• 最强查看依赖关系脚本

    CREATE TABLE #tempdep
    objid INT NOT NULL ,
    objname sysname NOT NULL ,
    objschema sysname NULL ,
    objdb sysname NOT NULL ,

    EXEC sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO #tempdep

    sp.object_id AS [ID],
    sp.name AS [Name],
    SCHEMA_NAME(sp.schema_id) AS [Schema],
    sys.all_objects AS sp
    (sp.type = @_msparam_0 OR sp.type = @_msparam_1 OR sp.type=@_msparam_2)and(sp.name=@_msparam_3 and SCHEMA_NAME(sp.schema_id)=@_msparam_4)',
    N'@_msparam_0 nvarchar(4000),@_msparam_1 nvarchar(4000),@_msparam_2 nvarchar(4000),@_msparam_3 nvarchar(4000),@_msparam_4 nvarchar(4000)',
    @_msparam_0 = N'P', @_msparam_1 = N'RF', @_msparam_2 = N'PC',
    @_msparam_3 = N'sp_GetValidEnterprisePositioCountnByActionField',
    @_msparam_4 = N'dbo';

    DECLARE @find_referencing_objects INT;
    SET @find_referencing_objects = 0;
    -- parameters:
    -- 1. create table #tempdep (objid int NOT NULL, objtype smallint NOT NULL)
    -- contains source objects
    -- 2. @find_referencing_objects defines ordering
    -- 1 order for drop
    -- 0 order for script

    DECLARE @must_set_nocount_off BIT;
    SET @must_set_nocount_off = 0;

    IF @@OPTIONS & 512 = 0
    SET @must_set_nocount_off = 1;

    DECLARE @udf INT;
    DECLARE @sp INT;
    DECLARE @def INT;
    DECLARE @rule INT;
    DECLARE @tr INT;
    DECLARE @uda INT;
    DECLARE @uddt INT;
    DECLARE @xml INT;
    DECLARE @udt INT;
    DECLARE @assm INT;
    DECLARE @part_sch INT;
    DECLARE @part_func INT;
    DECLARE @synonym INT;
    DECLARE @sequence INT;
    DECLARE @udtt INT;
    DECLARE @ddltr INT;
    DECLARE @unknown INT;
    DECLARE @pg INT;

    SET @u = 3;
    SET @udf = 0;
    SET @v = 2;
    SET @sp = 4;
    SET @def = 6;
    SET @rule = 7;
    SET @tr = 8;
    SET @uda = 11;
    SET @synonym = 12;
    SET @sequence = 13;
    --above 100 -> not in sys.objects
    SET @uddt = 101;
    SET @xml = 102;
    SET @udt = 103;
    SET @assm = 1000;
    SET @part_sch = 201;
    SET @part_func = 202;
    SET @udtt = 104;
    SET @ddltr = 203;
    SET @unknown = 1001;
    SET @pg = 204;

    -- variables for referenced type obtained from sys.sql_expression_dependencies
    DECLARE @obj INT;
    SET @obj = 20;
    DECLARE @type INT;
    SET @type = 21;
    -- variables for xml and part_func are already there

    object_id INT NULL ,
    object_name sysname COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT
    NULL ,
    object_schema sysname COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT
    NULL ,
    object_db sysname NULL ,
    object_svr sysname NULL ,
    object_type SMALLINT NOT NULL ,
    relative_id INT NOT NULL ,
    relative_name sysname COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT
    NOT NULL ,
    relative_schema sysname COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT
    NULL ,
    relative_db sysname NULL ,
    relative_svr sysname NULL ,
    relative_type SMALLINT NOT NULL ,
    schema_bound BIT NOT NULL ,
    rank SMALLINT NULL ,
    degree INT NULL

    -- we need to create another temporary table to store the dependencies from sys.sql_expression_dependencies till the updated values are inserted finally into #t1
    object_id INT NULL ,
    object_name sysname COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT
    NULL ,
    object_schema sysname COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT
    NULL ,
    object_db sysname NULL ,
    object_svr sysname NULL ,
    object_type SMALLINT NOT NULL ,
    relative_id INT NOT NULL ,
    relative_name sysname COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT
    NOT NULL ,
    relative_schema sysname COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT
    NULL ,
    relative_db sysname NULL ,
    relative_svr sysname NULL ,
    relative_type SMALLINT NOT NULL ,
    schema_bound BIT NOT NULL ,

    -- This index will ensure that we have unique parent-child relationship
    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX i1 ON #t1(object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_svr, object_type, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_type) WITH IGNORE_DUP_KEY;

