• golang学习笔记 ---etree包

    关于Etree XML官方文档

    The etree package is a lightweight, pure go package that expresses XML in the form of an element tree. Its design was inspired by the Python ElementTree module.

    Some of the package's capabilities and features:

    Represents XML documents as trees of elements for easy traversal.
    Imports, serializes, modifies or creates XML documents from scratch.
    Writes and reads XML to/from files, byte slices, strings and io interfaces.
    Performs simple or complex searches with lightweight XPath-like query APIs.
    Auto-indents XML using spaces or tabs for better readability.
    Implemented in pure go; depends only on standard go libraries.
    Built on top of the go encoding/xml package.


    package main
    import (
    	etree "github.com/beevik/etree"
    func main() {
    	doc := etree.NewDocument()
    	doc.CreateProcInst("xml", `version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"`)
    	doc.CreateProcInst("xml-stylesheet", `type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"`)
    	people := doc.CreateElement("People")
    	people.CreateComment("These are all known people")
    	jon := people.CreateElement("Person")
    	jon.CreateAttr("name", "Jon")
    	sally := people.CreateElement("Person")
    	sally.CreateAttr("name", "Sally")



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>
      <!--These are all known people-->
      <Person name="Jon"/>
      <Person name="Sally"/>


    eading an XML file

    Suppose you have a file on disk called bookstore.xml containing the following data:

    <bookstore xmlns:p="urn:schemas-books-com:prices">
      <book category="COOKING">
        <title lang="en">Everyday Italian</title>
        <author>Giada De Laurentiis</author>
      <book category="CHILDREN">
        <title lang="en">Harry Potter</title>
        <author>J K. Rowling</author>
      <book category="WEB">
        <title lang="en">XQuery Kick Start</title>
        <author>James McGovern</author>
        <author>Per Bothner</author>
        <author>Kurt Cagle</author>
        <author>James Linn</author>
        <author>Vaidyanathan Nagarajan</author>
      <book category="WEB">
        <title lang="en">Learning XML</title>
        <author>Erik T. Ray</author>


    This code reads the file's contents into an etree document.

    doc := etree.NewDocument()
    if err := doc.ReadFromFile("bookstore.xml"); err != nil {


    You can also read XML from a string, a byte slice, or an io.Reader.

    Processing elements and attributes

    This example illustrates several ways to access elements and attributes using etree selection queries.

    root := doc.SelectElement("bookstore")
    fmt.Println("ROOT element:", root.Tag)
    for _, book := range root.SelectElements("book") {
        fmt.Println("CHILD element:", book.Tag)
        if title := book.SelectElement("title"); title != nil {
            lang := title.SelectAttrValue("lang", "unknown")
            fmt.Printf("  TITLE: %s (%s)
    ", title.Text(), lang)
        for _, attr := range book.Attr {
            fmt.Printf("  ATTR: %s=%s
    ", attr.Key, attr.Value)



    package main
    import (
    	etree "github.com/beevik/etree"
    func main() {
    	doc := etree.NewDocument()
    	if err := doc.ReadFromFile("bookstore.xml"); err != nil {
    	root := doc.SelectElement("bookstore")
    	fmt.Println("ROOT element:", root.Tag)
    	for _, book := range root.SelectElements("book") {
    		fmt.Println("CHILD element:", book.Tag)
    		if title := book.SelectElement("title"); title != nil {
    			lang := title.SelectAttrValue("lang", "unknown")
    			fmt.Printf("  TITLE: %s (%s)
    ", title.Text(), lang)
    		for _, attr := range book.Attr {
    			fmt.Printf("  ATTR: %s=%s
    ", attr.Key, attr.Value)


    ROOT element: bookstore

    CHILD element: book

    TITLE: Everyday Italian (en)

    ATTR: category=COOKING

    CHILD element: book

    TITLE: Harry Potter (en)

    ATTR: category=CHILDREN

    CHILD element: book

    TITLE: XQuery Kick Start (en)

    ATTR: category=WEB

    CHILD element: book

    TITLE: Learning XML (en)

    ATTR: category=WEB


    Path queries
    This example uses etree's path functions to select all book titles that fall into the category of 'WEB'. The double-slash prefix in the path causes the search for book elements to occur recursively; book elements may appear at any level of the XML hierarchy.

    for _, t := range doc.FindElements("//book[@category='WEB']/title") {
        fmt.Println("Title:", t.Text())



    Title: XQuery Kick Start
    Title: Learning XML



    This example finds the first book element under the root bookstore element and outputs the tag and text of each of its child elements.

    for _, e := range doc.FindElements("./bookstore/book[1]/*") {
        fmt.Printf("%s: %s
    ", e.Tag, e.Text())


    title: Everyday Italian
    author: Giada De Laurentiis
    year: 2005
    price: 30.00


    This example finds all books with a price of 49.99 and outputs their titles.

    path := etree.MustCompilePath("./bookstore/book[p:price='49.99']/title")
    for _, e := range doc.FindElementsPath(path) {



    XQuery Kick Start


    Note that this example uses the FindElementsPath function, which takes as an argument a pre-compiled path object. Use precompiled paths when you plan to search with the same path more than once.

