• uiautomator 2.0 自定义testrunner使用

    1.继承 MonitoringInstrumentation

    public class MyRunner extends MonitoringInstrumentation {

    2.build gradle

     testInstrumentationRunner "runner.MyRunner"


    am instrument -w -e class com.u2.zhaotang.uiautomator2test.testcase.RemoteDeviceTestCase#test01 com.u2.zhaotang.uiautomator2test.test/runner.MyRunner


    public class MyRunner extends MonitoringInstrumentation {
        private static final String LOG_TAG = "MyRunner";
        private Bundle mArguments;
        private InstrumentationResultPrinter mInstrumentationResultPrinter = null;
        private RunnerArgs mRunnerArgs;
        public void onCreate(Bundle arguments) {
            Log.i(LOG_TAG, Arrays.toString(arguments.keySet().toArray()));
            mArguments = arguments;
            // build the arguments. Read from manifest first so manifest-provided args can be overridden
            // with command line arguments
            mRunnerArgs = new RunnerArgs.Builder()
            for (ApplicationLifecycleCallback listener : mRunnerArgs.appListeners) {
         * Get the Bundle object that contains the arguments passed to the instrumentation
         * @return the Bundle object
        private Bundle getArguments(){
            return mArguments;
        // Visible for testing
        InstrumentationResultPrinter getInstrumentationResultPrinter() {
            return mInstrumentationResultPrinter;
        public void onStart() {
            Bundle results = new Bundle();
            try {
                TestExecutor.Builder executorBuilder = new TestExecutor.Builder(this);
                if (mRunnerArgs.debug) {
                addListeners(mRunnerArgs, executorBuilder);
                TestRequest testRequest = buildRequest(mRunnerArgs, getArguments());
                results = executorBuilder.build().execute(testRequest);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                final String msg = "Fatal exception when running tests";
                Log.e(LOG_TAG, msg, e);
                // report the exception to instrumentation out
                        msg + "
    " + Log.getStackTraceString(e));
            finish(Activity.RESULT_OK, results);
        public void finish(int resultCode, Bundle results) {
            try {
            } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Failed to send analytics.", re);
            super.finish(resultCode, results);
        private void addListeners(RunnerArgs args, TestExecutor.Builder builder) {
            if (args.suiteAssignment) {
                builder.addRunListener(new SuiteAssignmentPrinter());
            } else {
                builder.addRunListener(new LogRunListener());
                mInstrumentationResultPrinter = new InstrumentationResultPrinter();
                builder.addRunListener(new ActivityFinisherRunListener(this,
                        new MonitoringInstrumentation.ActivityFinisher()));
                addDelayListener(args, builder);
                addCoverageListener(args, builder);
            addListenersFromArg(args, builder);
        private void addCoverageListener(RunnerArgs args, TestExecutor.Builder builder) {
            if (args.codeCoverage) {
                builder.addRunListener(new CoverageListener(args.codeCoveragePath));
         * Sets up listener to inject a delay between each test, if specified.
        private void addDelayListener(RunnerArgs args, TestExecutor.Builder builder) {
            if (args.delayMsec > 0) {
                builder.addRunListener(new DelayInjector(args.delayMsec));
            } else if (args.logOnly && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 16) {
                // On older platforms, collecting tests can fail for large volume of tests.
                // Insert a small delay between each test to prevent this
                builder.addRunListener(new DelayInjector(15 /* msec */));
        private void addListenersFromArg(RunnerArgs args, TestExecutor.Builder builder) {
            for (RunListener listener : args.listeners) {
        public boolean onException(Object obj, Throwable e) {
            InstrumentationResultPrinter instResultPrinter = getInstrumentationResultPrinter();
            if (instResultPrinter != null) {
                // report better error message back to Instrumentation results.
            return super.onException(obj, e);
         * Builds a {@link TestRequest} based on given input arguments.
         * <p/>
        // Visible for testing
        TestRequest buildRequest(RunnerArgs runnerArgs, Bundle bundleArgs) {
            RequestBuilder builder = createTestRequestBuilder(this, bundleArgs);
            // only scan for tests for current apk aka testContext
            // Note that this represents a change from InstrumentationTestRunner where
            // getTargetContext().getPackageCodePath() aka app under test was also scanned
            if (!runnerArgs.disableAnalytics) {
                if (null != getTargetContext()) {
                    UsageTracker tracker = new AnalyticsBasedUsageTracker.Builder(
                    if (null != tracker) {
            return builder.build();
         * Factory method for {@link RequestBuilder}.
        // Visible for testing
        RequestBuilder createTestRequestBuilder(Instrumentation instr, Bundle arguments) {
            return new RequestBuilder(instr, arguments);
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