    DECLARE @iter_no INT;
    SET @iter_no = 1;

    DECLARE @rows INT;
    SET @rows = 1;

    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT l.objid ,
    l.objname ,
    l.objschema ,
    l.objdb ,
    l.objtype ,
    l.objid ,
    l.objname ,
    l.objschema ,
    l.objdb ,
    l.objtype ,
    1 ,
    FROM #tempdep l;

    -- change the object_id of table types to their user_defined_id
    UPDATE #t1
    SET object_id = tt.user_type_id ,
    relative_id = tt.user_type_id
    FROM sys.table_types AS tt
    WHERE tt.type_table_object_id = #t1.object_id
    AND object_type = @udtt;

    WHILE @rows > 0
    SET @rows = 0;
    IF ( 1 = @find_referencing_objects )
    -- these dependencies have to be in the same database only

    -- tables that reference uddts or udts
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT tbl.object_id ,
    tbl.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @u ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.columns AS c ON c.user_type_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.tables AS tbl ON tbl.object_id = c.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND ( t.object_type = @uddt
    OR t.object_type = @udt
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- udtts that reference uddts or udts
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT tt.user_type_id ,
    tt.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(tt.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @udtt ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.columns AS c ON c.user_type_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.table_types AS tt ON tt.type_table_object_id = c.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND ( t.object_type = @uddt
    OR t.object_type = @udt
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- tables/views that reference triggers
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT o.object_id ,
    o.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @tr ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.parent_object_id = t.object_id
    AND o.type = 'TR'
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND ( t.object_type = @u
    OR t.object_type = @v
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- tables that reference defaults (only default objects)
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT o.object_id ,
    o.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @u ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.columns AS clmns ON clmns.default_object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = clmns.object_id
    AND 0 = ISNULL(o.parent_object_id,
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @def
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- types that reference defaults (only default objects)
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT tp.user_type_id ,
    tp.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(tp.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @uddt ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.types AS tp ON tp.default_object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = t.object_id
    AND 0 = ISNULL(o.parent_object_id,
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @def
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- tables that reference rules
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT tbl.object_id ,
    tbl.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @u ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.columns AS clmns ON clmns.rule_object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.tables AS tbl ON tbl.object_id = clmns.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.relative_type = @rule
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- types that reference rules
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT tp.user_type_id ,
    tp.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(tp.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @uddt ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.types AS tp ON tp.rule_object_id = t.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @rule
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- tables that reference XmlSchemaCollections
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT tbl.object_id ,
    tbl.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @u ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.columns AS c ON c.xml_collection_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.tables AS tbl ON tbl.object_id = c.object_id -- eliminate views
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @xml
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- table types that reference XmlSchemaCollections
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT tt.user_type_id ,
    tt.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(tt.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @udtt ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.columns AS c ON c.xml_collection_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.table_types AS tt ON tt.type_table_object_id = c.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @xml
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- procedures that reference XmlSchemaCollections
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT o.object_id ,
    o.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    ( CASE WHEN o.type IN ( 'P', 'RF', 'PC' )
    THEN @sp
    ELSE @udf
    END ) ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.parameters AS c ON c.xml_collection_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = c.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @xml
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;
    -- udf, sp, uda, trigger all that reference assembly
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT o.object_id ,
    o.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    ( CASE o.type
    WHEN 'AF' THEN @uda
    WHEN 'PC' THEN @sp
    WHEN 'FS' THEN @udf
    WHEN 'FT' THEN @udf
    WHEN 'TA' THEN @tr
    ELSE @udf
    END ) ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.assembly_modules AS am ON ( ( am.assembly_id = t.object_id )
    AND ( am.assembly_id >= 65536 )
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON am.object_id = o.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @assm
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;
    -- udt that reference assembly
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT at.user_type_id ,
    at.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(at.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @udt ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.assembly_types AS at ON ( ( at.assembly_id = t.object_id )
    AND ( at.is_user_defined = 1 )
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @assm
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- assembly that reference assembly
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT asm.assembly_id ,
    asm.name ,
    t.object_db ,
    @assm ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.assembly_references AS ar ON ( ( ar.referenced_assembly_id = t.object_id )
    AND ( ar.referenced_assembly_id >= 65536 )
    JOIN sys.assemblies AS asm ON asm.assembly_id = ar.assembly_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @assm
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- table references table
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT tbl.object_id ,
    tbl.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @u ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.foreign_keys AS fk ON fk.referenced_object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.tables AS tbl ON tbl.object_id = fk.parent_object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @u
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- uda references types
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT o.object_id ,
    o.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @uda ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.parameters AS p ON p.user_type_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = p.object_id
    AND o.type = 'AF'
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type IN ( @udt, @uddt, @udtt )
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()

