• 定义Portal显示规则

    Defining Portal Display Rules


    You use the Portal Display Rules editor to create and edit rule collection objects. Rule collections allow you to define how portal desktops are assigned to portal users at runtime.

    A rule collection comprises a set of conditions, constructed by IF and THEN expressions. Conditions in a rule collection are prioritized according to their order of appearance in the rule collection. If a user fits more than one condition, then the first condition that is true for that user determines which portal desktop is displayed.

    • An IF-THEN condition may contain unlimited nested IF expressions.
    • An IF-THEN condition may contain only a single THEN expression.
    • A rule collection object may contain conditions that reference other rule collection objects. For example:

    IF Browser Type = Microsoft Internet Explorer

    THEN Rule collection = pcd:Display_Rules/MSIE_Rules


    • You have access to the Portal Display Rules editor (it is assigned by default to the system administration role).
    • You have at least read/write permissions for the Portal Catalog folder in which you are creating or editing a rule collection object.
    • You have at least read administrator permissions on the relevant portal desktop and rule collection objects in the Portal Catalog.


    Creating a Rule Collection

    1. In the portal, navigate to System Administration  System Configuration  Portal Display  Desktops & Display Rules.
    2. In the Portal Catalog, in the context menu of the folder in which you want to create a rule collection object, choose New  Rule Collection. The Portal Display Rules editor appears.
    3. In the Rule Collection Name field, enter a name for the rule collection object.
    4. In the Rule Collection ID field, enter a unique ID for the rule collection object.
    5. Define the conditions of the display rules using a combination of IF and THEN expressions:



    Adding a new IF-THEN condition

    1. In the rule collection list, select any existing IF or THEN expression.
    2. Choose Add IF Expression .

    A new IF-THEN condition is added to the end of the rule collection list (use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to correctly position the new condition).

    By default, the new expression is defined as:IF User = * THEN Portal Desktop = pcd:portal_content/every_user/general/defaultDesktop . Change the default values for each expression, as needed.

    1. Repeat the following steps to define each of the IF and THEN expressions separately:
    2. In the rule collection list, choose the relevant IF or THEN expression. The currently assigned parameters of the expression are displayed in the editing area above the rule collection list.
    3. In the editing area, define the parameter, operator, and value of the expression in the appropriate dropdown menus and fields.

    Note the following:

    • When choosing an operator, select ' = ' for 'equals' and NE for 'not equals'.
    • Roles, groups, users, portal desktops, and rule collections require you to enter their full path and object ID. Precede the path with pcd: (without the slash) and follow with the full PCD path name and object ID. For example: pcd:portal_content/every_user/general/eu_role
    • You can use a wildcard value in the form of an asterisk (*) where necessary.
    • When entering a portal URL alias, enter only the alias segment of the URL. For example: / portal/light or / portal/guest .
    1. When you have completed the expression, choose Apply in the editing area. The updated expression is added to the rule collection list.
    2. Assign the new condition to the appropriate position in the rule collection list using the Move Up and Move Downbuttons.

    Adding a nested IF expression

    1. Select a THEN expression in an existing condition. Note that the nested IF expression is added directly above the selected THEN expression and below the last IF expression in the current IF-THEN condition.

    The parameters of the THEN expression are displayed in the editing area above the rule collection list.

    1. In the editing area, choose IF as the expression type in the first dropdown menu.

    A new IF expression is added to the rule collection list.

    1. In the editing area, define the parameter, operator, and value of the IF expression in the appropriate menus and text boxes, as described above.
    2. When you have completed the expression, choose Apply in the editing area. The updated IF expression is added to the selected IF-THEN condition.

    Changing priority of IF-THEN conditions

    In the rule collection list, select the root IF expression in the IF-THEN condition that you want to move, and then choose either Move Up or Move Down .

    This action moves the entire IF-THEN condition of the selected IF expression, including any nested IF expressions.

    Deleting an IF-THEN condition

    In the rule collection list, select the root IF expression in the IF-THEN condition that you want to delete, and then chooseDelete .

    This action deletes the entire IF-THEN condition.

    1. Save your changes.

    The rule collection object is created in the selected folder. You can access it later from the Portal Catalog for further editing.

    Editing a Rule Collection

    1. In the portal, navigate to System Administration  System Configuration  Portal Display  Desktops & Display Rules.
    2. In the Portal Catalog, in the context menu of the rule collection object that you want to edit choose Open  Rule Collection.

    The Portal Display Rules editor opens and displays the conditions of the selected rule collection object.

    1. Add, remove, or modify conditions as described in the table above.
    2. Save your changes.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/robinNing/p/10879941.html
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