1.shell脚本中的命令最好用命令的全路径,如果不知道全路径可以用which cmd查找命令的全路径。
2.shell脚本中定义环境变量用export xxx=/dir1/dir2.....
6. shell脚本中善于使用函数
7.用 $? 来判断上一个shell命令的执行结果,返回值是0代表正常结束,返回值是其他则代表不正常
8. 将一些命令的执行结果重定向到/dev/null,错误结果也需要重定向到/dev/null (/dev/null是linux的无底洞,我们丢进去的东西就都找不回来了)
9.善于使用ps 加grep命令判断一些服务是否启动,根据是否有相应的进程判断对应的服务是否启动。
10 善于使用awk命令提取一些需要的信息
killUser.sh (输入登录的用户名,然后强制退出用户的脚本)
#!/bin/bash #input username and kill relactive process for kill user echo "please input username for kill" read username #if username is root ,exit if [ ${username} = 'root' ] then echo "root can not kill" exit 1 fi #get user PID PID=`/usr/bin/ps -aux | /usr/bin/grep qlq | /usr/bin/awk '$1="qlq" {print $2}'` for killpid in $PID do kill -9 $killpid done echo "killed ok!"
tomcat.sh (测试tomcat服务是否启动,开启、关闭tomcat)
#!/bin/bash #chkconfig: 2345 80 90 #description:tomcat #input(start stop status) to operate tomcat service #start funciton(start tomcat service use /opt/apache-tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.72/bin/start.sh) export CATALINA_HOME=/opt/apache-tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.72 start(){ /usr/bin/sh "${CATALINA_HOME}"/bin/startup.sh if [ "$?" != "0" ] then echo "service is not success start" else echo "service is success start" fi exit 1 } #stop function stop(){ /usr/bin/sh "${CATALINA_HOME}"/bin/shutdown.sh if [ "$?" != "0" ] then echo "service is not success stop" else echo "service is success stop" fi } #status function status(){ /usr/bin/ps -le | /usr/bin/grep java >/dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ] then echo "service is not start" else echo "service is running" fi } #read input and dispose function input=${1} case ${input} in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; status) status ;; *) echo "please use {start to start tomcat,stop to stop tomcat,status to read tomcat status!}" esac
webmin.ssh (测试webmin服务是否启动、开启、关闭webmin服务)
#!/bin/bash #start webmin service start() { /etc/webmin/start >/dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? = '0' ] then echo "webmin is success start" fi } #stop webmin service stop() { /etc/webmin/stop > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? = '0' ] then echo "webmin is success stop" fi } #status webmin status() { /usr/bin/netstat -ano | /usr/bin/grep 10000 > /dev/null if [ $? != '0' ] then echo "webmin is not start" else echo "webmin is running" fi } ########read input############## str=$1 if [ ${str} = 'start' ] then start elif [ ${str} = 'stop' ] then stop elif [ ${str} = 'status' ] then status else echo "please use {start,stop,status}" fi
addUserBatch.sh (批量添加用户的脚本)
#!/bin/bash #adduser batch echo "please input username:" read username echo "please input number to create:" read number #start to create user for(( i=1;i<="${number}";i++ )) do /usr/sbin/adduser "${username}${i}" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null done #add finished echo "add OK!" echo "please input passwd for users" read password for(( i=1;i<="${number}";i++ )) do /usr/sbin/usermod -p "${password}" "${username}${i}" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null done
delUserBatch.sh (批量删除用户的脚本)
#!/bin/bash #delete user batch echo "please input username word to delete" read word #get All users like word* users=`/usr/bin/grep ${word} /etc/passwd | awk -F: -v word1=${word} 'index($1,word1)>0 {print $1}'` if [ "${users}" = '' ] then echo "user is does not exist!" exit 1 fi for username in ${users} do /usr/sbin/userdel -rf ${username} > /dev/null 2>/dev/null done if [ "0" = "$?" ] then echo "delete ok!" else echo "delete failed!" fi