    -- table,view references partition scheme
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT o.object_id ,
    o.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    ( CASE o.type
    WHEN 'V' THEN @v
    ELSE @u
    END ) ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.indexes AS idx ON idx.data_space_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = idx.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @part_sch
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- partition scheme references partition function
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT ps.data_space_id ,
    ps.name ,
    t.object_db ,
    @part_sch ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.partition_schemes AS ps ON ps.function_id = t.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @part_func
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- plan guide references sp, udf, triggers
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT pg.plan_guide_id ,
    pg.name ,
    t.object_db ,
    @pg ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.plan_guides AS pg ON pg.scope_object_id = t.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type IN ( @sp, @udf, @tr )
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- synonym refrences object
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT s.object_id ,
    s.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(s.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @synonym ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    0 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.synonyms AS s ON OBJECT_ID(s.base_object_name) = t.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- sequences that reference uddts
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT s.object_id ,
    s.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(s.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @sequence ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    0 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.sequences AS s ON s.user_type_id = t.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND ( t.object_type = @uddt )
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    DECLARE name_cursor CURSOR
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    FROM #t1 AS t
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    AND t.object_type NOT IN ( @part_sch, @assm, @tr,
    @ddltr );
    OPEN name_cursor;
    DECLARE @objid INT;
    DECLARE @objname sysname;
    DECLARE @objschema sysname;
    DECLARE @objtype SMALLINT;
    DECLARE @fullname sysname;
    DECLARE @objecttype sysname;
    FETCH NEXT FROM name_cursor INTO @objid, @objname, @objschema,
    WHILE ( @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1 )
    SET @fullname = CASE WHEN @objschema IS NULL
    THEN QUOTENAME(@objname)
    ELSE QUOTENAME(@objschema) + '.'
    + QUOTENAME(@objname)
    SET @objecttype = CASE WHEN @objtype IN ( @uddt, @udt,
    @udtt )
    WHEN @objtype = @xml
    WHEN @objtype = @part_func
    INSERT #t2
    ( object_type ,
    object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_svr ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT CASE dep.referencing_class
    WHEN 1
    THEN ( SELECT CASE WHEN obj.type = 'U'
    THEN @u
    WHEN obj.type = 'V'
    THEN @v
    WHEN obj.type = 'TR'
    THEN @tr
    WHEN obj.type IN (
    'P', 'RF', 'PC' )
    THEN @sp
    WHEN obj.type IN (
    'AF' ) THEN @uda
    WHEN obj.type IN (
    'TF', 'FN', 'IF',
    'FS', 'FT' )
    THEN @udf
    WHEN obj.type = 'D'
    THEN @def
    WHEN obj.type = 'SN'
    THEN @synonym
    WHEN obj.type = 'SO'
    THEN @sequence
    ELSE @obj
    FROM sys.objects AS obj
    WHERE obj.object_id = dep.referencing_id
    WHEN 6
    THEN ( SELECT CASE WHEN ( tp.is_assembly_type = 1 )
    THEN @udt
    WHEN ( tp.is_table_type = 1 )
    THEN @udtt
    ELSE @uddt
    FROM sys.types AS tp
    WHERE tp.user_type_id = dep.referencing_id
    WHEN 7 THEN @u
    WHEN 9 THEN @u
    WHEN 10 THEN @xml
    WHEN 12 THEN @ddltr
    WHEN 21 THEN @part_func
    END ,
    dep.referencing_id ,
    dep.referencing_entity_name ,
    dep.referencing_schema_name ,
    DB_NAME() ,
    NULL ,
    @objid ,
    @objname ,
    @objschema ,
    DB_NAME() ,
    @objtype ,
    0 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities(@fullname,
    @objecttype) dep;

    FETCH NEXT FROM name_cursor INTO @objid, @objname,
    @objschema, @objtype;
    CLOSE name_cursor;
    DEALLOCATE name_cursor;

    UPDATE #t2
    SET object_id = obj.object_id ,
    object_name = obj.name ,
    object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(obj.schema_id) ,
    object_type = CASE WHEN obj.type = 'U' THEN @u
    WHEN obj.type = 'V' THEN @v
    FROM sys.objects AS o
    JOIN sys.objects AS obj ON obj.object_id = o.parent_object_id
    WHERE o.object_id = #t2.object_id
    AND ( #t2.object_type = @obj
    OR o.parent_object_id != 0
    AND #t2.rank = @iter_no + 1;

