• 自己写的无缝滚动字幕marquee,上下左右皆可滚动,兼容FF


    // JavaScript Document
     var Marquee = function(id){
      function $(id){return document.getElementById(id);}
      var m = this, div = $(id), inner, width, height, style, direct;
      inner = div.innerHTML; direct = 1;
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      this.interval = 100; this.step = 1; this.timer = null;
      this.stop = function(){ window.clearTimeout(m.timer); m.timer = null;}
      this.Continue = function(){switch(direct){case 1:m.MoveLeft();break;case 2:m.MoveRight();break;
       case 3:m.MoveUp();break;case 4:m.MoveDown();break;default:m.MoveLeft();break;}}
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       ldiv.innerHTML = rdiv.innerHTML = inner;
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      function marquee_left(){
       if(div.scrollLeft - m.width >= 0){div.scrollLeft -= m.width;}else{div.scrollLeft += m.step;}
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      function marquee_up(){
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         direct=3; m.timer = window.setTimeout(marquee_up, m.interval);
      function marquee_down(){
       if(div.scrollTop <= 0){div.scrollTop += m.height;}else{div.scrollTop -= m.step;}
         direct=4; m.timer = window.setTimeout(marquee_down, m.interval);


    <script language="javascript" src="marquee.js"></script>
    <IMG onMouseOver="moveThis('left')" style="cursor: pointer" onmouseout=moveout() height=30
                      src="images/goleft.gif" width=8>
     <div id="odiv" style=" height:78px;">
         <a href="news_content.asp?id=337" target="_blank" title="公交部分线路改道通告">
         <a href="news_content.asp?id=211" target="_blank" title="关于组织实施“提升公交形象百日行动计划”的意见">
         <a href="news_content.asp?id=158" target="_blank" title="春运简报第20期">
    <script language="javascript">
     var mar = new Marquee("odiv");
     mar.width = 300; mar.height = 200;
     mar.step = 3;mar.interval = 100;
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    <IMG onMouseOver="moveThis('right')" style="CURSOR: pointer" onmouseout=moveout() height=30
                      src="images/goright.gif" width=8>

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