #加上 binary 区分大小写
    select * from pet where name regexp "^b";

    select * from pet where name regexp binary "fy$";

    select * from pet where name regexp "w";

    select * from pet where name regexp "^.{5}$";

    select count(*) from pet;

    select owner, count(*) from pet group by owner;

    select species, count(*) from pet group by species;

    select sex, count(*) as amount from pet where sex is not null group by sex;

    select species, sex, count(*) from pet group by species, sex;

    select species, sex, count(*) from pet
    where species='dog' or species='cat'
    group by species,sex;

    select species, sex, count(*) from pet
    where sex is not null
    group by species, sex;

    select max(birth) as article from pet;

    select * from pet where birth =
    (select max(birth)from pet);

    select * from pet
    order by birth desc
    limit 0,1;

    #按组取出列的最大值 (非一一对应)
    select name, max(birth) as bd
    from pet
    group by species;

    select * from pet p1
    where p1.birth=
    (select max(p2.birth)
    from pet p2
    where p2.species=p1.species);


    create table animals(
    id mediumint not null auto_increment,
    name char(30) not null,
    primary key(id)

    insert into animals (name) values

    create table animals(
    grp enum('fish','mammal','bird') not null,
    id mediumint not null auto_increment,
    name char(30) not null,
    primary key(id,grp)

    #auto_increment 的初值设为100
    alter table animals auto_increment = 100;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/secbook/p/2654904.html
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