    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_svr ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_svr ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_svr ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_svr ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    FROM #t2
    WHERE @iter_no + 1 = rank
    AND #t2.object_id != #t2.relative_id;
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- insert all values from sys.sql_expression_dependencies for the corresponding object
    -- first insert them in #t2, update them and then finally insert them in #t1
    INSERT #t2
    ( object_type ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_svr ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT CASE dep.referenced_class
    WHEN 1 THEN @obj
    WHEN 6 THEN @type
    WHEN 7 THEN @u
    WHEN 9 THEN @u
    WHEN 10 THEN @xml
    WHEN 21 THEN @part_func
    END ,
    dep.referenced_entity_name ,
    dep.referenced_schema_name ,
    dep.referenced_database_name ,
    dep.referenced_server_name ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    dep.is_schema_bound_reference ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.sql_expression_dependencies AS dep ON dep.referencing_id = t.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME();

    -- insert all the dependency values in case of a table that references a check
    INSERT #t2
    ( object_type ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_svr ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT CASE dep.referenced_class
    WHEN 1 THEN @obj
    WHEN 6 THEN @type
    WHEN 7 THEN @u
    WHEN 9 THEN @u
    WHEN 10 THEN @xml
    WHEN 21 THEN @part_func
    END ,
    dep.referenced_entity_name ,
    dep.referenced_schema_name ,
    dep.referenced_database_name ,
    dep.referenced_server_name ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    dep.is_schema_bound_reference ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.sql_expression_dependencies AS d ON d.referenced_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = d.referencing_id
    AND o.type = 'C'
    JOIN sys.sql_expression_dependencies AS dep ON dep.referencing_id = d.referencing_id
    AND dep.referenced_id != t.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    AND t.object_type = @u;

    -- insert all the dependency values in case of an object that belongs to another object whose dependencies are being found
    INSERT #t2
    ( object_type ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_svr ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT CASE dep.referenced_class
    WHEN 1 THEN @obj
    WHEN 6 THEN @type
    WHEN 7 THEN @u
    WHEN 9 THEN @u
    WHEN 10 THEN @xml
    WHEN 21 THEN @part_func
    END ,
    dep.referenced_entity_name ,
    dep.referenced_schema_name ,
    dep.referenced_database_name ,
    dep.referenced_server_name ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    dep.is_schema_bound_reference ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.parent_object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.sql_expression_dependencies AS dep ON dep.referencing_id = o.object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME();

    -- queries for objects with object_id null and object_svr null - resolve them
    -- we will build the query to resolve the objects
    -- increase @rows as we bind the objects

    DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR
    ISNULL(object_db, DB_NAME())
    FROM #t2 AS t
    WHERE t.rank = ( @iter_no + 1 )
    AND t.object_id IS NULL
    AND t.object_svr IS NULL;
    OPEN db_cursor;
    DECLARE @dbname sysname;
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname;
    WHILE ( @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1 )
    IF ( DB_ID(@dbname) IS NULL )
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname;
    -- when schema is not null
    -- @obj
    SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N'
    + QUOTENAME(@dbname, '''')
    + ', object_id = obj.object_id, object_type =
    case when obj.type = ''U'' then '
    + CAST(@u AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''V'' then '
    + CAST(@v AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''TR'' then '
    + CAST(@tr AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type in ( ''P'', ''RF'', ''PC'' ) then '
    + CAST(@sp AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type in ( ''AF'' ) then '
    + CAST(@uda AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type in ( ''TF'', ''FN'', ''IF'', ''FS'', ''FT'' ) then '
    + CAST(@udf AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''D'' then '
    + CAST(@def AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''SN'' then '
    + CAST(@synonym AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''SO'' then '
    + CAST(@sequence AS NVARCHAR(8)) + ' else '
    + CAST(@unknown AS NVARCHAR(8)) + ' end
    from ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname) + '.sys.objects as obj
    join ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname)
    + '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = obj.schema_id
    where obj.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
    and sch.name = #t2.object_schema collate database_default
    and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@obj AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NOT NULL
    and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = '''
    + @dbname + ''')
    and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL';
    EXEC (@query);
    -- @type
    SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N'
    + QUOTENAME(@dbname, '''')
    + ', object_id = t.user_type_id, object_type = case when t.is_assembly_type = 1 then '
    + CAST(@udt AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when t.is_table_type = 1 then '
    + CAST(@udtt AS NVARCHAR(8)) + ' else '
    + CAST(@uddt AS NVARCHAR(8)) + ' end
    from ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname) + '.sys.types as t
    join ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname)
    + '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = t.schema_id
    where t.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
    and sch.name = #t2.object_schema collate database_default
    and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@type AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NOT NULL
    and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = '''
    + @dbname + ''')
    and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL';
    EXEC (@query);