    Other features
    These are just a few examples of the things the etree package can do. See the documentation for a complete description of its capabilities.

    This project accepts contributions. Just fork the repo and submit a pull request!





    xml := `
    		<title>Great Expectations</title>
    		<author>Charles Dickens</author>
    		<author>James Joyce</author>


    LoginPut= "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>" +
    		" <LogonRequest xmlns="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/systems/power/firmware/web/mc/2012_10/"" +
    		" schemaVersion="V1_1_0">" +
    		" <Metadata>" +
    		" <Atom/>" +
    		" </Metadata>" +
    		" <UserID >%s</UserID>" +
    		" <Password >%s</Password>" +
    		" </LogonRequest>"



    1. 判断所需节点是否存在的方法


    //whetherExistNode  判断节点是否存在
    func whetherExistNode(doc etree.Element, nodeName string) (exist bool) {
    	path := etree.MustCompilePath(nodeName)
    	bb := doc.FindElementPath(path)
    	if bb != nil {
    		return true
    	} else {
    		return false
    	return exist



    //getSpecifiedNodeVal 获取指定节点的值
    func getSpecifiedNodeVal(doc etree.Document, nodeName string) (dataSlice []string) {
    	path := etree.MustCompilePath(nodeName)
    	var val string
    	for _, t := range doc.FindElementsPath(path) {
    		val = t.Text()
    		if len(dataSlice) <= 0 {
    			dataSlice = append(dataSlice, val)
    		} else {
    			repeat := false
    			for i := 0; i < len(dataSlice); i++ {
    				if dataSlice[i] == val {
    					repeat = true
    			if !repeat {
    				dataSlice = append(dataSlice, val)
    	return dataSlice


    方法3:在用SelectElement获取节点值的时候 要判断改节点是否存在,如果不加判断,程序直接就会panic退出,后果会比较严重。

    	if tempNode.SelectElement("OperatingSystemVersion") != nil {
    		systemVersion = tempNode.SelectElement("OperatingSystemVersion").Text()
    		if systemVersion != "" {
    			systemType = util.GetOSType(systemVersion)
    	} else {
    		systemVersion = ""



    	path := etree.MustCompilePath("//PartitionName")





        //FindElementPath  指定父节点查找指定的接点值:节点不存在不会报错
    	aa := doc.SelectElement("feed").SelectElement("entry")
    	path := etree.MustCompilePath("updatedd")
    	cc := aa.FindElementPath(path)
    	if cc != nil {
    	} else {
    		fmt.Println("cc == nil")




    <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:ns2="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/" xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <link rel="SELF" href=""/>
        <link rel="MANAGEMENT_CONSOLE" href=""/>
        <generator>IBM Power Systems Management Console</generator>
            <link rel="SELF" href=""/>
                <name>IBM Power Systems Management Console</name>
            <etag:etag xmlns:etag="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/systems/power/firmware/uom/mc/2012_10/" xmlns="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/systems/power/firmware/uom/mc/2012_10/">-170243083</etag:etag>
            <link rel="SELF" href=""/>
                <name>IBM Power Systems Management Console</name>
            <etag:etag xmlns:etag="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/systems/power/firmware/uom/mc/2012_10/" xmlns="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/systems/power/firmware/uom/mc/2012_10/">-1052118977</etag:etag>


    var testData string = `<entry>
            <link rel="SELF" href=""/>
                <name>IBM Power Systems Management Console</name>
            <etag:etag xmlns:etag="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/systems/power/firmware/uom/mc/2012_10/" xmlns="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/systems/power/firmware/uom/mc/2012_10/">-1052118977</etag:etag>
    package main
    import (
    	etree "github.com/beevik/etree"
    var testData string = `<entry>
            <link rel="SELF" href=""/>
                <name>IBM Power Systems Management Console</name>
            <etag:etag xmlns:etag="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/systems/power/firmware/uom/mc/2012_10/" xmlns="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/systems/power/firmware/uom/mc/2012_10/">-1052118977</etag:etag>
    func main() {
    	doc := etree.NewDocument()
    	if err := doc.ReadFromString(testData); err != nil {
    	res := doc.FindElement("./entry[0]/id").Text()
    	// doc := etree.NewDocument()
    	// if err := doc.ReadFromFile("data.xml"); err != nil {
    	// 	panic(err)
    	// }
    	// servers := doc.SelectElement("feed")
    	// for _, server := range servers.SelectElements("entry") {
    	// 	if server.SelectElement("author").SelectElement("name") == nil {
    	// 		fmt.Println("测试节点不存在")
    	// 	} else {
    	// 		fmt.Println(server.SelectElement("author").SelectElement("name").Text())
    	// 	}
    	// }



    package main
    import (
    	etree "github.com/beevik/etree"
    func main() {
    	doc := etree.NewDocument()
    	if err := doc.ReadFromFile("data.xml"); err != nil {
    	servers := doc.SelectElement("feed")
    	for _, server := range servers.SelectElements("entry") {
    		if server.SelectElement("author").SelectElement("name") == nil {
    		} else {


    IBM Power Systems Management Console

    IBM Power Systems Management Console

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/saryli/p/15384962.html
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