    -- @xml
    SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N'
    + QUOTENAME(@dbname, '''')
    + ', object_id = x.xml_collection_id
    from ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname)
    + '.sys.xml_schema_collections as x
    join ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname)
    + '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = x.schema_id
    where x.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
    and sch.name = #t2.object_schema collate database_default
    and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@xml AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NOT NULL
    and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = '''
    + @dbname + ''')
    and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL';
    EXEC (@query);
    -- @part_func - schema is always null
    -- @schema is null
    -- consider schema as 'dbo'
    -- @obj
    SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N'
    + QUOTENAME(@dbname, '''')
    + ', object_id = obj.object_id, object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(obj.schema_id), object_type =
    case when obj.type = ''U'' then '
    + CAST(@u AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''V'' then '
    + CAST(@v AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''TR'' then '
    + CAST(@tr AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type in ( ''P'', ''RF'', ''PC'' ) then '
    + CAST(@sp AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type in ( ''AF'' ) then '
    + CAST(@uda AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type in ( ''TF'', ''FN'', ''IF'', ''FS'', ''FT'' ) then '
    + CAST(@udf AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''D'' then '
    + CAST(@def AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''SN'' then '
    + CAST(@synonym AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''SO'' then '
    + CAST(@sequence AS NVARCHAR(8)) + ' else '
    + CAST(@unknown AS NVARCHAR(8)) + ' end
    from ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname) + '.sys.objects as obj
    where obj.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
    and SCHEMA_NAME(obj.schema_id) = ''dbo''
    and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@obj AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NULL
    and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = '''
    + @dbname + ''')
    and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL';
    EXEC (@query);
    -- @type
    SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N'
    + QUOTENAME(@dbname, '''')
    + ', object_id = t.user_type_id, object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id), object_type = case when t.is_assembly_type = 1 then '
    + CAST(@udt AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when t.is_table_type = 1 then '
    + CAST(@udtt AS NVARCHAR(8)) + ' else '
    + CAST(@uddt AS NVARCHAR(8)) + ' end
    from ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname) + '.sys.types as t
    where t.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
    and SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id) = ''dbo''
    and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@type AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NULL
    and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = '''
    + @dbname + ''')
    and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL';
    EXEC (@query);
    -- @xml
    SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N'
    + QUOTENAME(@dbname, '''')
    + ', object_id = x.xml_collection_id, object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(x.schema_id)
    from ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname)
    + '.sys.xml_schema_collections as x
    where x.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
    and SCHEMA_NAME(x.schema_id) = ''dbo''
    and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@xml AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NULL
    and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = '''
    + @dbname + ''')
    and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL';
    EXEC (@query);

    -- consider schema as t.relative_schema
    -- the parent object will have the default schema of user in case of dynamic schema binding
    -- @obj
    SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N'
    + QUOTENAME(@dbname, '''')
    + ', object_id = obj.object_id, object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(obj.schema_id), object_type =
    case when obj.type = ''U'' then '
    + CAST(@u AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''V'' then '
    + CAST(@v AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''TR'' then '
    + CAST(@tr AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type in ( ''P'', ''RF'', ''PC'' ) then '
    + CAST(@sp AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type in ( ''AF'' ) then '
    + CAST(@uda AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type in ( ''TF'', ''FN'', ''IF'', ''FS'', ''FT'' ) then '
    + CAST(@udf AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''D'' then '
    + CAST(@def AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''SN'' then '
    + CAST(@synonym AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when obj.type = ''SO'' then '
    + CAST(@sequence AS NVARCHAR(8)) + ' else '
    + CAST(@unknown AS NVARCHAR(8)) + ' end
    from ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname) + '.sys.objects as obj
    join ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname)
    + '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = obj.schema_id
    where obj.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
    and sch.name = #t2.relative_schema collate database_default
    and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@obj AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NULL
    and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = '''
    + @dbname + ''')
    and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL';
    EXEC (@query);

    -- @type
    SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N'
    + QUOTENAME(@dbname, '''')
    + ', object_id = t.user_type_id, object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id), object_type = case when t.is_assembly_type = 1 then '
    + CAST(@udt AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' when t.is_table_type = 1 then '
    + CAST(@udtt AS NVARCHAR(8)) + ' else '
    + CAST(@uddt AS NVARCHAR(8)) + ' end
    from ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname) + '.sys.types as t
    join ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname)
    + '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = t.schema_id
    where t.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
    and sch.name = #t2.relative_schema collate database_default
    and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@type AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NULL
    and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = '''
    + @dbname + ''')
    and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL';
    EXEC (@query);

    -- @xml
    SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N'
    + QUOTENAME(@dbname, '''')
    + ', object_id = x.xml_collection_id, object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(x.schema_id)
    from ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname)
    + '.sys.xml_schema_collections as x
    join ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname)
    + '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = x.schema_id
    where x.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
    and sch.name = #t2.relative_schema collate database_default
    and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@xml AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NULL
    and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = '''
    + @dbname + ''')
    and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL';
    EXEC (@query);

    -- @part_func always have schema as null
    SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N'
    + QUOTENAME(@dbname, '''')
    + ', object_id = p.function_id
    from ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname)
    + '.sys.partition_functions as p
    where p.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
    and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@part_func AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + ' and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = '''
    + @dbname + ''')
    and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS NVARCHAR(8))
    + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL';
    EXEC (@query);

    -- update the shared object if any (schema is not null)
    UPDATE #t2
    SET object_db = 'master' ,
    object_id = o.object_id ,
    object_type = @sp
    FROM master.sys.objects AS o
    JOIN master.sys.schemas AS sch ON sch.schema_id = o.schema_id
    WHERE o.name = #t2.object_name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT
    AND sch.name = #t2.object_schema COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT
    AND o.type IN ( 'P', 'RF', 'PC' )
    AND #t2.object_id IS NULL
    AND #t2.object_name LIKE 'sp/_%' ESCAPE '/'
    AND #t2.object_db IS NULL
    AND #t2.object_svr IS NULL;

    -- update the shared object if any (schema is null)
    UPDATE #t2
    SET object_db = 'master' ,
    object_id = o.object_id ,
    object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) ,
    object_type = @sp
    FROM master.sys.objects AS o
    WHERE o.name = #t2.object_name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT
    AND o.type IN ( 'P', 'RF', 'PC' )
    AND #t2.object_schema IS NULL
    AND #t2.object_id IS NULL
    AND #t2.object_name LIKE 'sp/_%' ESCAPE '/'
    AND #t2.object_db IS NULL
    AND #t2.object_svr IS NULL;

    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname;
    CLOSE db_cursor;
    DEALLOCATE db_cursor;

    UPDATE #t2
    SET object_type = @unknown
    WHERE object_id IS NULL;

    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_svr ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_svr ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_svr ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_svr ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    FROM #t2
    WHERE @iter_no + 1 = rank;
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- uddt or udt referenced by table
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT tp.user_type_id ,
    tp.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(tp.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    CASE tp.is_assembly_type
    WHEN 1 THEN @udt
    ELSE @uddt
    END ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.columns AS col ON col.object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.types AS tp ON tp.user_type_id = col.user_type_id
    AND tp.schema_id != 4
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @u
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- uddt or udt referenced by table type
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT tp.user_type_id ,
    tp.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(tp.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    CASE tp.is_assembly_type
    WHEN 1 THEN @udt
    ELSE @uddt
    END ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.table_types AS tt ON tt.user_type_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.columns AS col ON col.object_id = tt.type_table_object_id
    JOIN sys.types AS tp ON tp.user_type_id = col.user_type_id
    AND tp.schema_id != 4
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @udtt
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- table or view referenced by trigger
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT o.object_id ,
    o.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    CASE o.type
    WHEN 'V' THEN @v
    ELSE @u
    END ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.triggers AS tr ON tr.object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = tr.parent_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @tr
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- defaults (only default objects) referenced by tables
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT o.object_id ,
    o.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @def ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.columns AS clmns ON clmns.object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = clmns.default_object_id
    AND 0 = ISNULL(o.parent_object_id,
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @u
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- defaults (only default objects) referenced by types
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT o.object_id ,
    o.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @def ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.types AS tp ON tp.user_type_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = tp.default_object_id
    AND 0 = ISNULL(o.parent_object_id,
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @uddt
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- rules referenced by tables
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT o.object_id ,
    o.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @rule ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.columns AS clmns ON clmns.object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = clmns.rule_object_id
    AND 0 = ISNULL(o.parent_object_id,
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.relative_type = @u
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- rules referenced by types
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT o.object_id ,
    o.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @rule ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.types AS tp ON tp.user_type_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = tp.rule_object_id
    AND 0 = ISNULL(o.parent_object_id,
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.relative_type = @uddt
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- XmlSchemaCollections referenced by tables
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT x.xml_collection_id ,
    x.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(x.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @xml ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.columns AS c ON c.object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.xml_schema_collections AS x ON x.xml_collection_id = c.xml_collection_id
    AND x.schema_id != 4
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @u
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- XmlSchemaCollections referenced by tabletypes
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT x.xml_collection_id ,
    x.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(x.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @xml ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.table_types AS tt ON tt.user_type_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.columns AS c ON c.object_id = tt.type_table_object_id
    JOIN sys.xml_schema_collections AS x ON x.xml_collection_id = c.xml_collection_id
    AND x.schema_id != 4
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @udtt
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- XmlSchemaCollections referenced by procedures
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT x.xml_collection_id ,
    x.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(x.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @xml ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.parameters AS c ON c.object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.xml_schema_collections AS x ON x.xml_collection_id = c.xml_collection_id
    AND x.schema_id != 4
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type IN ( @sp, @udf )
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- table referenced by table
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT tbl.object_id ,
    tbl.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    @u ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.foreign_keys AS fk ON fk.parent_object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.tables AS tbl ON tbl.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @u
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- uddts referenced by uda
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT tp.user_type_id ,
    tp.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(tp.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    CASE WHEN tp.is_table_type = 1 THEN @udtt
    WHEN tp.is_assembly_type = 1 THEN @udt
    ELSE @uddt
    END ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.parameters AS p ON p.object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.types AS tp ON tp.user_type_id = p.user_type_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @uda
    AND t.object_type = @uda
    AND tp.user_type_id > 256;
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- assembly referenced by assembly
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT asm.assembly_id ,
    asm.name ,
    t.object_db ,
    @assm ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.assembly_references AS ar ON ( ( ar.assembly_id = t.object_id )
    AND ( ar.referenced_assembly_id >= 65536 )
    JOIN sys.assemblies AS asm ON asm.assembly_id = ar.referenced_assembly_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @assm
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- assembly referenced by udt
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT asm.assembly_id ,
    asm.name ,
    t.object_db ,
    @assm ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.assembly_types AS at ON ( ( at.user_type_id = t.object_id )
    AND ( at.is_user_defined = 1 )
    JOIN sys.assemblies AS asm ON asm.assembly_id = at.assembly_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @udt
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- assembly referenced by udf, sp, uda, trigger
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT asm.assembly_id ,
    asm.name ,
    t.object_db ,
    @assm ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.assembly_modules AS am ON ( ( am.object_id = t.object_id )
    AND ( am.assembly_id >= 65536 )
    JOIN sys.assemblies AS asm ON asm.assembly_id = am.assembly_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type IN ( @udf, @sp, @uda, @tr )
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- Partition Schemes referenced by tables/views
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT ps.data_space_id ,
    ps.name ,
    t.object_db ,
    @part_sch ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.indexes AS idx ON idx.object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.partition_schemes AS ps ON ps.data_space_id = idx.data_space_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type IN ( @u, @v )
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- Partition Function referenced by Partition Schemes
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT pf.function_id ,
    pf.name ,
    t.object_db ,
    @part_func ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.partition_schemes AS ps ON ps.data_space_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.partition_functions AS pf ON pf.function_id = ps.function_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @part_sch
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- sp, udf, triggers referenced by plan guide
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT o.object_id ,
    o.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    ( CASE o.type
    WHEN 'P' THEN @sp
    WHEN 'TR' THEN @tr
    ELSE @udf
    END ) ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.plan_guides AS pg ON pg.plan_guide_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = pg.scope_object_id
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @pg
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- objects referenced by synonym
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT o.object_id ,
    o.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    ( CASE WHEN o.type = 'U' THEN @u
    WHEN o.type = 'V' THEN @v
    WHEN o.type IN ( 'P', 'RF', 'PC' )
    THEN @sp
    WHEN o.type = 'AF' THEN @uda
    ELSE @udf
    END ) ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    0 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.synonyms AS s ON s.object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = OBJECT_ID(s.base_object_name)
    AND o.type IN ( 'U',
    'V', 'P', 'RF',
    'PC', 'AF', 'TF',
    'FN', 'IF', 'FS',
    'FT' )
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @synonym
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    -- uddt referenced by sequence. Used to find UDDT that is in sequence dependencies.
    INSERT #t1
    ( object_id ,
    object_name ,
    object_schema ,
    object_db ,
    object_type ,
    relative_id ,
    relative_name ,
    relative_schema ,
    relative_db ,
    relative_type ,
    schema_bound ,
    SELECT tp.user_type_id ,
    tp.name ,
    SCHEMA_NAME(tp.schema_id) ,
    t.object_db ,
    CASE tp.is_assembly_type
    WHEN 1 THEN @udt
    ELSE @uddt
    END ,
    t.object_id ,
    t.object_name ,
    t.object_schema ,
    t.object_db ,
    t.object_type ,
    1 ,
    @iter_no + 1
    FROM #t1 AS t
    JOIN sys.sequences AS s ON s.object_id = t.object_id
    JOIN sys.types AS tp ON tp.user_type_id = s.user_type_id
    AND tp.schema_id != 4
    WHERE @iter_no = t.rank
    AND t.object_type = @sequence
    AND ( t.object_svr IS NULL
    AND t.object_db = DB_NAME()
    SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount;

    SET @iter_no = @iter_no + 1;

    UPDATE #t1
    SET rank = 0;
    -- computing the degree of the nodes
    UPDATE #t1
    SET degree = ( SELECT COUNT(*)
    FROM #t1 t
    WHERE t.relative_id = #t1.object_id
    AND t.object_id != t.relative_id

    -- perform the topological sorting
    SET @iter_no = 1;
    WHILE 1 = 1
    UPDATE #t1
    SET rank = @iter_no
    WHERE degree = 0;
    -- end the loop if no more rows left to process
    IF ( @@rowcount = 0 )
    UPDATE #t1
    SET degree = NULL
    WHERE rank = @iter_no;

    UPDATE #t1
    SET degree = ( SELECT COUNT(*)
    FROM #t1 t
    WHERE t.relative_id = #t1.object_id
    AND t.object_id != t.relative_id
    AND t.object_id IN ( SELECT
    FROM #t1 tt
    tt.rank = 0 )
    WHERE degree IS NOT NULL;

    SET @iter_no = @iter_no + 1;

    --correcting naming mistakes of objects present in current database
    --This part need to be removed once SMO's URN comparision gets fixed
    DECLARE @collation sysname;
    DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR
    ISNULL(object_db, DB_NAME())
    FROM #t1 AS t
    WHERE t.object_id IS NOT NULL
    AND t.object_svr IS NULL;
    OPEN db_cursor;
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname;
    WHILE ( @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1 )
    IF ( DB_ID(@dbname) IS NULL )
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname;

    SET @collation = ( SELECT CONVERT(sysname, DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@dbname,
    SET @query = 'update #t1 set #t1.object_name = o.name,#t1.object_schema = sch.name from #t1 inner join '
    + QUOTENAME(@dbname)
    + '.sys.objects as o on #t1.object_id = o.object_id inner join '
    + QUOTENAME(@dbname)
    + '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = o.schema_id where o.name = #t1.object_name collate '
    + @collation + ' and sch.name = #t1.object_schema collate '
    + @collation;
    EXEC (@query);

    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname;
    CLOSE db_cursor;
    DEALLOCATE db_cursor;

    --final select
    SELECT ISNULL(t.object_id, 0) AS [object_id] ,
    t.object_name ,
    ISNULL(t.object_schema, '') AS [object_schema] ,
    ISNULL(t.object_db, '') AS [object_db] ,
    ISNULL(t.object_svr, '') AS [object_svr] ,
    t.object_type ,
    ISNULL(t.relative_id, 0) AS [relative_id] ,
    t.relative_name ,
    ISNULL(t.relative_schema, '') AS [relative_schema] ,
    relative_db ,
    ISNULL(t.relative_svr, '') AS [relative_svr] ,
    t.relative_type ,
    t.schema_bound ,
    ISNULL(CASE WHEN p.type = 'U' THEN @u
    WHEN p.type = 'V' THEN @v
    END, 0) AS [ptype] ,
    ISNULL(p.name, '') AS [pname] ,
    ISNULL(SCHEMA_NAME(p.schema_id), '') AS [pschema]
    FROM #t1 AS t
    LEFT JOIN sys.objects AS o ON ( t.object_type = @tr
    AND o.object_id = t.object_id
    OR ( t.relative_type = @tr
    AND o.object_id = t.relative_id
    LEFT JOIN sys.objects AS p ON p.object_id = o.parent_object_id
    ORDER BY rank DESC;
    --SELECT * FROM #t1
    --SELECT * FROM #tempdep
    --SELECT * FROM #t2

    DROP TABLE #t1;
    DROP TABLE #t2;
    DROP TABLE #tempdep;

    IF @must_set_nocount_off > 0

  • 相关阅读:
    js中的计时器事件`setTimeout()` 和 `setInterval()`
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qanholas/p/5276281.html
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